== MainWP Child Changelog == = 5.0 - 2-27-2024 = * Added: Support for the new API Backups providers - cPanel and Plesk * Updated: Updated the phpSecLib library to enhance security and performance. = 4.6 - 1-3-2024 = * Refactored: Updated and optimized the plugin codebase to align with the latest WordPress coding standards, contributing to better compatibility and performance. [See Video Changelog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wmDS3_c_T0) = 4.5.3 - 11-6-2023 = * Fixed: Compatibility with the MainWP WooCommerce Status Extension to fully support WooCommerce HPOS. * Fixed: Potential functionality issues arising from the disabled state of the php_uname function within PHP environments. * Added: Support for the `%do-not-update%` token within the MainWP BackWPup Extension to improve update management. [See Video Changelog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA2YSualmkQ) = 4.5.2 - 10-16-2023 = * Added: Support for the Dashboard Insights logging * Added: Encryption process for the connection Dashboard URL info * Updated: Unique Security ID random string generate process [See Video Changelog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rA2Ub0xYxU) = 4.5.1 - 9-5-2023 = * Fixed: Problem with loading tabs content on the MainWP Child settings page * Fixed: An issue with selecting Clone options * Fixed: Usability problem with file name sanitation for the File Uploader * Updated: Removed clone options for all users except for the Admin user that is used for establishing the connection with the MainWP Dashboard = 4.5 - 8-15-2023 = * Added: Support for alternative OpenSSL signature verification algorithm * Added: PHPSecLib as a fallback for missing or Misconfigured OpenSSL * Added: New encryption & decryption system for safer storing sensitive data * Added: Support for searching for Not installed plugins * Added: New PHPCodeSniffer rulesets * Updated: Removed MD5 as a fallback for setups where OpenSSL is not available = - 6-19-2023 = * Fixed: File Uploader extension-related issue where underscore replaces dots in a file path * Fixed: An issue with the negative search feature * Updated: Plugin info in readme.txt = - 6-8-2023 = * Fixed: Potential issues caused by incorrect FileSystem settings * Updated: Logging system related to the Cache-Control Extension * Updated: Database export process related to the Cloning feature = - 5-9-2023 = * Fixed: Potential conflict with the Oxygen Builder 4.6 * Fixed: WP Rocket plugin compatibility problems = 4.4.1 - 4-18-2023 = * Fixed: An issue with saving code snippets * Fixed: A problem with removing allowed tags in post titles * Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings * Added: Check for specific hosts that disable WordPress Core updates for users = - 3-30-2023 = * Fixed: JS conflict caused by the Hide Jetpack plugin feature = - 3-30-2023 = * Fixed: An issue with adding sites caused by incompatible filesystem * Updated: Support for the Jetpack Scan extension * Updated: Compatibility for older WordPress versions = - 3-16-2023 = * Fixed: Problem with downloading backup files from Child sites * Fixed: PHP 7.0 compatibility issue * Added: Elementor Pro support for the Database Updater Extension * Added: Support for new caching plugins for the Cache-Control Extension * Updated: Delete Non-MainWP changes process to delete actions from child sites = - 3-9-2023 = * Fixed: PHP 7.0 compatibility warning * Fixed: Incorrect Wordfence scans count * Fixed: Cosmetic issues caused by escaping HTML tags in notifications * Updated: Increased the PHP version minimal requirement to PHP 7.4 = 4.4 - 2-20-2023 = * Added: support for new extensions * Preventative: Multiple security enhancements = 4.3.1 - 12-14-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with repeating Non-MainWP changes * Updated: PHP 8.1 compatibility improvements * Preventative: Multiple security enhancements = - 11-24-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with logging Non-MainWP changes for the connected admin user * Removed: Unused DB field = 4.3 - 11-16-2022 = * Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings * Added: Support for new security checks * Added: Support for the Non-MainWP Changes feature * Removed: Unused code = 4.2.6 - 