MainWP Blog

Bogdan Rapaic

Quick way to remove Broken Link Checker plugin from your Child Sites

Recently, WP Scan disclosed the vulnerability in the current version (1.11.8) of the Broken Link Checker plugin. As per WP Scan: “The plugin is still affected and won’t be fixed according to the original advisory”. Since the fix is not expected, we strongly recommend removing the plugin for your WordPress sites and finding an alternative. Here is how you can easily remove the plugin from your sites from your MainWP Dashboard: Go to the MainWP > Plugins > Manage Plugins page Select All your Child Sites Select Active status In the Search Options field, enter “Broken Link Checker” keyword Click

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How to Use the WP Rollback Plugin

It is worth knowing how to rollback plugins or themes on a site, due to either the current version of the plugin having a bug or a current version of a plugin causing a conflict with another active plugin. The plugin which allows you to easily rollback a plugin is WP Rollback. After you have installed and activated the plugin in the plugin list, in wp-admin next to deactivate Rollback will show. When you select rollback next to the plugin that you want to rollback to a previous version, the next screen will show all versions of the plugin which

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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