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MainWP How To's
Todd Jones

MainWP plus WooCommerce Subscriptions is a maintenance machine

  Ever wondered how you can build a self-contained WordPress maintenance machine to add an additional revenue stream? WooCommerce combined with MainWP can be used to complete the loop of a self-contained WordPress maintenance business with the help of WooCommerce’s Subscriptions plugin.  Here at MainWP, we provide the goods to help website developers build a WordPress Care service and help them build an extra revenue stream. No doubt, you have been searching for a solution to managing the multiple WordPress installs that you are your agency manages. You have tried other services and have been left wanting more. For instance,

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Privacy laws apply to businesses that collect personal information. Since no personal information is collected by the MainWP plugins, no privacy laws apply to the MainWP plugins. This includes GDPR, UK DPA 2018, PIPEDA, Australia Privacy Act 1988, LGPD, PIPL, and other privacy laws.
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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