8-26-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with support for the new extension = 4.2.5 - 8-25-2022 = * Added: Support for the new extension * Fixed: An issue with displaying PHP errors * Fixed: A problem with the database optimization process related to the Maintenance extension = 4.2.4 - 7-14-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with falling back to the Filesystem API in chrooted configurations * Fixed: Compatibility issues with the new version of the WP Staging plugin * Fixed: A problem with overwriting page attributes = 4.2.3 - 5-16-2022 = * Added: Swift Performance Pro to the Purge Cache system = 4.2.2 - 5-10-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with detecting abandoned plugins and themes on specific setups * Fixed: An issue with running scheduled events on specific setups * Added: Nginx Helper to the Purge Cache system * Added: Nitropack to the Purge Cache system * Added: Autoptimize to the Purge Cache system * Updated: Tested up to tag to WP 6.0 = 4.2.1 - 4-14-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with setting BackupBuddy plugin Settings * Fixed: An issue with generating client reports on setups with large amounts of data * Updated: `meta.mainwp.com` URLs changed to `managers.mainwp.com` * Updated: `privacy-policy.txt` file = 4.2 - 4-5-2022 = * Fixed: An issue with detecting abandoned plugins and themes on some setups * Fixed: An issue with the update process getting stuck on specific server configurations * Fixed: An issue with syncing Wordfence extension data * Added: Plugin privacy policy file to the plugin directory * Added: Support for the Negative Search feature * Added: Support for the feature that prevents the parent theme of the active child theme from being deleted * Added: Support for the automatic cache clearing after updates feature = 4.1.10 - 2-16-2022 = * Fixed: Problem with loading UpdrafPlus data when `$updraftplus_admin` returns an empty value * Fixed: Problem with posting images * Fixed: Problem with loading Wordfence Scan data in reports * Updated: Multiple error messages * Updated: Incorrect links = 4.1.9 - 12-28-2021 = * Fixed: Problem with saving UpdraftPlus settings * Fixed: Error with posting images * Fixed: Error with recording Wordfence scans for reports * Fixed: Version comparison issue for OpenSSL version * Updated: PHP 8 compatibility * Updated: Added `authorEmail` to the sync output ([PR284](https://github.com/mainwp/mainwp-child/pull/284) - thanks [Kim Vinberg](https://github.com/websitecareio)) = 4.1.8 - 10-21-2021 = * Fixed: An error with missing metadata in the posting process * Fixed: An error with logging Wordfence scans * Fixed: New iThemes Security version compatibility problems * Fixed: New WP Staging version compatibility problems * Added: Support to define MAINWP_CHILD_UNIQUEID constant * Added: Custom CSS classes to the White Label support form elements * Added: 'mainwp_child_before_update' action to hook in before the update process starts * Added: 'mainwp_child_after_update' action to hook in after the update process completes * Updated: Disconnected site warning message style * Updated: Reworded error messages * Preventative: Multiple security improvements = - 10-1-2021 = * Updated: OpenSSL version requirement to 1.1.0 or greater = 4.1.7 - 6-29-21 = * Added: Support for the new Vulnerability Checker API = - 4-16-21 = * Fixed: An issue with disconnecting sites * Fixed: An issue with applying custom branding = 4.1.6 - 4-15-21 = * Added: Support for the function to trigger the Check for Abandoned plugins and themes process * Updated: Multiple performance improvements = 4.1.5 - 3-18-21 = * Fixed: An issue with uploading files with an underscore in the file name * Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings * Updated: Compatibility with the latest UpdraftPlus plugin version * Updated: Compatibility with the latest BackWPup plugin version * Updated: Compatibility with the latest WP Rocket plugin version = 4.1.4 - 1-21-21 = * Updated: Compatibility with the latest WP Staging plugin version * Updated: Compatibility with the latest WP Time Capsule plugin version * Updated: Multiple DocBlock comments * Preventative: Multiple security improvements = - 12-30-20 = * Fixed: An issue with uploading images in posts and pages * Updated: New WP Rocket plugin version compatibility * Updated: Support for new UpdraftPlus Backups plugin options * Preventative: Multiple security improvements = 4.1.3 - 12-3-20 = * Fixed: An issue with publishing custom post type content * Fixed: An issue with loading BackWPup backups * Fixed: An issue with searching Posts and Pages * Fixed: Multiple usability issues * Fixed: An issue with saving custom branding settings * Updated: Support for new Wordfence options = 4.1.2 - 10-8-20 = * Removed: unused system information check = 4.1.1 - 10-7-20 = * Fixed: An issue with creating new users * Fixed: An issue with cloning sites * Fixed: An issue with creating post tags * Updated: Multiple database query improvements * Preventative: Multiple security improvements = 4.1 - 9-9-20 = * Fixed: An issue with posting Custom Post Types * Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings * Added: New actions and filters * Added: phpDocs blocks for code documentation * Updated: refactored the code to meet WordPress coding standards * Updated: WordPress 5.5 compatibility * Preventative: Multiple security improvements = - 8-6-20 = * Updated: WordPress 5.5 compatibility = - 4-30-20 = * Fixed: JSON decoding issues on specific setups * Fixed: An issue with incorrect image URL * Fixed: Conflict with the Download Manager plugin * Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings * Fixed: MySQL query compatibility problems * Fixed: An issue with saving Wordfence settings * Fixed: An issue with showing the correct post and page creating time * Fixed: An issue with displaying the correct author in reports * Added: Support for WPVivid backups in the reporting system * Preventative: Security improvements = 4.0.7 - 2-25-20 = * Fixed: An issue with saving Bulk Setting Manager keys * Fixed: An issue with saving Wordfence extension settings * Fixed: An issue with overwriting PHP error reporting configuration * Added: Pull request #9 to add an action to allow additional post customization when a new post is created - Thanks [joshlabau](https://github.com/joshlabau) * Added: Pull request #13 to replace __autoload() with spl_autoload_register - Thanks [Christian Foellmann](https://github.com/cfoellmann) * Added: Pull request #23 to fix a typo - Thanks [Marco Frodl](https://github.com/marcofrodl) * Added: Pull request #24 to prevent overwriting PHP error reporting configuration - Thanks [Stanislav Khromov](https://github.com/khromov) * Updated: Improved premium plugins and themes updates detection system * Removed: Unused database options = - 2-3-20 = * Fixed: Connection problems caused by issues with json_encode function = - 1-20-20 = * Updated: MainWP_Child_WPvivid_BackupRestore class = 4.0.6 - 1-17-20 = * Fixed: Encoding problem in error messages * Added: Site ID parameter in the sync request * Updated: MainWP_Child_WPvivid_BackupRestore class * Preventative: Security improvements = - 12-13-19 = * Fixed: Child Reports data conversion problem = 4.0.5 - 12-9-19 = * Added: support for the Pro Reports extension * Fixed: MainWP Child Reports version 2 compatibility = 4.0.4 - 11-11-19 = * Fixed: WordPress 5.3 compatibility problems * Fixed: An issue with managing BackWPup backups * Updated: Multiple error messages * Removed: Unused code = 4.0.3 - 10-1-19 = * Added: 'mainwp_child_branding_init_options' filter for disabling custom branding * Updated: Support for the WPVulnDB API v3 * Removed: Unused code and files = 4.0.2 - 9-6-19 = * Fixed: An issue with incorrect backups count in the Client Reports system = 4.0.1 - 9-3-19 = * Fixed: An issue with clearing and preloading WP Rocket cache = 4.0 - 8-28-19 = * Fixed: Various functionality problems * Added: Support for upcoming 3rd party extensions * Added: .htaccess file with custom redirect to rule the MainWP Child plugin directory to hide the plugin from search engines * Updated: Support for the MainWP Dashboard 4.0 * Updated: Notifications texts * Removed: Unused code = 3.5.7 - 5-6-19 = * Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings * Fixed: Multiple conflicts with 3rd party products * Fixed: An issue with Page Speed data for custom URLs * Fixed: An issue with logging WP Time Capsule backups on specific setups * Fixed: An issue with short login session * Added: Multiple security enhancements * Added: Support for the WP Staging Pro (free features only) * Added: Support for plugin/theme installation requests to HTTP Basic Auth protected MainWP Dashboards = 3.5.6 - 3-25-19 = * Fixed: An issue with checking Page Speed data * Fixed: An issue with empty update data * Fixed: An issue with incorrect plugin update data * Added: Send From field in the Branding support form * Updated: Compatibility with the latest Yoast SEO plugin version = 3.5.5 - 3-6-19 = * Fixed: An issue with the hook for controlling branding options for specific roles * Fixed: Branding issues * Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings * Fixed: Multiple typos * Fixed: MainWP UpdraftPlus Extension performance issues * Fixed: An issue with creating double media files when editing posts and pages from MainWP Dashboard * Fixed: An issue with creating duplicate Boilerplate posts and pages * Updated: Added improvements for detecting premium plugin updates on specific setups = - 2-19-19 = * Added: Proper attribution to plugin code used for Extensions * Removed: Unused code = 3.5.4 - 2-14-19 = * Fixed: Issues with displaying broken links data for specific setups * Fixed: Compatibility issues with the latest PageSpeed Insights plugin version * Fixed: An issue with publishing "future" posts * Fixed: An issue with sending email alerts in specific setups * Fixed: An issue with saving code snippets in wp-config.php when the file is in a custom location * Fixed: An issue with clearing unused scheduled Cron jobs * Added: Support for the new PageSpeed Insights plugin options * Updated: Disabled the "Remove readme.html" security check feature for WPEngine-hosted child sites * Updated: Support for detecting premium themes updates = 3.5.3 - 12-19-18 = * Fixed: An issue with the X-Frame-Options configuration * Fixed: An issue with clearing WP Rocket cache * Fixed: An issue with saving BackWPup settings * Fixed: Multiple compatibility issues for the Bulk Settings Manager Extension * Fixed: An issue with submitting the Bulk Settings Manager keys on child sites protected with the HTTP Basic Authentication * Fixed: An issue with creating buckets in Backblaze remote option caused by disallowed characters * Fixed: An issue with tokens usage in the UpdraftPlus Webdav remote storage settings * Added: Support for new WP Staging plugin options * Updated: Update detection process to improve performance on some hosts * Updated: Disabled site size calculation function as the default state * Updated: Support for the latest Wordfence version = 3.5.2 - 11-27-18 = * Fixed: An issue with detecting updates when a custom branding is applied * Fixed: An issue with passing WebDav remote storage info for the UpdraftPlus Extension * Fixed: An issue with grabbing fresh child site favicons * Updated: Process to skip WooCommerce order notes in the comments section for Client Reports = 3.5.1 - 11-14-18 = * Fixed: An issue with detecting the Wordfence status info * Fixed: An issue with loading UpdraftPlus existing backups * Fixed: The File Uploader extension issue with renaming special files * Fixed: An issue with syncing BackupBuddy data * Fixed: An issue with logging BackWPup backups * Fixed: An issue with detecting premium plugin updates * Added: New options for the MainWP Staging Extension * Added: Multiple security enhancements * Added: Support for the upcoming 3rd party extension * Updated: Improved the updating process = 3.5 - 9-27-18 = * Fixed: compatibility issues caused by the recent UpdraftPlus update * Fixed: issues with the WooCommerce Status information * Fixed: issues with Bulk Settings Manager for specific plugins * Added: mainwp_child_mu_plugin_enabled hook to allow MainWP Child usage as a must-use plugin * Added: support for recording WP Time Capsule backups for Client Reports * Added: mainwp_branding_role_cap_enable_contact_form hook to allow users to show Support Form (Branding extension option) to specific roles * Added: support for the new BackUpWordPrress Extension feature * Added: Support for the new MainWP Buddy Extension feature * Updated: reporting system to determine backup type for BackWPup backups * Improved: connection stability for sites hosted on hosts with small execution time limits * Improved: detecting updates for premium plugins = 3.4.9 - 7-23-18 = * Fixed: MainWP iThemes Security Extension issues caused by the latest iThemes Security plugin version = 3.4.8 - 6-26-18 = * Fixed: issues caused by deprecated functions * Added: mainwp_before_post_update hook * Added: support for the new extension * Added: conditional checks to prevent possible conflicts with certain pluginsĀ  * Added: support for the new MainWP Branding Extension feature * Improved: PHP 7.2 compatibility = - 5-25-18 = * Fixed: UpdraftPlus 1.14.10 compatibility issue that caused child sites to disconnect * Added: support for the new MainWP Branding Extension option * Updated: compatibility with the new Wordfence plugin version * Updated: compatibility with the new WP Rocket plugin version = 3.4.7 - 4-17-18 = * Fixed: multiple cloning issues * Fixed: timezone issue backup timestamp * Fixed: MainWP Branding Extension conflict that caused issues with hooking WP-Admin menu items * Fixed: MainWP Branding Extension issue with hiding WordPress update nag * Fixed: MainWP Branding Extension issue with updating WordPress footer content * Fixed: issues with loading broken links data * Fixed: multiple PHP 7.2 warnings * Added: Support for the Backblaze backup remote destination (UpdraftPlus Extension) * Added: support for recording Live Stash updates for Client Reporting * Updated: recent Wordfence plugin version compatibility * Updated: recent WP Staging plugin version compatibility = 3.4.6 - 2-21-18 = * Fixed: Wordfence 7 compatibility issues * Added: multiple security enhancements * Updated: admin notice text = 3.4.5 - 1-22-18 = * Fixed: Multiple issues with cloning sites * Fixed: An issue with passing metadata for featured images * Fixed: An issue with the sync process caused by syncing an extremely large amount of data * Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings * Added: Support for the new MainWP Wordfence Extension options * Added: multiple security enhancements * Updated: new BackWPup version compatibility = 3.4.4 - 12-4-17 = * Fixed: compatibility issue with the latest UpdraftPlus Backups plugin version * Fixed: compatibility issue with the latest iThemes Security plugin version * Fixed: An issue with updating certain plugins * Fixed: An issue with installing certain plugins * Fixed: An issue with logging the BackupBuddy backups for client reports * Fixed: An issue with syncing sites that run older versions of the BackupBuddy plugin * Fixed: An issue with calculating site size on Windows servers * Fixed: An issue with disabling Pro modules for the iThemes Security plugin * Fixed: An issue with saving Amazon S3 settings for the UpdraftPlus extension * Added: Support for the upcoming extension * Added: Support for the new MainWP iThemes Security Extension options * Added: Support for the search by Title option * Added: Support for the new MainWP UpdraftPlus Extension options * Added: Support for the new MainWP Buddy Extension options * Added: support for the new version of the MainWP WooCommerce Status extension * Added: the mainwp-child-get-total-size hook for disabling the get total size of a site function * Updated: the process for displaying info for scheduled posts and pages = 3.4.3 - 8-24-17 = * Fixed: An issue with saving Bulk Setting Manager keys on some HTTPS sites * Fixed: timeout issues for the Bulk Settings Manager Extension * Fixed: multiple issues with saving remote storage settings for the UpdraftPlus extension * Fixed: An issue with 404 email notification templates for the Maintenance extension * Fixed: An issue with saving Post and Page status as Private * Fixed: An issue with displaying the incorrect number of updates caused by server conflict * Fixed: An issue with displaying the locked status for Posts and Pages while the Post/Page is being edited in MainWP Dashboard * Added: a function to check if a post or a page is being edited before saving changes from MainWP Dashboard * Added: the new 'mainwp_child_after_newpost' hook * Updated: compatibility for the new version of the Bulk Settings Manager Extension * Updated: compatibility with the new version of the BackupBuddy plugin * Updated: compatibility with the new version of the Wordfence plugin * Updated: compatibility with the new version of the UpdraftPlus plugin * Updated: compatibility with the new