== MainWP Dashboard Changelog == = 5.0.2 - 3-14-2024 = * Fixed: Tag-related cost display issues in the child site widget. * Fixed: Tooltip positioning anomalies on the Insights page. * Fixed: Incorrect extension slugs affecting main navigation for SEOPress, Custom Post Types, and Vulnerability Checker. * Fixed: The reconnect site button functionality by adding the missing icon class. * Fixed: An uncaught type error on the site-specific themes update page. * Added: Cost Summary: a new widgetized page for financial oversight. * Added: Widgets for "Payments Left for This Month," "Upcoming Renewals" (monthly and yearly), "Monthly Totals," and "Annual Expense Distribution by Category" on the Cost Summary page. * Added: Filtering system and the ability to save filter segments on the 'Manage Costs' page. * Added: Feature for saving icons or custom images for costs. * Added: Color picker tool for product categories and cost items. * Added: Option to arrange default columns in the 'Manage Cost' table. * Updated: Central alignment for WP Core, Plugins, and Themes columns in 'Manage Sites.' * Updated: Automatically reveal the site filters row upon any filter application. * Updated: Amended tag deletion confirmation to correctly reference 'tag' instead of 'group.' * Updated: Changed background colors for the second-level navigation menu and the Collapse button in the classic theme. * Updated: Introduced a new menu item for WPvivid under 'Backups.' * Updated: ID attributes for second-level menu items in extension categories. * Updated: Adjusted modal close icon color in Minimalistic and WP Admin themes. * Updated: Refined default column layout in the 'Manage Cost' table. * Updated: Updated display icons for Single-Site and Multi-Site licenses. * Updated: Enhanced display of cost type column content. * Updated: Visual update to show payment methods with icons. * Updated: Moved 'Edit Notes' to the actions menu. * Updated: Updated 'Cost Tracker' column in 'Manage Sites' and 'Manage Clients' for 30-Day Cost Forecast visibility. [See Video Changelog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuD0T3Mfmuw) = 5.0.1 - 2-29-2024 = * Fixed: Display of incorrect currency symbols in the add and edit cost forms. * Fixed: Incorrect link for the WooCommerce Status extension in the menu. * Fixed: "Invalid request" error during post and page publication. * Fixed: Inaccurate background color in the API Backups action bar. * Fixed: Displaying unformatted dates in the Client Info widget. * Fixed: Misalignment of icon button menus in the Recent Posts and Recent Pages widgets. * Fixed: Issue with the Solid Security menu item. * Fixed: Problems loading widget placeholder images. * Fixed: Purchase Date field on the New/Edit Cost page saving incorrect dates with some WordPress languages. * Fixed: Display of lifetime purchases as a weekly cost in Site and Client widgets and the Manage Sites table. * Fixed: Costs assigned to a Tag being incorrectly shown for sites not in that Tag. * Fixed: "Renews at" date appearing one day early. * Fixed: Editing and saving entries with a defined Slug, including a duplication check. * Fixed: Cost price field tooltip for clearer instructions * Added: A page reload method after deleting Plesk backups to ensure the UI is immediately updated. * Updated: Changed the cost status label from "Activate" to "Active" for clarity. * Updated: Close icon in modals for dark theme for better visibility. * Updated: Z-index value of modal dimmers to ensure proper layering. * Updated: Notice style for the API Backups feature for enhanced readability. * Updated: Style of icon buttons for Plesk backup actions for consistency. * Updated: Prevention of auto-filling in the MainWP Main API Key field for usability. = 5.0 - 2-27-2024 = * Added: Support for cPanel (WP Toolkit) API Backups to enable easier backup management for users utilizing cPanel, enhancing data protection. * Added: Support for Plesk (WP Toolkit) API Backups to facilitate backup management for users on Plesk, improving data security. * Added: Dashboard insights module to provide users with a comprehensive overview of their dashboard's activity. * Added: Cost Tracker module to efficiently manage and monitor costs with a comprehensive dashboard * Added: Shadow effect to widgets, tables, and buttons UI elements to improve the visual hierarchy and make the interface more user-friendly. * Added: Button to hide and show sites filter form element to offer users more control over their UI experience, allowing them to customize the visibility of filter forms. * Added: Info messages for the Basic Uptime Monitoring and Site Health Monitoring options in the Quick setup wizard to improve user understanding. * Added: Info messages about Clients on the Client creation step in the Quick setup wizard for enhanced clarity. * Added: Icons to indicate external links for better user experience. * Added: The Remove site icon next to the site name in the page header for easier site management. * Added: A custom illustration as a placeholder for empty widgets to enhance the visual appeal. * Added: A blur effect for the Modal background overlay to improve focus on the modal content. * Added: Created the Site actions dropdown menu on the page title (site name) in site mode for streamlined site management. * Added: Extensions links to the main navigation for easier access to extensions. * Added: Extensions categories menu links to improve navigation and user experience. * Added: Non-MainWP Changes page to the Sites submenu for enhanced site management capabilities. * Added: Indicator for the active tab item in the Install Extensions modal to improve usability. * Fixed: Text alignment in mini button and mini label UI elements to correct UI inconsistencies and enhance readability. * Fixed: Default widgets layout on the Overview page and Client view page to improve the initial user experience by optimizing the placement of widgets for better information access. * Fixed: Padding of the toggle buttons for the Basic Uptime Monitoring and Site Health Monitoring options in the Quick setup wizard for better alignment. * Fixed: Overlay issue in the Plugin card element to improve visual clarity and user interaction. * Fixed: The padding issues for the Walkthrough button in the Quick setup wizard for improved UI consistency. * Updated: Content for various tooltip elements to provide clearer explanations and guidance, enhancing user understanding. * Updated: Content for various form option label elements to improve clarity and help users make more informed decisions. * Updated: Order of loading widgets sequence so new widgets get to the bottom to streamline the addition of new widgets, ensuring a cleaner and more organized presentation. * Updated: Changed the default accent color to refresh the UI with a more modern and appealing look. * Updated: Changed link color to improve readability and contrast. * Updated: Merged the Get Support, Managed Community, My MainWP Account, WP Admin, and Log Out buttons into a single dropdown menu to simplify the interface, making it cleaner and reducing clutter. * Updated: Renamed the Sync Dashboard with Sites button to Sync Sites to clarify the button's function, making it more intuitive for users. * Updated: Redesigned the page navigation element for a more intuitive and user-friendly navigation experience. * Updated: Redesigned the Show/Hide second-level navigation button to make the UI more intuitive and the navigation experience smoother. * Updated: Reduced the maximal width for the site URL and name columns in the Manage Sites table to optimize space and improve readability. * Updated: Increased the site favicon size to 28px and extracted it to a separate column to enhance visual recognition and organization of sites. * Updated: Reduced the content width on the Privacy Policy page to improve readability by optimizing text line lengths. * Updated: Renamed the Action Logs page to Custom Event Monitor to better reflect the page's purpose and content. * Updated: Renamed mainwp_cronstats_action to mainwp_cronreconnect_action tor clarity and to better describe its functionality. * Updated: Redesigned the Page title on the Individual site and Client page to improve clarity and visual appeal. * Updated: Reduced the resize increments for flexible widgets to offer more precise control over widget sizing, enhancing customization. * Updated: Changed default font to Inter font family to modernize the interface with a more readable and aesthetically pleasing font. * Updated: Moved the sites filter form element under the actions bar to optimize the UI layout for better usability. * Updated: The Demo mode info content to be hidden if the number of connected sites is higher than zero to avoid clutter. * Updated: The font size for the Update Everything button for better visibility. * Updated: The style of the widgets placeholder for the drag and drop functionality to improve user interaction. * Updated: Font color for widget titles for better readability. * Updated: Modal header, footer background color, border radius, and close icon location for a consistent design language. * Updated: Modal background overlay color for better visual integration. * Updated: The option label for the Automatic daily sync time and Automatic update frequency options in the Settings for clearer communication. * Updated: The order of Extensions and the REST API menu items for more intuitive navigation. * Updated: The Sync Sites button to an icon button for a cleaner interface. * Updated: The Add New items button group to a single dropdown menu button for a simplified UI. * Updated: Increased list items padding for enhanced readability and interaction. * Updated: The Settings menu item from the Main navigation to the header menu element to streamline the navigation structure. * Updated: The Info menu item from the Main navigation to the header menu element for a more organized layout. * Updated: The Security Scan feature to "Site Hardening" to better reflect the feature's purpose. * Updated: The sun icon in the Change theme icon button to a color palette for a more intuitive representation of the theme change functionality. * Updated: Automatic daily sync default frequency to 12 times per day to enhance synchronization efficiency. * Updated: Renamed the "Optimize for shared hosting and big networks" option label to "Optimize data loading" for clearer understanding. * Updated: Limit the number of Non-MainWP changes to 50 by default to maintain dashboard performance. * Updated: "Optimize data loading" to enabled by default, facilitating improved performance out of the box for all users. * Updated: The page navigation from a horizontal to a vertical layout to better utilize space and improve navigation. * Updated: Moved the Monitoring menu item under the Monitoring category for a more organized menu structure. * Updated: Updated the phpSecLib library to enhance security and performance. * Updated: Widget titles in the Page Settings modal on the Insights page for clearer identification. * Updated: Loader element for the process of validating the MainWP API key, improving feedback and usability during the validation process. * Removed: The Jump to Site dropdown menu from the individual Overview page header to streamline the interface and reduce redundancy, focusing on a cleaner navigation experience. = - 1-9-2024 = * Fixed: Issues with broken cron jobs, ensuring that scheduled tasks are executed reliably and efficiently. * Fixed: Implementation of PHPSecLib in localhost environments. * Fixed: A problem with SSL verification when using PHPSecLib, to improve security and stability during SSL communications. * Fixed: Incorrect firing of the automated check for available updates, ensuring automatic updates perform correctly. = 4.6 - 1-3-2024 = * Refactored: Updated and optimized the plugin codebase to align with the latest WordPress coding standards, contributing to better compatibility and performance. * Fixed: An issue with the status icon not displaying correctly during the Re-establish Connection process, enhancing the user's ability to monitor connection status effectively. * Fixed: The absence of "Next Run" information in the Cron Schedules table, providing complete and accurate scheduling data is visible. * Fixed: The display and functionality of the Clients table length menu, offering a smoother user interaction when adjusting table views. * Fixed: Issues with overlapping tooltip elements in the "Add New" dropdown menu items, improving clarity and usability of