Table of Contents

WP-CLI Commands

If you need WP-CLI specific help or installation instructions, please check the WP-CLI website

All commands are lowercase

Dashboard Commands

List all Child sites currently connected to your MainWP Dashboard

wp mainwp sites

Sync all your MainWP Child sites with your MainWP Dashboard

wp mainwp sync --all

Sync only specific MainWP Child sites with your MainWP Dashboard use the site ID (e.g., site id 2 & 5)

wp mainwp sync 2,5
You can find your Child site ID’s using the wp mainwp sites command and checking the id field

Plugin Commands

List all your plugins from all your Child sites that need an update

wp mainwp plugin --list

Upgrade all plugins that currently need an upgrade on your MainWP Dashboard

wp mainwp plugin --upgrade-all

To only upgrade specific plugins, you can use the upgrade command like:

wp mainwp plugin --upgrade=mainwpchild,akismet

If you only want to upgrade plugins on certain Child sites, you can use (e.g., site id 2 & 5)

wp mainwp plugin 2,5 --upgrade
You can find your Child site ID’s using the wp mainwp sites command and checking the id field

Theme Commands

List all your themes from all your Child sites that need an update

wp mainwp theme --list

Upgrade all themes that currently need an upgrade on your MainWP Dashboard

wp mainwp theme --upgrade-all

To only upgrade specific themes you can use the upgrade command like:

wp mainwp theme --upgrade=twentyfifteen,twentythirteen

If you only want to upgrade themes on certain Child sites, you can use (e.g., site id 2 & 5)

wp mainwp theme 2,5 --upgrade
You can find your Child site ID’s using the wp mainwp sites command and checking the id field

Help Commands

If you need help, you can use the following commands

wp help mainwp
wp help mainwp sync
wp help mainwp sites
wp help mainwp plugin



To trigger a scan for a certain child site, use the following command:

wp mainwp-sucuri scan []

where [] is the ID of the child site that you want to scan.

Still Have a Questions?
Search for additional solutions in the MainWP Community or start your own discussion