version of the Yoast SEO plugin * Updated: compatibility with the new version of the iThemes Security extension * Updated: reduced number of database queries to improve performance * Updated: display options for the Custom Post Types extension * Updated: header response to 403 for the applied security fix preventing directory listing = 3.4.2 - 7-11-17 = * Fixed: An issue with saving BackWPup job files * Fixed: conflict with the Color Picker library * Fixed: An issue with executing multiple updates at once on a site detected on some setups * Fixed: An issue with cloning sites from a backup file detected on some setups * Updated: support for the new Google PageSpeed Insights plugin version * Updated: the Contact Support branding feature will be visible only to Administrator users = 3.4.1 - 6-12-17 = * Fixed: An issue with the update process on some setups * Fixed: An issue with cloning sites from a backup file * Updated: support for the new WP Rocket settings for the new version of the Rocket extension = 3.4 - 5-11-17 = * Fixed: An issue with updating plugins and themes on some server setups * Fixed: An issue with the child site connection after cloning the site * Fixed: An issue with saving iThemes Security settings * Fixed: An issue with recording empty values for the Client Reports * Fixed: An issue with creating a custom post type posts * Fixed: An issue with incorrect slugs created after publishing drafts * Fixed: An issue with showing correct tabs if a custom branding applied * Fixed: An issue with syncing sites when the MainWP Buddy extension is used * Fixed: An issue with saving BackupBuddy settings * Added: support for new Wordfence features = 3.3 - 2-22-17 = * Fixed: An issue with syncing sites when the Client Reports Extension is activated * Fixed: minor issues with Wordfence Extension support * Added: Support for the MainWP Vulnerability Checker Extension = 3.2.7 - 1-19-17 = * Fixed: An issue with removing Scripts and Stylesheets version number * Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings * Fixed: JS issue that occurs when a MainWP Child plugin update is available and the plugin has been rebranded = 3.2.6 - 1-5-17 = * Added: support for the Divi (Elegant Themes) themes updates = 3.2.5 - 12-30-16 = * Added: support for the new WP Rocket options * Added: support for the new display favicon process * Updated: site connection process (MD5 encryption not supported) * Updated: multiple functions refactored * Preventative: Security improvements = 3.2.4 - 12-09-16 = * Fixed: Conflict with SendGrid = 3.2.3 - 12-08-16 = * Fixed: Compatibility issues with PHP versions * Preventative: Security improvements = 3.2.2 - 12-01-16 = * Fixed: An issue with activating the BackUpWordPress plugin * Fixed: An issue with the edit user feature * Fixed: An issue with activating the WP Rocket plugin * Fixed: An issue with displaying Scheduled Posts and Pages in the Recent Posts and Recent Pages widget * Fixed: An issue with false alert with PHP Max Execution time set to -1 * Fixed: incorrect links to the MainWP Child Setting page * Fixed: An issue with UpdraftPlus Pro version updates * Fixed: An issue with showing the MainWP Child Plugin updates in client reports when the MainWP Child Plugin is hidden * Added: support for %sitename% and %site_url% tokens for directory path settings for the UpdraftPlus extension * Added: Support for the new Edit Posts and Pages process * Added: 'mainwp_create_post_custom_author' hook * Added: Support for the Reload remote destination function (MainWP Buddy Extension) * Added: Support for the new Wordfence options * Updated: PHP recommendation bumped to 5.6 = 3.2.1 - 10-26-16 = * Added: Support for PHP 5.4 and below = 3.2 - 10-26-16 = * Fixed: An issue with installing plugins and themes on HTTP Basic Authentication protected sites * Fixed: An issue with Themes search on the Auto Update themes page * Fixed: An issue with getting the child site favicon * Fixed: An issue where BackUpWordPress schedules couldn't be found * Fixed: An issue with recording BackWPup, BackUpWordPress, and BackupBuddy backups for Client Reports * Fixed: An issue with dismissing warning message if the WordPress All Import plugin is installed * Fixed: An issue with publishing Drafts from the Post Plus extension * Added: Support for the new Edit User feature * Added: Connection details tab * Added: Support for deleting active plugins * Updated: Number of categories pulled from child sites (from 50 to 300) = 3.1.7 - 8-18-16 = * Fixed: Issues with PHP 7 - The MainWP Child is now PHP 7-friendly! :-) * Added: Support for an upcoming extension (BacukpBuddy Extension) = 3.1.6 - 8-2-16 = * Fixed: An issue with loading too much data from the Broken Links Checker * Fixed: An issue with saving UpdraftPlus extension settings * Fixed: An issue with extracting URL for the MainWP URL Extractor Extension * Fixed: An issue with including new tables in database backup for individual BackWPup Extension jobs * Updated: support for new iThemes Security options = 3.1.5 - 7-12-16 = * Fixed: Incompatibility with the new version of the iThemes Security version * Added: Support for the new iThemes Security features * Added: Support for the new WP Rocket features * Added: "Currently connected to" check in the Server Information * Fixed: PHP Notice * Removed: Unnecessary checks in the Server Information page = 3.1.4 - 5-9-16 = * Updated: function execute_snippet() extracted to a separate file = 3.1.3 - 4-28-16 = * Fixed: Issue with repeating the delete process of the readme.html file * Fixed: PHP Warning * Fixed: Issue with replacing image source * Fixed: Incorrect replacement of the href attribute for image external links * Fixed: Issue with saving Wordfence option on Dreamhost hosting * Fixed: Issue with saving PageSpeed Settings and syncing PageSpeed data * Fixed: Secure login issue with some plugin/theme updates * Fixed: Connection timeouts due to large sites * Added: MU-Plugins support * Added: Support for publishing Image Galleries in Posts and Pages * Updated: MainWP Child plugin pages layout * Updated: Support for the new version of the BackUpWordPress plugin * Removed: Plugin and Theme Conflicts check feature = 3.1.2 - 3-15-16 = * Fixed: False connection issue warning * Fixed: Smart Manager For WP eCommerce not updating * Fixed: Multiple mixed content warnings * Added: Support for Wordfence performance options = 3.1.1 - 3-3-16 = * Fixed: Checking abandoned plugins not in the WP repository * Fixed: Bug when running BackupWordPress backup * Fixed: Bug adding cache settings for WordFence Extension * Added: Feature to generate server information * Added: Server Information items * Added: New Subject text box to support email in Branding Extension * Added: Support themes using invalid screen functions * Tweaked: Support new version of BackupWordPress plugin version * Updated: Added support in Client Reports Extension for BackWPup backups = 3.1 - 2-17-16 = * Fixed: PHP notices * Fixed: Escape HTML error for the contact support feature of the Branding Extension * Fixed: The issue with removing the generator version * Fixed: Update issue for the iThemes Security Pro and the Monarch plugin * Fixed: Compatibility issue with the BackUpWordPress plugin * Added: Auto detect manually removed script/style versions feature * Added: WordPress translation updates * Added: New Branding option to turn off theme switching * Enhancement: Removed ctype_digit requirement * Enhancement: Install plugin error message = 3.0.2 - 1-22-16 = * Fixed: Issue with scheduled BackupWordPress when running from Dashboard * Fixed: Issue with Heatmap tracker JavaScript * Added: Support for hosts with PHP with disabled mb_regex * Tweaked: Code snippet result message = 3.0.1 - 1-18-16 = * Fixed: HTML output of branding contact form * Added: Auto retry install plugin/theme if the installation fails * Fixed: Issue with rendering CSS used in the Branding extension = 3.0 - 1-12-16 = * Fixed: Refactored code to meet WordPress Coding standards * Fixed: Deprecated Function * Fixed: Fatal Error caused by the MainWP Rocket Extension * Fixed: Issue introduced with the new version of the iThemes Security plugin * Fixed: Link Manager Extension bug with special characters in URL * Fixed: MainWP Client Reports Extension bug caused by a high number of posts logged in the database * Fixed: Generator meta tag issue * Fixed: Wordfence Extension issue with displaying incorrect last scan time * Fixed: Broken Link Extension bug * Fixed: MainWP Heatmaps Extension bug * Fixed: Abandoned Plugins/Themes function bug