the navigation interface. [See Video Changelog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wmDS3_c_T0) = - 11-27-2023 = * Fixed: An issue where the SEOPress for MainWP extension was incorrectly marked as not installed in the Install Extensions modal. * Fixed: The sorting mechanism in the Error Log table to ensure accurate row ordering. * Added: An "All" option to the Error Log table length menu for comprehensive viewing. * Added: A feature to preserve the Error Log table's user-configured settings for a consistent user experience. * Added: A "Client" selection option in the "Add New" dropdown of the header element, enhancing user navigation. * Added: A ribbon label indicator on the extension card to signal when an extension's license is not activated, providing clearer license status visibility. * Tweaked: The extension card element by removing the redundant license key input field, simplifying the user interface. * Tweaked: The unnecessary "Activate License" button in the extension card element to reduce interface clutter. * Tweaked: The license management button icon in the extension card element's button group for a more intuitive user experience. * Security: Improved request validation in AJAX requests. * Security: Enhanced security in the sync logic by ensuring proper sanitization of certain parameters. [See Video Changelog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAVUqvrkgLA) = - 11-20-2023 = * Fixed: Rendering inconsistency for Theme icons when the Screenshot image utilizes JPG format. * Updated: The required WordPress version information displayed on the Info > Server page to ensure accuracy and current standards. * Updated: The minimum PHP Memory Limit to 256MB displayed on the Info > Server page, aligning with optimal performance requirements. [See Video Changelog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrAXXLyvI_E) = 4.5.3 - 11-6-2023 = * Added: A verification check for the WordPress REST API to ensure it is not inadvertently disabled, maintaining necessary functionality. * Added: The `mainwp_synced_all_sites` action hook within the update check process. [See Video Changelog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA2YSualmkQ) = 4.5.2 - 10-16-2023 = * Added: Dashboard Insights logging * Added: cURL Version info in the Site Info widget * Added: OpenSSL Version info in the Site Info widget [See Video Changelog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rA2Ub0xYxU) = - 9-27-2023 = * Fixed: An issue with processing MainWP cron events * Fixed: An issue with reconnecting disconnected sites * Fixed: Typo in the Client info widget * Fixed: Layout issue where the side content element drops down on specific zoom levels * Fixed: Missing plugin wp.org link in plugin info modal * Added: `mainwp-update-all-button` CSS class to all "Update All" buttons * Added: System check to detect if the `tmpfile()` PHP function is disabled * Updated: Default page length in the Non-MainWP Changes widget * Updated: Tag options fields sanitation * Tweaked: Basic button border replaced with inset shadow in the dark theme [See Video Changelog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVpwmcUe1y4) = - 9-14-2023 = * Fixed: An issue with menu items overlapping on smaller screens * Fixed: Overflow issue in the Select Sites element tabular menu * Fixed: Missing plugin wp.org link in plugin info modal * Fixed: Suspend Sites button not working in the Cilent Overview widget * Added: Usetiful trigger for the Demo Mode tour * Added: Missing menu items in the mobile menu element * Updated: Breakpoint for displaying the Mobile menu element to 1100px = - 9-6-2023 = * Fixed: Bug with triggering Plugin updates in bulk from the Plugins Updates page = 4.5.1 - 9-5-2023 = * Fixed: An issue with displaying cron job schedules * Fixed: A problem with displaying changelogs for specific Premium plugins * Fixed: Problem with inaccurate search * Fixed: Problem with loading icons on the Site Security page * Added: The Demo Mode feature * Added: The Import Demo Content button to the Tools page * Added: The Import Demo Content button to the Quick Setup Wizard * Added: Add Client step in the Quick Setup Wizard * Added: New Client status `Lost` * Added: New Client status `Lead` * Added: Tracking timestamp when the Client is created * Added: Option to set a date when the Client is created * Added: The Reset OpenSSL Key Pair feature * Added: Page title on the Import Sites page * Added: `stackable` class to multiple Grid elements * Updated: Multiple improvements for responsive styles * Updated: The Quick Setup Wizard welcome page * Updated: The Connect step in the Quick Setup Wizard so only one site can be connected during the process * Updated: Renamed the Create New Contact button to Add Additional Contact on the Client Add and Edit page. = - 8-17-2023 = * Fixed: An issue with showing the wrong Non-MainWP Changes in the Client Overview page widget * Fixed: An issue with dismissing the notice after Turning On auto-updates for the MainWP Child plugin * Updated: Selection logic for the OpenSSL signature verification algorithm = 4.5 - 8-15-2023 = * Fixed: Multiple jQuery deprecation notices * Fixed: Background issue for fixed columns * Fixed: Label text color in multi-select dropdown elements * Fixed: Button text overflow issues * Added: PHPSecLib as a fallback for missing or Misconfigured OpenSSL * Added: Option to select OpenSSL signature verification algorithm * Added: Permissions for the REST API keys * Added: Recent Posts widget to the Client Overview page * Added: Recent Pages widget to the Client Overview page * Added: Non-MainWP Changes widget to the Client Overview page * Added: Tooltip element for yellow exclamation mark indicating that sync process timed out * Added: Jump to WP Admin icon link to feedback when the Update process fails for a child site * Added: New encryption & decryption system for safer storing sensitive data * Added: Flexible Widgets * Added: "Not installed" status to search options in Manage Plugins and Themes page * Added: Per Site view in the Manage Plugins and Themes page * Added: New PHPCodeSniffer rulesets * Added: Info for the upcoming Extension * Updated: Main navigation layout * Updated: Removed MD5 as a fallback for setups where OpenSSL is not available = - 7-26-2023 = * Security: Added `tag` parameter value validation on the Manage Clients page = - 6-19-2023 = * Added: Upcoming extension info data * Fixed: An issue with the negative search feature * Updated: Plugin info in readme.txt file = - 6-8-2023 = * Added: Check if `error_log()` PHP function is disabled on the server to prevent potential errors * Fixed: Auto-focus sites filter field when the Sites sidebar shows * Fixed: Issues with displaying updates per group * Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings * Fixed: Overflow-x issue with the Install Extensions menu = - 5-25-2023 = * Fixed: An issue with displaying a Tag color in the Tags menu * Fixed: Hue slider not working in the Tag color picker * Fixed: Error with loading Plugin info in the Updates table * Added: Horizontal scroll in the Updates table on specific screen resolutions = 4.4.3 - 5-24-2023 = * Fixed: Incorrect response code when adding site via WP CLI * Fixed: An issue with saving the auto-update MainWP Child plugin option * Added: Ability to add custom colors for Tags * Added: Feature to create tags based on site selection in the Select Sites element * Added: Timestamp when child site is connected * Added: Production site warning to the Quick Setup Wizard * Added: `non-mainwp-changes` REST API endpoint * Added: `non-mainwp-changes-count` REST API endpoint * Added: Option to update date when child site is connected * Added: Connected on Manage Sites column * Updated: Fomantic UI framework version * Updated: Show Consumer Secret and Key as plain text until the keys are saved * Updated: Edit REST API Key edit screen = 4.4.2 - 5-9-2023 = * Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings * Added: Required plugin check for the Pro Reports extension * Added: Support for selecting sites by Client in Pro Reports extension * Added: Ability to create multiple authentication credentials for the MainWP REST API * Updated: Moved the MainWP REST API settings page to the top-level navigation = 4.4.1 - 4-18-2023 = * Fixed: Incorrect feedback after a failed update for Premium plugins * Fixed: An issue with removing allowed tags in post titles * Fixed: Incorrect rendering of the error message when an update fails * Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings * Added: Support for suspending sites via REST API * Added: Check for specific hosts that disable WordPress Core updates for users * Added: Support to check changelogs and plugin info for premium plugins * Added: New parameter to the `mainwp_sync_website` filter to avoid call session end * Updated: Info message for an attempt to create an already existing client contact * Updated: Updates process to prevent updates for Premium plugins from reappearing after a sync when updates fail * Updated: Error message for an attempt to reconnect site where Imunify360 blocks requests * Updated: Tour IDs information * Updated: Guided tours notification = - 3-30-2023 = * Fixed: An issue with loading per user-selected language * Fixed: A problem caused by empty space in the URL field in Add new site form * Fixed: PHP Warning in Quick Setup Wizard * Added: Search extensions feature to the Install Extensions modal * Added: Filter to show extensions by type to the Install Extensions modal * Added: Display logic for new guided tours * Added: Ability to turn off guided tours in the Help Sidebar * Updated: Search Extensions field on the Extensions page * Updated: Import sites process display = - 3-16-2023 = * Fixed: Conflict with the SVG Support plugin * Fixed: Undefined variable PHP warning * Fixed: Undefined array key PHP warning * Fixed: Issue with overlapping menu items on smaller screens * Added: Termageddon for MainWP extension info * Added: Ability to enable the Guided Tours option to the Help sidebar * Updated: Delete Non-MainWP changes process to delete actions from child sites = - 3-9-2023 = * Fixed: An issue with displaying Non-MainWP changes * Fixed: Content overlapping issue on smaller screens in the Plugin and the Theme card element * Added: Imunify360 blocking connection detection * Added: Option to Page Settings to hide unwanted columns on the Manage Posts page * Added: Option to Page Settings to hide unwanted columns on the Manage Pages page * Added: Option to Page Settings to hide unwanted columns on the Manage Users page * Added: Option to update only selected plugins and themes on the individual site Updates page * Added: Feature to easily install plugins required by extensions that integrate with 3rd party plugin * Added: `NEW` label to mark recently released extensions on the Extensions page * Added: `NEW` label to mark recently released extensions in the Install Extensions modal * Updated: Increased the PHP version minimal requirement to PHP 7.4 * Updated: Renamed cURL SSL Version check to OpenSSL check on the Server Information page * Removed: Redundant code = - 2-22-2023 = * Fixed: An issue with deleting Non-MainWP changes * Added: Option to remove the Clients widget from the Overview page * Added: Info notice for guided tours feature = 4.4 - 2-20-2023 = * Fixed: An issue with disappearing Sync Sites button on specific screen sizes * Added: Tags to the Client card * Added: Tags to the Site card on the Manage Sites grid view * Added: Tags filter to the Manage Clients page * Added: Client column in the Manage Tags page * Added: Clients column in the Updates tables * Added: Guided tours * Added: Start Page Tour button in the help sidebar * Added: An Option to turn on or off Guided tours on the MainWP Tools page * Added: An Option to turn Guided tours on or off in the quick setup wizard * Added: CSS ID to icon buttons in the Header element * Added: CSS Class to Manage Sites table cells * Added: The Delete All Non-MainWP Actions button in the Non-MainWP Changes widget * Added: Individual page settings in the Page Settings modal * Added: Jump to the site Overview dropdown menu in the Header element on the individual site Overview page * Added: Support for new extensions * Updated: Extracted the Manage Tags page to the top-level navigation * Updated: Changed the sync modal behavior to auto-close if all sites complete the sync process * Updated: Info message on the Extension page * Updated: Removed the Trusted column from the Updates section