Table of Contents

Remove Extension(s)

Since MainWP Dashboard version 4.3, MainWP Extensions can be removed directly from the MainWP Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to MainWP Dashboard > Extensions page
  2. Find the Extension you wish to remove
  3. Click the Disable button
    Remove Extension(s) 1
  4. After the page refreshes, click the Delete button
    Remove Extension(s) 2


Extensions can also be removed like any other WordPress plugin. To remove Extensions in that manner:

  1. Login to your MainWP Dashboard site
  2. Go to the WP Admin > Plugins page
  3. Find the Extension(s) you wish to remove
  4. Deactivate it
    Remove Extension(s) 3
  5. Delete it

All MainWP Extensions will completely uninstall themselves, so there is no need to access your server via FTP to manually delete extension files.

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