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Troubleshoot WP Cron Job Issues
MainWP How To's
Sebastian Moran

Using WP-CLI to Troubleshoot WP Cron Job Issues on a Child Site

Sometimes you will run into issues on your child sites which are being caused by active cron jobs. Cron jobs are recurring tasks that need to be run on a site. Most of the time, cron jobs are created by the active plugins (e.g., these cron events all running due to WooCommerce): woocommerce_cancel_unpaid_orders woocommerce_cleanup_sessions woocommerce_cleanup_personal_data woocommerce_cleanup_logs woocommerce_scheduled_sales woocommerce_geoip_updater delete_expired_transients delete_version_transients Cron Events There are ways to view all cron jobs on a child site by using a plugin like WP Crontrol. In this post, we are going to use the many options that WP-CLI has related to cron jobs. There

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