in the sites view * Updated: Renamed Screen Options modal to Page Settings * Preventative: Multiple security enhancements * Removed: The Cache-Control feature and extracted to an extension = 4.3.1 - 12-14-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with applying custom themes * Fixed: A problem with deactivating plugins * Updated: PHP 8.1 compatibility improvements * Updated: WordPress SEO extension icon * Preventative: Multiple security enhancements = - 12-8-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with saving sites notes * Updated: Extensions updates detection improvement = - 11-24-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with turning off certain widgets on the Overview page * Fixed: An issue with saving Widget order on the Client card * Fixed: An issue with logging Non-MainWP changes for the connected admin user * Fixed: Problem with the Removing site indicator on the individual site Overview page * Fixed: An issue with loading sites caused by a permissions problem in the Team Control Extension * Fixed: Active tab indicator problem for Dark and Classic theme * Added: Client image to the Manage Clients table * Added: Go to WP Admin button on all individual site settings pages * Added: Info message to the Select Theme modal * Updated: Save Settings button position in the Select Theme modal * Updated: Added required fields indicator on the Add/Edit Client form * Updated: Field labels on Add/Edit Client Contact form * Updated: Missing privacy info for specific extensions * Updated: Icon color in labels for the Default theme * Updated: Removed double loading indicator on Manage Sites * Updated: Custom Dashboard extension type info * Updated: Tooltip content for process indicator when trying to update a Suspended site * Updated: Pagination menu length in some Overview widgets * Updated: WordPress SEO extension icon * Removed: Unused DB table columns from the wp_mainwp_wp table = 4.3 - 11-16-2022 = * Fixed: Dimmer element padding on laptop screen sizes * Fixed: Padding issue of the URL protocol dropdown * Fixed: Go to WP Admin menu item layout issue on screens less than 500px high * Fixed: Incorrect tooltip for the Update All button on individual site overview * Added: Client Management system [Feature Request](https://feedback.mainwp.com/admin/plugins/introduce-a-website-owner-feature-and-consolidate-the-redundant-token-systems-ckzycyuxk3248792urd05vs59y9) * Added: Updates menu item sub-pages * Added: Site Suspended status [Feature Request](https://feedback.mainwp.com/admin/plugins/disable-sites-from-being-maintained-cl0804kkh1654292unylcuqn0al) * Added: Tags column to the Manage Sites table * Added: Plugin icon to Updates, Ignored Updates, Ignored Abandoned Updates table * Added: FREE, PRO, and ORG labels to list items in the list of the available extensions * Added: Ability to turn off extensions from the Extensions page * Added: Ability to enable extensions from the Extensions page * Added: Ability to delete extensions from teh Extensions page * Added: Info for extensions that require additional plugins on the Dashboard site * Added: Extensions privacy info in the install extensions modal * Added: Quick switch to Dark theme * Added: Quick Grid/List switch on the Manage Sites screen * Added: Custom CSS class for buttons in the Updates screen for easier customizations * Added: New default theme * Added: Theme switch option to the MainWP Tools page * Added: Monitoring extensions category * Added: Ability to install extensions from the WordPress.org repository * Added: Links to the extension page for each Extension in the Install Extensions modal * Added: New feature to detect plugin and theme changes made outside of MainWP Dashboard [Inspired by WPBuilds Podcast 297](https://wpbuilds.com/2022/09/29/297-dealing-with-changing-staff-and-new-management/) * Updated: Previously default theme renamed to MainWP Classic Theme * Updated: Tooltip pointer element z-index value * Updated: https://meta.mainwp.com URLs changed to https://managers.mainwp.com * Updated: Main navigation items order * Updated: Better utilization of Team Control permissions in the navigation * Updated: Renamed “Groups” to “Tags” * Updated: Atarim extension privacy info * Updated: Header action buttons layout on laptop screen size * Updated: Extension installation indicator style * Updated: Split available extensions list to tabs * Updated: Extension card element * Updated: Show extensions cards in 5 columns * Updated: Privacy Policy page layout * Updated: Increased cards number per row to 5 on the Extensions page * Updated: Show extensions privacy info in a modal * Updated: Manage sites grid view to show more info for each site * Updated: Moved sites filters to a separate row * Updated: Extensions categories * Updated: Extensions order in the install modal * Updated: Manage Plugins and Themes page layout [Feature Request](https://feedback.mainwp.com/admin/plugins/plugins-listed-as-rows-instead-of-columns-cl755dqhx6970531xq3d89ypnye) * Removed: Select All and Select None buttons in the Install Extensions modal = - 9-22-2022 = * Added: The `mainwp_extensions_page_top_header` filter for customizing the Extensions page title = 4.2.7 - 8-8-2022 = * Added: Atarim extension info to the `get_available_extensions()` method * Added: Atarim extension icon * Fixed: `wp_mail` error detection message width * Updated: `wp_mail` error detection message content * Updated: Error message in case of a plugin installation failure due to a blocked request on the MainWP Dashboard site * Updated: Error message in case of a theme installation failure due to a blocked request on the MainWP Dashboard site = - 7-29-2022 = * Fixed: Toggle checkbox appearance issue in the Quick Setup Wizard * Added: Format parameter for the `all-sites` and `get-sites-by-url` REST API endpoints = 4.2.6 - 7-14-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with displaying tooltip elements on the Manage Groups page * Fixed: A problem with showing plugin info modal * Fixed: Missing CSS class for the Cache-Control menu item * Fixed: The Undefined index PHP notice in CLI when calling site info * Fixed: Manage Plugins and Themes responsiveness issues * Added: Go to WP Admin link to WP Core update success message * Added: New REST API endpoint `get-sites-by-url` * Updated: The FileSaver JS library * Updated: The Clipboard JS library * Updated: The Colreorder JS library * Updated: The FixedColumns JS library * Updated: The Responsive JS library * Updated: The Scroller JS library * Updated: The Datatables JS library * Updated: The Dragula JS library * Updated: The Moment JS library = 4.2.5 - 6-21-2022 = * Added: WP Nonce verification to the Go to WP Admin request for additional security * Added: Trustpilot and G2 options to the MainWP Rating notice * Updated: Error reporting and status info for the synchronization and update process = - 5-31-2022 = * Updated: MainWP logo * Updated: MainWP WP Admin menu icon = 4.2.4 - 5-16-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with the missing Go to WP Admin icon in the update feedback * Fixed: An issue with rendering plugin and theme details modal * Fixed: An issue with editing scheduled posts and pages * Fixed: An issue with triggering the sync process by clicking the status icon in the Manage Sites table * Fixed: An issue with loading user data when Editing a single user * Updated: Limited string length in the Site Title column * Updated: Limited string length in the Site URL column * Updated: Disabled auto-complete for date fields * Updated: Disabled the DataTables Responsive extension for desktop screens * Updated: Removed `thead` element for inner tables in the Updates section * Updated: Increased button size in Updates tables in responsive view * Updated: Extensions info message on the Extensions page = 4.2.3 - 5-10-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with publishing sticky posts * Fixed: An issue with clearing date-picker values on mobile devices * Fixed: An issue with toggling the sites list section in the Connection Status widget * Fixed: An issue with running scheduled events on specific setups * Fixed: An issue with rendering UI elements on mobile devices * Fixed: Last Purge Cache format to reflect WP settings * Added: Responsive DataTables extension * Added: The responsive attribute to the majority of tables in the MainWP Dashboard * Updated: Replaced Semantic UI framework with Fomantic UI * Updated: The Server Information page layout and style * Updated: Width of the button elements on mobile devices * Updated: Width of the label elements on mobile devices * Updated: Tables `white-space` property on mobile devices * Updated: Tested up to tag to WP 6.0 * Removed: Calendar library = 4.2.2 - 4-21-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with scrolling content in modals on mobile devices * Fixed: An issue with pushing posts and pages with the status `draft` * Fixed: Grid columns responsiveness issues * Fixed: Tables responsiveness issues * Fixed: An issue with rendering modals on mobile devices * Fixed: Column sorting problems in the Manage Email Settings table * Fixed: Actions menu placement on mobile devices * Updated: Bulk actions menu style on the Advanced Themes Automatic Updates page * Updated: Button elements width and padding on mobile devices * Updated: Increased input and dropdown elements width on mobile devices * Updated: Sidebar element padding on mobile devices = 4.2.1 - 4-14-2022 = * Added: More MainWP Dashboard settings values to the system report * Added: UK representative to the privacy policy * Fixed: `NEW` label placement * Fixed: PHP warning `Illegal string offset 'login'` * Fixed: PHP warning `Illegal string offset 'id'` * Fixed: PHP warning `Undefined array key 'privacy'` * Fixed: Cache-control log table layout * Fixed: Incomplete error message that appears after trying to reconnect a site * Updated: Plugin Privacy Policy page * Updated: `privacy-policy.txt` file * Updated: `mainwp-child-privacy-policy.txt` file * Updated: `meta.mainwp.com` URLs changed to `managers.mainwp.com` * Updated: Removed the `NEW` label from menu items * Updated: Main content area border removed = 4.2 - 4-5-2022 = * Fixed: Error with updating sites via CLI * Fixed: An issue with publishing posts with the Private visibility * Fixed: An issue with publishing Password protected posts * Fixed: An issue with editing posts with the Private visibility * Fixed: An issue with editing Password protected posts * Fixed: An issue with publishing pages with the Private visibility * Fixed: An issue with publishing Password protected pages * Fixed: An issue with editing pages with the Private visibility * Fixed: An issue with editing Password protected pages * Fixed: An issue with showing cached search results for Posts, Pages, Plugins, and Themes * Fixed: Missing toggle switch element in the Quick Setup Wizard * Fixed: Cosmetic issue where the header element gets pushed to the bottom * Added: Plugin privacy policy file to the plugin directory * Added: Plugin Privacy page * Added: Child and Parent theme indicator to the Manage Themes page [Feature Request](https://feedback.mainwp.com/plugins/show-parent-theme-name-when-viewing-site-themes-ckzpp1ezq899352wnsqsw6g59g) * Added: The "Delete Extensions API Activation Data" button to the MainWP > Tools page * Added: Negative search ability Plugins and Theme search page [Feature Request](https://feedback.mainwp.com/plugins/search-for-missing-plugins-feature-needed-ckzpq3y6c1046282wnsx5kidmqi) * Added: Automatic cache clearing after updates feature [Feature Request](https://feedback.mainwp.com/plugins/automatic-cache-clearing-ckzq1lhwm1407202wns6666te9z) * Added: Version number label under the logo in the menu element * Added: Extensions privacy info * Updated: Extensions licensing system * Updated: Site URL edit field to allow www/non-www change in site URL [Feature Request](https://feedback.mainwp.com/plugins/child-site-url-edit-option-ckzprh0we1170382wnsn7074ldl) * Updated: Disallow users to delete the parent theme of the active child site [Feature Request](https://feedback.mainwp.com/plugins/parent-themes-should-be-locked-by-default-ckzpofev7812132wnsg7vdeyan) * Updated: Renamed the Status menu item to Info * Updated: Info notice on Manage Plugins and Manage Themes page * Updated: The Select All, Deselect All element in the Select Sites box * Updated: Show site Title instead of URL in Manage Plugins and Manage Themes table * Updated: Show site Title instead or URL in the Sync Sites modal * Updated: The Select