MainWP Blog

Execute Backups in Chunks

    MainWP Dashboard allows you to set your backup tasks to run in chunks. That means that after you create a backup task, MainWP starts creating backup files for the first 5 sites. After the first five is done, the plugin is waiting for two minutes, and then continues with the next five sites, and so on until all sites are backed up. To do that go to: MainWP > Settings > Global Option tab and locate the Backup Options options box. There set the “Execute backup tasks in chunks” option to YES: When executing backups in chunks, you

WordPress SEO by Yoast Update

We have had three users notify us that when they run the latest update from WordPress SEO by Yoast it causes the sites to throw a 404 error.  So far it only appears to affect sites using custom post types. At this point we are trying to track down the issue and recommend you do not update WordPress SEO by Yoast until we determine the issue. In the meantime if you have updated the plugin I would recommend doing a quick spot check of your sites and if you have an issue it can be resolved by re-saving your permalinks. If you

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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