MainWP Blog

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Dealing with the PS5 and XBox Series X/S Effect on your Site

This holiday season two of the hardest to purchase tech products have been the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X/S. Major retailers have been struggling to deal with issues like their e-commerce sites crashing or creating errors on cart or checkout or having to turn cart and checkout off on the sites or adding default pages in place of product pages to cope with the demand of customers and scalper bots. We are going to deal with one of the most commonly used plugins for e-commerce in WordPress which is WooCommerce. WooCommerce on a solid host with a well-selected

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Useful Code Snippets for WordPress 5.6

The newest version of WordPress version 5.6 was released on the 8th of December. Some of the new features and changes added in the 5.6 release relate to block patterns in the block editor, a new default theme, application password, better video captioning, and PHP 8.0 support. To disable the application passwords feature in WordPress you can use this code snippet; add_filter( ‘wp_is_application_passwords_available’, ‘__return_false’ ); The reason you might need to disable the application password feature in WordPress is that can be a security risk. You can disable the application passwords feature for specific users as well using this code

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the CompressWP Plugin and Service on your child sites

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday coming up very soon one of the easiest ways to improve the front-end load times on your sites is to make sure that all site images have been optimized. There is a pretty recent new service and plugin for WordPress called CompressWP. After you have installed and activated the plugin it will add a new menu called; CompressWP CompressWP will be able to optimize JPG and PNG images which are two of the most popular image formats that exist in your media library. Other image formats will be supported in the future. In order

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the ImageKit Service on your Child Sites For Faster Site Images

If you are looking for an alternative option for being able to serve images in the correct optimized image format for customers then ImageKit is worth checking out. ImageKit includes automatic image optimization, will work with a number of external object storage options such as AWS S3, Digital Ocean Spaces, Google Cloud Storage, and Firebase. ImageKit uses AWS Cloudfront as the built-in global fast CDN for serving out site images. Imagekit will also integrate with a number of CDN providers such as Azure, Fastly, and Google CDN. First, you will need to signup for an ImageKit account on their site.

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using a plugin to help serve WebP Images on your site

Having a fast site which serves the smallest sized optimized images is something that everyone wants. We have already covered options within the ShortPixel CDN and if using the Polish feature in the Cloudflare CDN. We are going to cover two other plugin options to be able to serve site images in the next-gen WebP image format. The first plugin that we are going to cover is the WebP Express plugin. After you have installed and activated the plugin you can access the settings from; Settings > WebP Express The operation mode by default will be set to be varied

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How to Disable Major WordPress Core Updates in WordPress 5.6

WordPress 5.6 which is on track to be released on the 8th December includes a new opt-in feature for major WordPress core auto-updates. There is a filter that will be added in WordPress 5.6 which means that the auto-updates feature can be disabled using a code snippet. MainWP offers a solid extension that allows code snippets to be executed on all connected child sites. add_filter( ‘allow_major_auto_core_updates’, ‘_return_false’ ); If you want to keep the UI but not have it checked by default then you can use this constant in the sites wp-config.php. This would mean that auto-updates for WordPress core

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Minimal Clean Theme Options for your Child Sites

Being able to find new theme options that are not bloated and are performance-based can be a struggle to have to look through which works well. One of the newer themes is Blocksy which is performance-focused. The Blocksy theme works with page builders like Beaver Builder, Elementor, and the block editor in WordPress core. Blocksy has a child theme which can be installed, along with a companion plugin which extends the feature of the Blocksy theme. The theme includes a number of built-in performance options such as dynamic CSS output, lazy loading, and being able to disable emojis. One of

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using Plausible Analytics on your Child Sites

If you are looking for a privacy-focused, lightweight, and simple web analytics solution for your child sites, then I would recommend looking at using Plausible Analytics. Plausible Analytics script is only 1KB in size which means it will not slow your site down by having to load a number of scripts on load like a number of other analytics solutions like say Google Analytics. You can sign up for a free 30 day trial that does not require a credit card and then if you decide that Plausible Analytics is the right solution for your site then the pricing starts

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Useful Code Snippets for the ShortPixel Image Optimizer

ShortPixel is a well-used plugin for image optimization on sites. The plugin includes a number of filters and constants. You can hide your ShortPixel API key from the plugin’s settings by defining the API key in a constant in the sites wp-config.php file. Replace out the APIKEY with your actual API key for ShortPixel. define(‘SHORTPIXEL_API_KEY’, ‘APIKEY’); define(‘SHORTPIXEL_HIDE_API_KEY’, true); If you are using the ShortPixel plugin and service on sites which are hosted on FlyWheel then you might run into an error saying that flock (file locking) has been disabled for security reasons by using this constant in your sites wp-config.php

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the AcyMailing plugin for Sending Email Newsletters

Being able to send reliable newsletters from your site is a complex issue to deal with. There are a number of plugins out there for sending out email newsletters from your site. One of the best options for being able to send email newsletters is the AcyMailing plugin. The AcyMailing plugin adds a clean UI into wp-admin after the plugins have been installed and activated. Go through the configuration settings in AcyMailing to setup the mail settings first. You can use your own SMTP server or an external SMTP server such as Gmail or Elastic Mail. Next, you will need

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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