Sites box has minimal height * Updated: Info notices on the Extensions installation process * Updated: Available extension info to remove retired extensions = 4.1.12 - 2-16-2022 = * Fixed: An error with creating DB tables on specific hosts * Fixed: An error with filtering sites when the No Groups filter selected * Fixed: Ignoring the status code 200 (OK) error * Fixed: Bug with listing sites with CLI command * Added: Additional checks to allow syncing of child sites when child site is missing logged-in salt * Added: Info modal for MainWP Dashboards with no sites connected * Added: `Lato` font files included in the plugin directory * Added: Domain Monitor extension information * Added: Domain Monitor extension icon * Updated: Multiple error messages * Updated: Load fonts from the plugin directory instead of the Google Fonts server = 4.1.11 - 12-28-2021 = * Fixed: Incorrect error messages for multiple WP CLI commands * Fixed: Error that occurs on some setups when removing a child site * Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings * Updated: PHP 8 compatibility * Updated: Improved importing sites process by allowing CSV files with quote marks * Dev: Added `sites-available-updates-count` REST API endpoint = - 11-9-2021 = * Fixed: An issue with triggering email notifications by extensions = - 11-8-2021 = * Fixed: An issue with running scheduled tasks * Fixed: An issue with showing the Remove Site button on the wrong pages * Fixed: An issue with setting plugins and themes Trusted status * Added: Support for email notifications hooked by Extension = - 10-22-2021 = * Fixed: An issue with the Removal verification caused by the Update confirmations option = 4.1.10 - 10-21-2021 = * Fixed: An issue with saving the OpenSSL.cnf file path option * Fixed: Incorrect color coding for the error message in the Quick Setup Wizard * Fixed: Letter capitalization in the Email Settings info message * Fixed: Button alignment problem on the basic security scan page * Fixed: Incorrect handle in the preview.js enqueue call * Fixed: Incorrect help documentation URLs * Fixed: Incorrect redirection after closing the View/Edit email template modal * Added: Remove Site button to the header element on the single site Overview and Edit page * Added: The message zone element to the site Edit page * Added: The Test Connection button to the Site Edit page * Added: Screen Options to all pages with a sidebar element * Added: Sidebar position option to Screen Options * Added: 'extra' parameter in the mainwp_confirm function to require entering a word to confirm the action * Added: Restore Info Messages button to the MainWP Tools page to restore dismissed info messages * Added: Info messages to pages where these were missing * Added: Accordion elements to the sidebar on the Extensions page * Added: 'Maximum simultaneous sync requests' and 'Maximum simultaneous install and update requests' checks to the System Report * Added: Option to hide unwanted columns to the Monitoring page Screen Options * Updated: Reworded multiple error messages * Updated: Moved the Manage Groups JS code to a separate file * Updated: Changed the TLS version option label from "Let's Encrypt (TLS v1.2)" to "TLS v1.2" * Updated: Confirmation modal for the Disconnect Sites button in the MainWP Tools * Updated: Moved the Search Extensions field to the sidebar on the Extensions pages * Updated: Extensions API activation indicator appearance * Updated: Moved the sample_user.csv file to the plugin directory * Updated: Completely redesigned the Manage Groups page * Updated: Moved the 'Save Note' and 'Edit Note' button in the 'Edit Notes' modal * Updated: Moved the feedback message position to the top of the element in the Edit Notes modal * Updated: Renamed the 'View Template' button to 'Edit Template' button if a custom template is in use * Updated: Renamed the 'Delete Template' button to 'Return to Default Template' button * Updated: Moved the Screenshots page to the Grid sites view mode * Updated: Moved 'Use WP Cron' and 'Optimize for shared hosting or big networks' options to Advanced Settings * Updated: Removed the push to the bottom effect from the sticky header element * Removed: Unused JavaScript code * Removed: Unused CSS code * Removed: Sidebar Options section from the sidebar element = - 10-1-2021 = * Updated: OpenSSL version requirement to 1.1.0 or greater = 4.1.9 - 9-23-2021 = * Fixed: Letter capitalization error on the Manage Extensions page * Fixed: An issue with escaping the site notes field * Fixed: An issue with loading Boilerplate Posts and Pages excerpt * Added: Reset Page button to the Screen Options modal * Added: Info text to the Manage Groups page * Added: Info text to the Manage Sites page * Added: Enable/Disable toggle option to the Screenshots page * Added: Progress Bar to progress modals * Added: Tooltips to Manage Sites table data * Added: Timezone, Time and Date format options in General Settings * Added: Verify MainWP Child has been installed option to the Add Site form * Updated: Add Site form layout * Updated: Screenshots preview icon in the Manage Sites table * Updates: Screenshots page layout * Updated: Usability improvements of the login form on the Manage Extensions page * Updated: PHP minimal requirement on the Server Information page * Updated: Reduced the number of default Manage Sites columns * Updated: Reversed the checkbox options for hiding and unhiding Overview widgets and Manage Sites columns * Updated: Renamed the Global Options to the General Settings page * Updated: Renamed the Advanced Options to the Advanced Settings page * Updated: Merged General Settings and Optimization sections in Settings = - 9-2-21 = * Fixed: An error with overwriting openssl.cnf file path * Fixed: Undefined offset notice in page-mainwp-server-information.php on line 259 * Fixed: An error with dismissing the promo notification that shows after the first 30 days of MainWP plugin usage * Fixed: An error with striping slashes from the openssl.cnf file path form field * Added: Dismiss button to the warning message that shows when openssl.cnf file path is not correct * Added: Walkthrough button to the first step of the quick setup wizard * Updated: Notification text that shows after removing a child site = 4.1.8 - 8-30-21 = * Fixed: An issue with counting available updates on specific setups * Fixed: An issue with loading categories in the New Posts screen * Fixed: An issue with triggering updates on specific setups * Fixed: Multiple cosmetic and usability issues * Added: Screenshot feature (page) to the Sites section * Updated: Quick Setup Wizard design * Removed: Redundant options from the Add Site form * Removed: Redundant options from the Quick Setup Wizard = 4.1.7 - 6-29-21 = * Fixed: An issue with basic security checks count * Fixed: An issue with sending the Daily Digest email on some setups * Fixed: Multiple cosmetic and usability issues * Fixed: An issue with loading the accordion JS library * Fixed: An issue with filtering sites in the Sites table * Fixed: An issue with sending the Daily Digest email on some setups * Fixed: An issue with detecting Abandoned Plugins and Themes * Fixed: An issue with the progress indicator for the Security fix process * Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings * Added: Improvement for detecting premium plugins and themes Updates * Added: Ability to select items to update on individual site Updates page * Added: Support for the new Vulnerability checker API = 4.1.6 - 4-15-21 = * Fixed: Database error caught on specific setups * Fixed: An issue with sending Daily Digest emails to multiple email addresses * Added: New REST API endpoints for the Site route * Added: Accordion elements to the sidebar * Added: Sidebar Options element to the sidebar * Added: Function to trigger Check for Abandoned plugins and themes process * Added: "mainwp_fetch_urls_chunk_size" filter to set chunk size in the fetch URLs process * Added: "mainwp_log_action" action as support for logging to Actions log * Updated: Auto-redirection rule after logging into a MainWP Dashboard site * Updated: Manage Plugins and Manage Themes table design * Updated: Unset the Scripts and Stylesheets version information security checks = - 3-19-21 = * Fixed: wp_mail declaration issue = 4.1.5 - 3-18-21 = * Fixed: An issue with sending double Daily Digest email * Fixed: An issue with the SSL verification feature when adding a child site * Fixed: An issue with the groups filter on the Manage Sites screen * Fixed: Multiple PHP notices * Updated: Sites table filters saves per user basis * Updated: Unset specific data in REST API requests = - 1-28-21 = * Fixed: An issue with sites selection when triggering updates * Fixed: A typo ([PR470](https://github.com/mainwp/mainwp/pull/470) - thanks [Dustin Dauncey](https://github.com/d19dotca)) * Fixed: PHP error * Added: New actions in Extension cards elements = 4.1.4 - 1-21-21 = * Fixed: An issue with loading the Refresh favicons progress bar * Fixed: An issue with the auto-reconnect feature * Fixed: An issue with missing primary keys for multiple database tables * Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings * Fixed: Multiple typos and incorrect links * Added: Ability to select available updates to process * Added: New actions and filters * Updated: The mainwp_getwebsitesbyurl hook * Updated: Multiple cosmetic and usability improvements * Preventative: Multiple security improvements = - 12-8-20 = * Fixed: An issue with Reconnecting sites when using the Reconnect button in the Connection Status widget * Fixed: An issue with the Test Connection feature on specific hosts * Updated: Site removal confirmation notice * Updated: Support for translating strings ([PR459](https://github.com/mainwp/mainwp/pull/459) - thanks [Santiago Becerra](https://github.com/sanbec)) = 4.1.3 - 12-3-20 = * Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings * Fixed: An issue with running scheduled tasks * Fixed: Multiple translation issues * Fixed: An issue with displaying date-picker * Added: [REST API](https://mainwp.dev/rest-api/) * Added: New [MainWP CLI commands](https://kb.mainwp.com/mainwp-wp-cli-commands/) * Updated: Action logs to save records to the database table * Updated: Multiple cosmetic updates = - 10-9-20 = * Fixed: An issue with Quick Site Shortcuts sidebar * Fixed: Semantic UI error related to the Help sidebar * Preventative: Multiple security improvements * Removed: The Enable Managed Client Reports for WooCommmerce option when not used * Removed: Usersnap integration = 4.1.2 - 10-7-20 = * Fixed: An issue with scheduled actions * Fixed: Problems with importing users * Fixed: Encoding problems it Notes screen * Fixed: An issue with scheduling Posts and Pages * Fixed: An issue with loading categories in the Select Category section * Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings and Notices * Added: Actions Log page to the Status section * Added: Feature to catch response from the child site if the connection fails * Preventative: Multiple security improvements = 4.1.1 - 9-11-20 = * Fixed: An issue with WP CLI commands * Fixed: An issue with sending multiple notification emails * Fixed: An error with displaying site groups in the Site Infor widget * Fixed: Semantic UI error * Fixed: Usability error caused by JavaScript error * Added: target="_blank" attribute to multiple links * Updated: Default values for the Monitoring feature = 4.1 - 9-9-20 = * Fixed: Problem with running automated sites checks * Fixed: Multiple cosmetic and usability problems * Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings * Added: Over 500 hooks * Added: Basic uptime monitoring feature * Added: Email settings feature * Added: Quick sites shortcuts sidebar * Added: phpDocs blocks for code documentation * Added: Child site preview feature * Added: The Update Everything action to the Bulk Actions menu on the Manage Sites page * Updated: Refactored the code to meet WordPress coding standards * Updated: Multiple usability and cosmetic updates * Updated: Multiple performance improvements * Updated: WordPress 5.5 compatibility * Updated: Multiple text notifications * Updated: Default order of items in Manage Plugins and Manage Themes tables * Updated: Sites filters options on the Manage Sites page * Updated: Plugin installation process indicator * Updated: The Updates table to show plugin and theme status * Preventative: Multiple security improvements * Removed: Unused files * Removed: Unused code = - 8-6-20 = * Fixed: WordPress 5.5 compatibility = - 2-3-20 = * Fixed: An issue with loading the Manage Sites table with AJAX * Fixed: An issue with dismissing the broken email functionality warning messages * Added: link to MainWP Community to the header element * Updated: renamed the "assets" directory to "assets." * Updated: multiple cosmetic improvements * Updated: removed some steps from the quick setup wizard = - 1-22-20 = * Updated: multiple notification texts = 4.0.7 - 1-17-20 = * Fixed: encoding problem in error messages * Fixed: encoding problem posts categories selection * Fixed: multiple cosmetic problems * Added: a new feature to easily copy system report * Added: site ID parameter in the sync request * Updated: multiple notification texts * Updated: multiple layout tweaks * Preventative: security improvements = 4.0.6 - 12-9-19 = * Fixed: an issue with sending daily email notifications * Fixed: an issue with backup type selection * Fixed: MySQL 8 compatibility problems * Fixed: multiple typos * Added: 'mainwp_check_current_user_can' filter * Added: a feature to check if the site can send emails * Added: support for the Pro Reports extension * Preventative: security improvements = 4.0.5 - 11-15-19 = * Fixed: an issue with daily sync frequency * Fixed: multiple PHP warnings * Fixed: multiple typos * Added: 'mainwp_ui_use_wp_calendar' filter to replace Semantic UI date picker with the WordPress default one * Added: 'mainwp-users-manage-roles' filter to add support for searching users with custom roles * Added: 'mainwp_deletesite' filter * Updated: multiple usability and cosmetic updates * Updated: multiple text notifications * Preventative: security improvements = 4.0.4 - 10-7-19 = * Fixed: An issue with applying extension settings when adding a new site. * Fixed: issues with the Custom Post Types extension * Fixed: multiple PHP warnings * Fixed: problem with loading styles and scripts in Custom Post Types * Fixed: problem with sites selection * Added: new Quick Setup Wizard steps * Updated: multiple usability and cosmetic updates = 4.0.3 - 9-20-19 = * Fixed: broken Reconnect button in the Connection Status widget * Fixed: An issue with saving the MainWP Child auto-update feature option in the QuickStart Wizard * Fixed: multiple typos * Fixed: various cosmetic issues * Fixed: An issue with ignoring individual updates * Fixed: redirection to Quick Start Wizard for new installations * Added: Twitter brag notifications * Added: additional links in the actions menu in the Posts, Pages, and Users table * Added: 'mainwp-widgets-screen-options' filter for managing extensions widgets on the Overview page * Added: option to set a specific time for automatic daily synchronization * Added: option to set automatic daily synchronization frequency * Added: Support for the MainWP Custom Dashboard Extension * Updated: improved hiding unwanted Manage Sites table columns * Updated: default value for the "Are you planning to use MainWP for backups?" option = 4.0.2 - 9-6-19 = * Fixed: An issue with incorrect backup count number in the Client Reports system * Fixed: multiple cosmetic issues * Fixed: multiple typos * Fixed: An issue with a short appearance for feedback messages after reconnecting a site * Fixed: An issue with displaying the Screen Options button on the wrong screens * Added: The ability to disable update confirmations only for single updates * Added: The option to show sites' favicons * Added: warning and button to the header element if any updates are detected on the MainWP Dashboard site * Added: groups info in the Site Info widget * Added: individual site info about abandoned plugins and themes * Updated: Connection status widget view saves the last selection = 4.0.1 - 9-3-19 = * Fixed: a n issue with incorrect plugin info links * Fixed: an issue with clearing and preloading WP Rocket cache * Fixed: displaying child sites in the Manage Sites issue on some setups * Fixed: the extensions settings synchronization issue * Fixed: multiple typos * Fixed: multiple cosmetic issues * Added: option to disable updates confirmations popups * Added: the option to add plugins to favorites after upload * Updated: notification in the Manage Sites table when there are no results for selected filters * Updated: extensions installation modal logic * Updated: multiple text notifications = 4.0 - 8-27-19 = * Fixed: various functionality problems * Fixed: various performance problems * Fixed: various cosmetic problems * Fixed: various usability problems * Added: Semantic UI framework integration * Added: DataTables JS library integration * Added: multiple DataTables extensions JS libraries integration * Added: Dragula JS library integration * Added: the Usersnap bug reporting system as optional * Added: the option to hide the Update Everything button * Updated: multiple performance improvements * Updated: plugin UI/UX redesign * Updated: Updates Overview widget simplified * Updated: the Updates page redesigned to provide easier updates management * Updated: redesigned Sites table * Updated: disabled the "Managed Client Reports for WooCommerce" settings page by default and added the option to enable it * Updated: extensions icons * Updated: notifications texts * Updated: email notification template * Removed: The "Hide MainWP Child plugin from search engines" option since enabled by default with MainWP Child 4.0 * Removed: redundant options from the MainWP Settings section * Removed: unused files * Removed: unused code = 3.5.3 - 12-7-18 = * Fixed: An issue with special characters in passwords * Fixed: An issue with displaying the WP Admin footer * Fixed: incorrect charset in notification emails * Fixed: An issue with displaying Yoast SEO data on some setups * Fixed: An issue with displaying extensions activation status in the Extensions widget = 3.5.2 - 11-27-18 = * Fixed: An issue with connecting new sites caused by a recent OpenSSL update * Fixed: An issue with marking plugins as Trusted * Fixed: An issue with activation notices for 3rd party plugins = 3.5.1 - 11-14-18 = * Fixed: an issue with generating incorrect URL for the Test Connection feature * Fixed: an issue with redirecting to the Overview page * Fixed multiple PHP warnings * Fixed: an issue with updating stagings sites * Added: support for custom extension icons * Added: a new feature for refreshing site favicons * Added: multiple security enhancements * Added: mainwp_getmainwpdir hook * Added: mainwp_updated_site hook * Added: mainwp_synced_all_sites hook * Added: mainwp_left_menu_sub hook * Added: mainwp_subleft_menu_sub hook * Added: mainwp_removed_extension_menu hook * Added: mainwp_extensions_top_header_after_tab hook * Added: support for the upcoming 3rd party extension = 3.5 - 9-27-18 = * Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings * Fixed: an issue with special characters used in HTTP passwords * Fixed: session start issues * Added: mainwp_detect_premiums_updates filter as a support for detecting updates for Premium plugins that don't use standard WP update API * Added: mainwp_text_format_email hook to change MainWP notification emails to clean text format * Added: a new option for fixing security issues 'Scripts and Stylesheets registered version' * Added: support for the security fix option * Added: support for the new UpdraftPlus plugin options * Updated: support for detecting premium plugins updates = 3.4.9 - 7-23-18 = * Fixed: connection issues caused by HTTP Basic Authentication on some setups * Fixed: issues with Themes widget actions * Fixed: conflict with the Divi theme * Fixed: a few cosmetic issues * Fixed: An issue with the number of total updates calculation = 3.4.8 - 6-26-18 = * Fixed: syncing issues detected on specific hosts * Fixed: multiple issues caused by deprecated functions * Fixed: the issue with saving the SSL Version settings * Added: Export Sites feature * Added: Disconnect Sites feature * Added: mainwp_update_pluginthme_max filter for managing the maximum number of updates to fix update issues on specific setups * Improved: PHP 7.2 compatibility = 3.4.7 - 4-17-18 = * Fixed: An issue with displaying a plugin name in the available updates section * Fixed: WP Cli issues caused by a conflict with the MainWP Team Control Extension * Fixed: An issue with syncing plugin data when the plugin contains UTF8 character in the title * Fixed: MainWP Dashboard and the Postman plugin conflict * Updated: multiple cosmetic updates = 3.4.6 - 2-21-18 = * Fixed: an issue with encoding some special characters * Added: multiple security enhancements = 3.4.5 - 1-22-18 = * Fixed: An issue with missing hook parameter * Fixed: An issue with database encoding which caused incorrect display of some special characters * Fixed: An issue with passing metadata for featured images * Fixed: An issue with caching the Username and Password field values on the Test Connection page * Fixed: An issue with resetting User passwords on child sites * Fixed: the sync popup layout issue * Fixed: An issue with displaying extensions changelogs * Fixed: multiple typos * Fixed: multiple incorrect URLs * Fixed: multiple cosmetic issues * Added: a new feature to open any Overview widget as a popup * Added: a new 'mainwp_disablemenuitems' hook = 3.4.4 - 12-4-17 = * Fixed: An issue with the Unfix function for the removed readme.html security issue * Fixed: An issue with permissions for cookie files * Fixed: An issue with displaying site notes * Fixed: conflict with the SecuPress plugin * Fixed: An issue with the auto-installation of the extensions on specific server setups * Added: Support for the upcoming Extension * Added: The ability to search posts and pages by keyword in the title and/or body * Added: the mainwp_getallposts hook for fetching posts and pages * Added: the mainwp_updatescheck_disable_sendmail hook for disabling email notifications for available updates * Added: Support for the WordPress proxy setting for curl requests * Added: WP Admin and Open action links to the Connection Status widget * Updated: individual site mode navigation layout * Updated: sort method on the Manage Plugins and Themes page * Updated: confirmation messages for performing the update process * Updated: various layout updates = 3.4.3 - 8-24-17 = * Fixed: An issue with saving Posts and Pages status * Fixed: multiple minor issues related to the Client Reports Extension * Fixed: An issue with the Password field * Fixed: An issue with running updates on WP Engine hosted sites * Fixed: connection issue with WP Engine hosted sites * Added: Screen Options (show/hide columns) for the Manage Posts and Manage Pages pages * Added: the new 'mainwp_limit_updates_all' hook for the support of limiting the number of updates to be performed at once * Added: a new Advanced Options setting to force IPv4 usage * Added: a new Advanced Options setting to allow custom configuration for the OpenSSL.cnf * Added: a new WP CLI command to list all plugins and themes (for example, wp mainwp plugin --list-all and wp mainwp theme --list-all) * Added: Support for the new Yoast SEO features in the Manage Posts and Manage Pages table * Added: pull request to allow 0 as a non-default value in the Import Sites feature - Thanks [viawest-davidsix](https://github.com/viawest-davidsix) * Added: pull request to fix incorrect changelog URLs and CSS classes - Thanks [Filoz](https://github.com/Filoz) * Added: new CSS classes for each table row in the Manage Sites table * Updated: the Media Upload popup box layout for the Add Media feature on the Add Post and Add Page pages * Updated: various cosmetic updates * Updated: compatibility with the new version of the Managed Client Reports for WooCommerce plugin = 3.4.2 - 7-11-17 = * Fixed: An issue with sorting posts and pages by the publish date * Fixed: sync error caused by the WP-SpamShield plugin * Fixed: JavaScript (moment.js) conflict with the Gutenberg plugin * Fixed: An issue with sending email notifications about available updates for some users * Fixed: An issue with triggering unwanted backups * Fixed: a usability issue with displaying incorrect last sync time * Fixed: incorrect changelog links * Added: mainwp_updatescheck_disable_notification_mail hook to disable email notifications about available updates * Updated: the Update Everything process includes Translations updates * Updated: the Update process will not check for required backups if a primary backup system is not set = 3.4.1 - 5-15-17 = * Fixed: an issue with displaying the Last Sync time * Fixed: an issue with triggering MainWP native backup system backups * Added: $information parameter in the mainwp_website_updated hook = 3.4 - 5-11-17 = * Fixed: an issue with encoding HTML tags in the Notes view * Fixed: an issue with abandoned Themes and Plugins checks * Fixed: an issue with detecting Extension updates * Fixed: a database query issue while performing updates * Fixed: various PHP Warnings and Errors * Fixed: redirect issue for users that don't have permission to access MainWP Dashboard * Fixed: an issue with sorting Posts and Pages by Date * Fixed: multiple layout issues * Fixed: an issue with email notifications for available updates * Fixed: multiple translation issues * Added: MainWP Side menu * Added: mainwp_before_save_sync_result filter * Added: mainwp_get_all_pages_data filter * Added: mainwp_get_all_posts_data filter * Added: mainwp_updatescheck_sendmail_at_time filter * Added: mainwp_website_updated action * Added: mainwp_added_new_site action * Added: mainwp_update_site action * Added: mainwp_delete_site action * Added: multiple cosmetic improvements * Updated: multiple text notifications = 3.3.1 - 2-23-17 = * Fixed: An issue with displaying Vulnerability data on individual Overview Page when the Extension is not installed * Updated: the Vulnerability Extension info on the MainWP Extensions page. = 3.3 - 2-22-17 = * Added: Check HTTP header response after update feature * Added: Backup Extensions support for the Require backup before update feature * Added: Support for the MainWP Vulnerability Checker Extension * Updated: links to MainWP Documentation * Performance: removed excessive queries * Preventative: security improvements = 3.2.3 - 1-19-17 = * Fixed: An issue with selecting Posts, Pages, and Users * Fixed: An issue with selecting Plugins and Themes on the Manage Plugins and Manage Themes page * Fixed: security checking issue * Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings and Notices * Added: site Info widget in the individual site overview page * Added: PHP Version column in the manage sites table * Added: Sync Now button for all online sites in the connection status widget * Added: verification when a user tries to delete Plugins, Pages, Posts, Themes, and Users * Added: The ability to sort the Manage Sites table by WP, Plugin, and Theme updates column * Added: Coding for future WooCommerce Extension * Preventative: Security improvements = - 1-5-17 = * Fixed: an issue with connecting HTTPS sites caused by the Select2 library bug = - 12-30-16 = * Fixed: a fatal error on PHP versions less than 5.5 * Added: a message for users on PHP versions less than 5.5 to upgrade = 3.2.2 - 12-30-16 = * Fixed: An issue with adding a new child site when a group is not selected * Fixed: An issue with updating translations in the Updates Overview widget * Fixed: An issue with sorting sites by a group name on the Manage Sites table * Fixed: An issue with creating groups on the Add New Site form * Added: The ability to dismiss the Tour notices - [Trello Card](https://trello.com/c/nJfApKsn/48-hide-tours) * Added: plugin changelog link into the email notification * Added: new Font Awesome version font-awesome * Added: hook mainwp_format_email to custom notification email * Added: site note preview feature - [Trello Card](https://trello.com/c/KVrkXJZf/49-notes-section) * Added: new columns in the Manage Sites table WP Core, Plugins, Themes updates number - [Trello Card](https://trello.com/c/Amio60MQ/33-add-core-plugin-theme-update-columns-to-sites-list-view) * Added: icon for trusted plugins and themes in the Updates and Updates Overview sections - [Trello Card](https://trello.com/c/2Zk8aXDj/5-trusted-status-indicator-for-individual-plugins-and-themes-listed-in-main-dashboard-display) * Added: Sync Now button for all sites in the Connection Status widget - [Trello Card](https://trello.com/c/TEqC9ERt/52-sync-now-available-for-all-sites-in-the-connection-status-widget) * Updated: load Select2 Javascript library only on MainWP Dashboard pages * Updated: auto-request extensions update information * Updated: display child site favicon feature * Updated: Select2 library * Updated: site connection process (MD5 encryption not supported) * Updated: multiple functions refactored * Removed: unused Google js API reference * Preventative: Security improvements = 3.2.1 - 12-01-16 = * Fixed: An issue with saving site groups on the Add New site form * Fixed: An issue with false alert with PHP Max Execution time set to -1 * Fixed: issue with allowed tags in the notes popup * Fixed: An issue with opening a site WP-Admin section * Fixed: An issue with updating the Site URL on the Site Edit page * Fixed: An issue with the Fix All (security issues) button in the Security Issues widget * Added: support for %sitename% and %site_url% tokens for directory path settings for the UpdraftPlus extension * Added: Support for the new Edit Posts and Pages process * Added: 'mainwp_create_post_custom_author' hook * Added: Add and Edit Site hooks * Added: Last Update time stamp in the Notes column of the Manage Sites table * Updated: auto-request extensions update information * Updated: PHP recommendation bumped to 5.6 * Removed: Test Connection action from the action row of the Manage Sites table * Removed: Links for opening Child Site WP Admin in an iframe = 3.2 - 10-26-16 = * Fixed: An issue with loading themes on the Auto Updates page * Fixed: Multiple typos and grammar issues * Fixed: An issue with displaying disconnected sites in the Sync Status widget * Fixed: An issue with activating backup extensions from the QuickStart Wizard * Fixed: An issue with displaying extensions in incorrect categories * Fixed: Potential security issues reported by HackerOne * Added: The MainWP Welcome page * Added: Help tab on all MainWP Dashboard page * Added: MainWP Blogroll widget * Added: Helpful Links widget * Added: Updates per group selection in the Update Overview widget and Updates page * Added: Help tours on all MainWP Dashboard plugin pages * Added: Scheduled filter in the Recent Posts widget * Added: Scheduled filter in the Recent Pages widget * Added: Ability to move columns in the MainWP tables * Added: Ability to move and collapse all Option Boxes in the MainWP pages * Added: New checks on the Server Information page * Added: Ability to enable/disable auto-updates for Plugins, Themes, and WP Core separately * Added: Ability to set multiple email addresses for notifications * Added: Option on the Settings page to enable the legacy backups feature * Added: Ability to edit users directly from Dashboard * Added: Select style to all select form fields * Added: General UI improvements * Added: Sites selection to cached search results * Updated: Add New Site page layout * Updated: Groups selection field on the Add New Site page * Updated: Manage Groups page * Updated: The Select Sites metabox layout * Updated: Extensions page layout * Updated: Extensions widget layout * Updated: Dashboard page renamed to Overview * Updated: Right Now widget renamed to Update Overview * Updated: Sync Status Widget renamed to Connection Status * Updated: Future status renamed to Scheduled on the Search Posts box * Updated: Future status renamed to Scheduled on the Search Pages box * Updated: The Sync and Update popup box style * Updated: The Auto Updates page layout * Updated: MainWP native backups deactivated for new users * Updated: Tabs order on the MainWP Settings page * Updated: Form fields type on the MainWP Advanced Options page * Updated: Data return options moved to Manage Posts and Manage pages with the ability to set separately * Updated: Manage Users page layout * Updated: Search Users mechanism * Updated: Import Sites feature extracted to a separate page * Updated: Import Users feature extracted to a separate page * Updated: General CSS styles * Updated: Extension icons optimized for faster loading and plugin size-reduction * Updated: Email Notification template * Updated: Notes dialog * Updated: Plugins Widget style * Updated: Themes Widget style * Removed: How to widget * Removed: Help widget * Removed: Unreferenced CSS classes * Removed: Basic SEO stats * Removed: Documentation page = - 9-8-16 = * Fixed: Grammar issues * Fixed: Cosmetic issues * Removed: Unused Code = 3.1.8 - 9-6-16 = * Fixed: CSS issues with update notices * Added: Updates page * Added: Missing info for MainWP Buddy and Custom Post Types Extensions * Updated: Right Now widget style = - 8-19-16 = * Fixed: Issue where some server setups were unable to use the Manage Plugins feature = 3.1.7 - 8-18-16 = * Fixed: Issues with PHP 7 - The MainWP Dashboard is now PHP 7 friendly! :-) * Fixed: Themes Installation (upload) page layout issue * Security Fix: Fixed minor XSS vulnerabilities (thanks hat_mast3r via Hackerone) * Security Fix: Fixed minor CSRF vulnerability where the admin can hide MainWP (thanks jaypatel via Hackerone) = 3.1.6 - 8-2-16 = * Fixed: PHP Warnings * Fixed: Issues with escaping HTML attributes * Fixed: Copyright footer year (thanks dipakcg) * Fixed: Spelling issues (thanks jorrit) = 3.1.5 - 6-12-16 = * Fixed: Issue with displaying double sites in the Status row of the Right Now widget * Fixed: Issue with displaying restricted sites by the Team Control Extension * Fixed: Incorrect tooltip text for the Backups on the Server tooltip * Fixed: Issue with extensions auto-activation in the Quick Setup process * Fixed: PHP Notices * Fixed: Variable naming issue that throws a ReferenceError * Added: Maximum sync request settings in Advanced Options * Added: Support for the new version of the MainWP Rocket Extension * Added: Support for the new version of the MainWP iThemes Security Extension * Added: Support for the upcoming Extension = 3.1.4 - 5-11-16 = * Added: Backup process timeout to prevent updates from failing = 3.1.3 - 4-28-16 = * Fixed: Available updates sorting issue * Fixed: Incorrect OpenSSL.cnf file name and OpenSSL warning on the Server Information page * Fixed: Quick Setup Wizard loop bug * Fixed: Fatal error introduced by incorrect class name * Fixed: Incorrect URL * Fixed: Favorites extension bug * Added: Bulk Settings Manager promo notice * Added: Support for publishing Image Galleries in Posts and Pages * Added: French translation files * Added: MU-Plugins support in the Plugin overview * Added: Extra feedback on the test connection * Updated: Auto Backup process to exclude zip files, known backup locations, and non-WordPress directories to prevent timeout issues * Updated: Disabled auto-complete for the HTTP Auth Username and Password fields * Updated: Update process to not run in case backup process is running * Updated: Quick Start Wizard steps * Removed: Plugin and Theme conflicts check feature * Removed: Unused old code * Cosmetic: Removed slashes added in site names with quotes = 3.1.2 - 3-15-16 = * Fixed: Slashes added in site names when using quotes * Fixed: Multiple mixed content warnings * Fixed: Conflict with wpMandrill and Postman SMTP plugins * Added: Support for the new Team Control feature * Tweaked: Page loading times and syncing times reduced = 3.1.1 - 3-3-16 = * Fixed: Fix All Security Issues feature not running in a non-English language * Fixed: JavaScript conflict with download monitor plugin * Fixed: Potential XSS/CSRF issues * Added: Server Information items * Updated: API URL * Tweaked: Reduce server load when updating themes/plugins in bulk = 3.1 - 2-17-16 = * Fixed: Not all plugin and theme updates in the email notification * Fixed: PHP notices * Fixed: Typo's * Fixed: Update issue for the iThemes Security Pro and the Monarch plugin * Fixed: Issue with localhost setups (Quick Setup Wizard) * Added: Basic WP-CLI support [MainWP WP-CLI Commands](http://docs.mainwp.com/wp-cli-commands/) * Added: WordPress translation updates for child sites * Added: Add/Remove to MainWP Menu function for Extensions * Added: Server self-connect check in the Server Information page * Added: Auto-install the plugin and apply extension settings when adding a new site * Added: Support for the new API management * Updated: API Manager messages = 3.0.2 - 1-22-16 = * Fixed: Bug that was stripping long plugin and theme names * Fixed: Issue adding sites when SSL is set to no = 3.0.1 - 1-18-16 = * Updated: Extensions Icons * Fixed: Issue with reconnecting child site with a unique ID * Fixed: PHP Warning * Fixed: Issue with displaying Twitter brag messages * Fixed: Issue with Available Updates in an email notification * Fixed: Backup task javascript error * Fixed: Setup wizard loop on a multisite setup * Added: Warning message for multisite setup * Added: Hooks to enable extension logging = 3.0 - 1-12-16 = * Fixed: Issue with "empty" Theme Conflicts * Fixed: Issue with including incorrect files when configuring cron jobs * Fixed: Stripe Slashes for site names issue * Fixed: Various PHP warnings * Fixed: Various PHP notices * Fixed: Verify certificates on the test site page * Fixed: Translation issues * Fixed: Error Reporting issues on certain server setups * Fixed: SSL bug * Fixed: Google index stats reporting * Fixed: database error some users experienced when adding new sites * Added: Quick Setup wizard * Added: Information filter on the Child Server Information Page * Added: Missing Extensions in the Available Extensions list * Added: Direct Cart link to the Order Now button in the Available Extensions list * Added: Section retirement notice on the Offline Checks feature * Added: Section retirement notice on the Offline Checks option on the Settings page * Added: How To widget on the main Dashboard page * Added: Select All and Select None button in the Extension Bulk Installation section * Added: Missing translation support * Added: Twitter promo notification for upgrade bulk actions on the Manage Sites page * Added: Twitter promo notification for individual upgrades in the Right Now widget * Added: MainWP Settings info on the Server Information page * Added: Bulk Update WordPress Core action on the Manage Sites page * Added: New Table JS library for Plugins management * Added: New Table JS library for Themes management * Added: Hints for various Site Connection issues * Added: Filters for available Extensions in the Available MainWP Extensions box * Added: SSL version selection to the site * Added: Allow to see MainWP child plugin in plugins search * Added: Ability to change site URL in Dashboard from HTTP to HTTPS via the site edit screen * Added: Dashboard widget showing sites not synced in last 24 hours * Added: Better notation in plugin code for non-MainWP Developers * Updated: Refactored code to meet WordPress Coding standards * Updated: API licensing management * Updated: Child Server Information page layout * Updated: Multiple buttons style * Updated: Main Sync Data button title * Updated: Font Awesome version * Updated: Notification message on Posts, Pages, Users, Themes and Plugins page * Updated: Layout on the Bulk Add Sites and Bulk Add Users page * Updated: Layout on the Manage Users Page * Updated: Layout on the Install Plugins page * Updated: Layout on the Install Themes page * Updated: Image icons replaced by Iconic Font on the Manage Sites page, Offline Checks page, and in the Right Now widget * Updated: Manage Plugins and Manage Themes table layout * Updated: "Backups on External Sources" option label was tweaked to "Backups on Remote Storage." * Updated: form-table CSS class layout * Updated: "Hide MainWP Child Plugin" option box renamed to "Network Optimization". * Updated: "Hide Network on Child Sites" option label renamed "Hide MainWP Child Plugin from Search Engines." * Updated: "Optimize for Shared Hosting or Big Networks" moved to the Network Optimization" options box * Updated: Various small updates to match design consistency * Updated: Groups page layout * Updated: Reworded "Overwrite Existing" option label * Updated: Text messages on the Bulk Install and Activate section * Updated: mainwp-search-box class width * Updated: No-item message in the Scheduled Backups table * Updated: CSS to get a more responsive layout * Updated: Translation files * Updated: Text messages and input labels in the Bulk Install and Activate Extensions box * Updated: The list of purchased Extensions is divided into Extension Groups * Updated: Sync in last 24-hour message * Updated: URL for displaying WordPress.org plugin information * Removed: Spinner Extension "Free" label * Removed: Redundant messages on the Add New User and Bulk Add Sites page * Removed: View Updates per Site option from the Settings page * Removed: Forum signup form from the Settings page * Removed: Unused images * Removed: Form fields custom styles * Removed: URL row from the Select Sites box * Removed: Get MainWP Extensions promo box from the Extensions page * Removed: License link in the Plugin links on the WP > Plugins page * Removed: Ignored theme/plugin updates from the daily reminder email * Improved: Speed of Extension page = 2.0.30 - 12-7-15 = * Code changes for WP 4.4 Compatibility = 2.0.29 - 9-22-15 = * Fixed: Bulk Actions at the bottom of the Manage Sites page * Added: Option to view upgrades per site or per plugin/theme in the Dashboard Right Now widget * Added: Message in the Security Issues widget in case all issues have been fixed * Updated: Layout of the error message in the Right Now widget * Updated: Twitter brag message * Removed: Unused Code = 2.0.28 - 9-10-2015 = * Fixed: Dashboard layout issue * Fixed: Typo * Added: Notice if the MainWP Child plugin is not set to auto-update and a quick add button = 2.0.27 - 9-7-2015 = * Added: Confirmation before Upgrading Plugins and Themes * Added: Scan child sites for known issues * Updated: Success message after adding a new child site and reconnecting a disconnected child site * Updated: Welcome Panel layout on the main and individual child site dashboard = 2.0.26 - 8-31-2015 = * Fixed: Element title for the Available Updates status in the Manage Sites page * Added: Counts for Brag feature * Added: Unignore feature for Abandoned Plugins * Added: Unignore feature for Abandoned Themes * Added: Various info messages * Updated: Message format for Twitter messages * Updated: Various info messages * Updated: Default value for the Hide MainWP Footer option * Updated: Default status for the Plugins Search * Updated: Default status for the Themes Search * Updated: Ignored Plugins and Themes will not show up in the email summary * Removed: MainWP Heatmap Extension from the "Available Extensions" list * Removed: News Widget = 2.0.25 - 8-20-2015 = * Added: New message showing how many actions performed and the time it took with a Brag button * Added: Option to remove the message and brag button to Settings --> Dashboard Options * Fixed: Bug with the filter manage sites by an available update with ignored items = 2.0.24 - 8-17-2015 = * Fixed: Compatibility issue with WordPress 4.3 * Updated: Default value for the Abandoned Plugins & Themes Tolerance = 2.0.23 - 8-7-2015 = * Fixed: Potential security issue * Fixed: Incorrect URL in Email template * Fixed: Syntax error in the Right Now widget * Fixed: Incorrect URL for the FileSystem tooltip icon * Fixed: An issue with loading JS and CSS scripts * Fixed: An issue with Heatmaps not loading * Added: MultiSite detection on the Server Information page * Added: max_input_time detection on the Server Information page * Added: Tools page under the Settings page * Added: Establish New Connection feature on the Tools page * Added: Dashboard Options page under the Settings page * Added: Option to hide MainWP Dashboard custom footer * Added: Option to hide MainWP Dashboard tip * Added: Abandoned Plugins detection feature * Added: Abandoned Themes detection feature * Updated: Extensions API management system * Updated: Use Child Site favicons option moved from General Option to Dashboard Options page * Updated: CSS style * Updated: Responsive CSS style = 2.0.22 - 7-22-2015 = * Fixed: Bug where extensions updates were failing when updating in bulk * Fixed: Bug with extensions updates detection * Fixed: Bug with displaying slashes if an apostrophe has been used in a site name * Fixed: Incorrect arrows direction for Alexa index in the SEO widget * Fixed: Issue with insecure links * Added: cURL & SSL notice in the Sites > Add New page * Added: Hooks for the upcoming Extension * Updated: Footer bar shows for Admin users and on MainWP pages only * Updated: Layout of the Right Now widget * Updated: Columns width in the Manage Sites table * Updated: Incorrect text on the Sync popup window * Updated: CSS Style * Removed: Google PR from SEO check * Removed: Redundant text from multiple pages = 2.0.21 - 7-9-2015 = * Fixed: Bug where extensions updates were failing * Fixed: Bug where up-to-date extensions were showing available updates * Fixed: Timeout issue with a blocked request by CloudProxy * Fixed: Footer sites menu keyboard shortcut prevented typing of capital S (Keyboard shortcut changed to Shift + Ctrl + S) * Fixed: An issue with HTML tags in notes = 2.0.20 - 7-6-2015 = * Fixed: An issue with Extension updates * Fixed: An issue where a lower Alexa Rank has been marked as negative * Fixed: An issue with the Available Update filter in the Manage Sites list * Added: Reconnect child sites bulk action * Added: Verify Certificate preset based on OpenSSL version detection * Added: Auto retry Extension authentication with Verify Certificate change in case authentication fails * Added: Keyboard Shortcut (Shift + S) for toggling the footer sites menu * Added: Missing translation support markups * Improved: OpenSSL check on the Server Information page * Improved: Footer Sites menu filter, after opening the menu, the filter filed is auto-focused * Updated: CSS style * Updated: Layout on the Add New Site and Test Connection page * Updated: SEO Widget layout * Updated: Security Scan page style * Removed: Unused images = 2.0.19 - 6-11-15 = * Fixed: issue with some Dashboards not adding new Child sites = 2.0.18 - 6-10-15 = * Added: HTTP Auth option when adding Child sites * Added: Responsive Mobile Friendly Design * Added: Sites menu in the plugin footer * Added: Additional links in the footer * Added: File System check on the Server Information page * Fixed: Extension API activation error notice * Fixed: Calculation error for the PHP Memory Limit, PHP Max Upload Filesize, and PHP Post Max Size checks * Updated: CSS style * Updated: Plugin footer layout = 2.0.17 - 5-30-15 = * Fixed: Extension activation issue = 2.0.16 - 5-23-15 = * Added: Connection Timeout * Added: French language files * Fixed: Issue where the Security widget disappears if not using the default backup option * Updated: Extensions Bulk installation process * Updated: Quick Jump navigation while working on single sites * Updated: Extensions widget layout * Updated: CSS Style = 2.0.15 - 5-14-15 = * Added: Update Plugs in bulk action on the Manage Sites page * Added: Update Themes bulk action on the Manage Sites page * Added: Actions column in the Manage Sites table * Added: New documents to the Documentation page * Added: Support for translation for missed strings * Added: Invitation for review on WordPress.org messages * Added: New links to the Shortcuts widget * Added: New checks to the Server Information page * Added: Support for the upcoming Extension * Fixed: Multiple PHP Warning * Fixed: Multiple spelling errors * Fixed: Individual site Require backup before upgrade settings bug * Updated: Required values on the Server Information page * Updated: Layout of the Server Information page * Updated: Layout of the Manage Sites tabletop navigation * Updated: Layout of the Install Plugins page (install process screen) * Updated: Layout of the Install Themes page (install process screen) * Updated: Plugin CSS style * Updated: Form fields labels * Updated: Layout of the bulk Extension installing process screen * Updated: Extensions sub-menu (removed the "MainWP" and "Extension" from menu items) * Updated: Individual site Require backup before upgrade setting * Removed: Unnecessary checks from the Server Information page = 2.0.14 - 4-28-15 = * Added: OpenSSL Notification and the SSL Verify option for Extension site connection * Fixed: Issues with some updates on the Extensions page * Fixed: Issue deleting Child sites from Dashboard when the Child plugin disabled or removed * Fixed: PHP Warning * Updated: Plugin install page layout * Updated: Theme install page layout * Changed: PHP required version on the Server Information page * Changed: Various small cosmetic features = 2.0.13 - 4-22-15 = * Fixed: Security issue with add_query_arg and remove_query_arg * Fixed: Additional fixes for displaying favicon * Fixed: PHP Warning * Added: OpenSSL notification and sslverify option for Extension login = 2.0.12 - 4-16-15 = * Fixed: Typo on the Plugins widget * Added: Various Notices * Added: New Extension in the Available Extensions box on the Extensions page. * Tweaked: Layout of the Backup Options box on the Settings Page = 2.0.11 - 4-12-15 = * Fixed: Displaying favicon bug = 2.0.10 - 4-06-15 = * Added: Display Favicon for child sites feature * Added: Support for upcoming Extension * Added: New CSS style * Fixed: Select sites by group bug in the Team Control Extension * Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings = 2.0.9 - 3-01-15 = * Fixed: For some languages, titles not displaying correctly in the latest posts/latest pages widget * Fixed: Dashboard download permission issue, which was causing plugin bulk installation not to work properly * Tweaked: Better performance (memory usage) and fewer PHP notices * Added: Hooks for upcoming extensions = - 2-25-15 = * Fixed: PHP Fatal error when hiding warnings = - 2-23-15 = * Fixed: Security issue - Unrestricted file upload * Fixed: Security issue - Path traversal in file download * Fixed: Possible high resource allocation in the logger * Added: IP address in test connection result = 2.0.8 - 2-11-15 = * Fixed: Database issue when removing sites * Added: Better log file handling * Fixed: One unreachable site-blocking last sync date * Fixed: Corrupt backups when backing up via HTTPS * Fixed: Backup tasks losing site-configuration * Fixed: "No MainWP Child"-error on some hosts when adding new pages/posts/users = - 2-03-15 = * Fixed: MySQL error when showing last sync time * Fixed: Auto updates not working on some hosts = 2.0.7 - 2-01-15 = * Fixed: Bug for Heatmap extension * Fixed: WordPress Database error * Fixed: Wrong sync times displayed on the Right Now widget * Fixed: Email notifications of updates not being sent * Fixed: Endless loop causing a lot of error log in our logger * Fixed: MySQL Database error when updating from a previous version * Added: Available extensions box on the Extensions page * Added: Disabled PHP functions check on the Server Information page * Tweaked: Test connection now performs a more robust check to verify the connection * Tweaked: The backup retry mechanism works better on larger sites * Tweaked: CSS on the extensions page * Tweaked: "Use MainWP Trigger" option moved to the MainWP Account Information box on the MainWP settings page * Tweaked: Removed old code and fixed deprecated PHP calls = 2.0.6 - 1-14-15 = * Fixed: Incorrect Dashboard out-of-sync message * Fixed: Hooks for the Google Analytics Extension * Fixed: Hooks for the Client Reports Extension * Fixed: Error messages styling when adding a new child site * Tweaked: MainWP Account Information box moved to the bottom of the Settings page. * Tweaked: Messages in the MainWP Account Information box * Tweaked: Manage Plugins table added static first column * Tweaked: Manage Themes table added static first column * Removed: Create MainWP Account from the Extensions page = 2.0.5 - 1-7-15 = * Fixed: Search issue (not showing all results when searching the sites page) * Fixed: Incorrect "Another backup process is running; try again later" message. * Added: Enhanced backup fetch to support a broader range of hosts * Added: Speed enhancement in the syncing process * Added: Action logs (to provide better debugging) = 2.0.4 - 12-26-14 = * Added: Hooks for upcoming Team Control Extension * Fixed: Issues with very large network Dashboard load times * Fixed: MainWP Tips dismiss button not removing the message * Fixed: Ignored Updates still showing in the Manage Sites table * Fixed: Hooks for some Extensions = 2.0.3 - 12-11-14 = * Fixed: Empty sites list issue on some hosts = 2.0.2 - 12-10-14 = * Fixed: Support for big networks with a low MAX_JOIN_SIZE setting in MySQL = 2.0.1 - 12-10-14 = * Added: Support for SQL users without CREATE VIEW privilege = 2.0 - 12-09-14 = * Added: Tar GZip as a backup file format * Added: Tar Bzip2 as a backup file format * Added: Tar as a backup file format * Added: Feature to resume unfinished or stalled backups * Added: Feature to detect if backup is already running * Added: New Feature for the Post Plus extension - Autosaving drafts in case posting fails * Added: Support for the Team Control Extension * Added: IP check to the Test Connection feature * Added: Tips bar on the All Dashboard, Sites, Posts, Pages, Manage Themes, Install Themes, Manage Plugins, Install Plugins, Settings, and Offline Checks page * Added: Breadcrumbs system in the Individual Site screen * Added: Better search mechanism for plugin auto-updates * Added: Better search mechanism for theme auto-updates * Added: Ability to change Auto Update trust status for Inactive plugins * Added: Ability to change Auto Update trust status for Inactive themes * Added: Quick Jump drop-down list for quicker navigation between Individual Dashboard * Added: Bulk Actions for the Manage Sites table (Sync, Delete, Test Connection, Open WP-Admin, and Open Front Page) * Added: Feature for saving the last Manage Sites table sorting * Added: Ability to edit the Child Site Security ID in Dashboard * Added: Ability to search All (active and inactive) Plugins * Added: Ability to search All (active and inactive) Themes * Added: Filters and select helpers for sites and groups in the Manage Groups page * Added: Extensions API Management * Added: Bulk Install purchased extensions * Added: Bulk Grab extensions API keys * Fixed: Post and Page search mechanism to search content body and title * Fixed: Client Reports bug not recording scheduled backups * Fixed: Issue of backup not running if the site is in two groups trying to back up at the same time * Tweak: Groups page was removed from the main navigation and added under the Sites menu * Tweak: Offline Checks were removed from the main navigation and added under the Settings menu * Tweak: "All Sites" menu item was renamed to "Manage Sites." * Tweak: "All Posts" menu item was renamed to "Manage Posts." * Tweak: "All Pages" menu item was renamed to "Manage Pages." * Tweak: "All Users" menu item was renamed to "Manage Users." * Tweak: "Backups" menu item was renamed to "Schedule Backup." * Tweak: "All Backups" menu item was renamed to "Manage Backups." * Tweak: Email Template updated to call images from the user's dashboard site * Tweak: Individual Sync Now action syncs on the Manage Sites page * Tweak: MainWP Account login on the settings page encryption * Tweak: "Auto Update Trust" menu item was renamed to "Auto Updates." * Tweak: "Child Unique Security Id" field moved to the Advanced Options field * Redesign: Warning message on the Sites > Add New page * Redesign: The warning message from the Settings page was removed and added as an admin notice after the dashboard plugin activation. * Redesign: The Advanced Settings options separated into different boxes * Redesign: New form field style * Redesign: New Search Posts, Search Pages, Search Themes, Search Plugin, and Search Users form style * Redesign: New Upload Themes and Plugins from layout * Redesign: The redirection page style updated * Redesign: Update Admin Passwords page style updated * Refactor: Site Backup page added as a separate tab * Refactor: Site Security Scan tab added with Security issues box, WordFence box, and Sucuri box * Refactor: MainWP Database table split into two tables, mainwp_wp_option and mainwp_wp_sync * Removed: jsapi link to Google = 1.2.1 - 09-02-14 = * Added Auto-detection of allowed File Descriptors during backups * Added Hide Dashboard from non-admins on the Dashboard site * Fixed issue with some links in posts = 1.2 - 09-02-14 = * Added Tooltips on the server information page * Added auto-save login after a successful test * Added Additional tweaks for fewer Backup timeouts * Added a new option to enable more IO instead of memory approach for Backups * Fixed Dropbox error when directory ends with space * Fixed "current running" that is stuck (not continuing backups) * Fixed deprecated theme calls * Fixed contacting disconnected child sites * Fixed non-HTTP on HTTPS host for extensions * Fixed issues with self-signed SSL certificates (added option in Advanced section) * Removed the possibility of querying disconnected child sites * Removed link to Google URL for jquery to prevent possible tracking * Removed old code references = 1.1 - 8-08-14 = * Added: Option to automatically exclude common backup locations from Backups * Added: Option to automatically exclude common cache locations from Backups * Added: Option to automatically exclude non-WordPress folders from Backups * Added: Option to automatically exclude Zip Archives from Backups * Added Several new subtasks to increase performance and reduce timeouts on Backups * Added New Hooks for Extensions * Fixed Backups allowing special characters that caused backups to fail * Fixed Text on Backup popup * Fixed Issue in how the categories tree displayed * Fixed Exclude folders and categories duplicated in the select list when selecting child sites fast * Fixed Error on the first install that occurred on some Dashboards * Fixed Issue where the upper sync button did not activate when there are posts/pages with HTML tags in the title * Additional CSS and Cosmetic Tweaks = - 7-10-14 = * Added support for servers blocking curl_multi_exec calls = 1.0.9 - 7-08-14 = * Added additional pings to decrease Backup timeouts on slower servers * Added enhancement for sites having a timeout stuck while performing a backup * Added enhancement to decrease server load when searching for or posting posts/pages/users * Tweaked CSS for Dashboard boxes mobile devices - ht phalancs = - 7-02-14 = * Added redirect for a user to add the first site on the activation * Cleaned up messages to the user on initial activation * Fixed forms to move to the top and show messages on submit * Changed Backups to show excluded folders by default * Fixed PHP Strict Error * Fixed Page and Post scheduling = - 6-18-14 = * Fix for backups (database backups deleted incorrectly) * Fix to reduce timeouts on sync = - 6-17-14 = * Tweak for Backup file dates to match the set timezone * Fix for uploads path outside the conventional path for backups * Fix for created category name and slug not handling spacing correctly * Fix for declaring wp_mail causing conflict with Mandrill * Added new hooks for upcoming extensions = - 6-10-14 = * Added ping from Dashboard during backups to reduce timeouts and add better error reporting * Added intelligent checks to increase backup speed * Install New Extension button added to the Extensions page * Extension names tweaked to link to open the extension page * Notes widget added to Site Individual Dashboard * .htaccess file tab added to the server information page * CSS changes for a cleaner look * Hooks added for the upcoming Extension = - 5-29-14 = * Fixed warning with open basedir restriction in place * Added zip support to database backups * Added new hooks for upcoming extensions = - 5-22-14 = * Now compatible with WPEngine-hosted child-sites * Added new hooks for upcoming extensions = - 5-08-14 = * Fixed issue with some missing images * Fixed issue with Comments extension redirect * Fixed PHP Notice on Sync Now when using strict * Updated Test Connection to show the hostname * Added new German translations = - 5-07-14 = * Fixed invalid link on Extensions Page * Fixed screen layout saving on the manage sites page * Fixed various other CSS Layout issues = - 4-29-14 = * Fixed default values for minimum delays between requests * Fixed issue that prevented 0 as values for minimum delays between requests = 1.0.8 - 4-28-14 = * Added Minimum delay between requests to Settings Advanced Options * Added Minimum delay between requests to the same IP Settings Advanced Options * Fixed issue with some premium plugins showing as Trusted in the email when not Trusted * Added Wp-Config Page Viewer to Server Information * Added new German translations * Changed Max Request Error Message to provide a link to more information = 1.0.7 - 4-14-14 = * Fix menu position so menus created by extensions will be below the Extensions menu item * Fix for Favorites Extension: bug upload long filename * Added support for custom crontab settings (may reduce timeouts on bigger sites) * Optimized the delay settings between requests and requests to the same IP to reduce timeouts = 1.0.6 - 3-31-14 = * Code changes for WP 3.9 Compatibility * Added Plugin Widget to Individual Dashboard screen * Added Theme Widget to Individual Dashboard screen * Moved Bulk Update Admin password to the Users screen * Changed Extension Menu Layout = 1.0.5 - 3-16-14 = * Minor fix for heatmap extension = 1.0.4 - 3-12-14 = * Fix for premium plugins = 1.0.3 - 3-10-14 = * Added possibility to turn off basic SEO stats * Codex Issue Fixed for displaying header and footer * Added support for premium plugins * Extended server information with CURL requirement * Added Sync, Add Sites, and Extension to the plugin footer for easy access = 1.0.2 - 2-27-14 = * Fixed issue with adding new posts/pages = 1.0.1 - 2-26-14 = * Internal version = 1.0.0 - 2-23-14 = * Initial version