with registering multiple cron jobs * Fixed: CSS issue * Fixed: Escaped HTML * Fixed: PHP error reporting security alert * Added: Support for the MainWP Rocket Extension to load existing WP Rocket settings * Added: Support for Export/Import settings for the Wordfence Extension * Added: Support new Wordfence settings options for the Wordfence Extension * Added: Force Check Pages function for the MainWP PageSpeed Extensions * Added: Allow to see MainWP child plugin in MainWP Dashboard plugins search * Updated: MainWP URL Extractor Extension logic to extract URLs by Post published date instead of last change date = 2.0.29 - 9-22-15 = * Fixed: 404 error that occurs in case Links Manager extension is in use when child plugin is hidden * Fixed: Bug with detecting updates of hidden plugins (UpdraftPlus, BackUpWordPress, WP Rocket) * Fixed: Bug with overwriting Amazon S3 settings in the BackUpWordPress plugin * Fixed: Bug with empty values for Text Link and Link Source options in Broken Links Checker Extension * Fixed: Bug with bulk repair action in Wordfence Extension * Fixed: Bug with incorrect File System Method detection * Added: Support for an upcoming Extension = 2.0.28 - 9-7-15 = * Fixed: Security Issue (MainWP White Hat Reward Program) * Fixed: Support for the Stream 3 plugin * Fixed: Client Reports issues with recording autosaves for Posts and Pages * Fixed: An issue with detection for Abandoned Plugins & Themes that are not hosted on WP.org = 2.0.27 - 9-2-15 = * Fixed: Security Issue (MainWP White Hat Reward Program) = 2.0.26 - 9-1-15 = * Fixed: Conflict with Stream 3 (Thanks to Luke Carbis of Stream) = 2.0.25 - 8-31-15 = * Fixed: Issue with Client Reports extension where comments records were not displayed correctly * Added: Support for missing Client Report records = 2.0.24 - 8-20-15 = * Fixed: Incorrect last update value for abandoned plugins & themes feature * Fixed: Branding for Server Information page and Clone page title * Fixed: Incorrect heatmap data and warnings * Fixed: Can not add child site because get favicon timeout * Fixed: Hiding UpdraftPlus, WP Rocket toolbar, and their notices when set to hide plugins = 2.0.23 - 8-7-15 = * Fixed: An issue with Heatmaps not loading * Added: Support for the Establish New Connection feature * Added: Support for the Abandoned plugins detection feature * Added: Support for the Abandoned themes detection feature = 2.0.22 - 7-22-15 = * Fixed: Bug where the OptmizePress theme has not been updated properly * Fixed: Bug where the Client Report extension recorded incorrect time * Added: Support for the upcoming extension = 2.0.21 - 7-9-15 = * Fixed: Bug with the time schedule for the UpdraftPlus extension * Added: Support for the upcoming extension = 2.0.20 - 7-6-15 = * Fixed: Bug with the time schedule for the UpdraftPlus extension * Fixed: Bug in the Scan for backups feature for the UpdraftPlus extension * Fixed: Bug with saving email report option for the free version of the UpdraftPuls plugin * Fixed: Bug that was causing the BackupBuddy updates to fail * Updated: Only users with the Administrator role can see the MainWP Child menu = 2.0.19 - 6-10-15 = * Added: Filesystem Check on the Server Information page * Added: Support for the MainWP Child Report plugin * Added: Support for the new UpdraftPlus Extension options * Enhancement: Speed up directory listing by using fewer resources, reducing timeout issues * Fixed: Plugin/theme upgrade issue when no file system method is specified * Fixed: X-Frame-Options - ALLOWALL bug * Fixed: Timeout error for the stats child data function * Fixed: An error with the Synchronous XMLHttpRequest for tracker.js * Fixed: Expert settings options for the UpdraftPlus Extension * Fixed: Calculation error for the PHP Memory Limit, PHP Max Upload Filesize, and PHP Post Max Size checks = 2.0.18 - 5-30-15 = * Fixed: False malware alert = 2.0.17 - 5-23-15 = * Fixed: Bug where some premium plugins didn't update * Fixed: Bug where some Favicons didn't display correctly * Fixed: Bug where relative links didn't show correctly in posts = 2.0.16 - 5-15-15 = * Fixed: Issue with sites running PHP 5.2 and lower * Fixed: Sync error on some sites with UpdraftPlus installed * Fixed: PHP Warning * Changed: Server page to reflect a requested minimum of PHP 5.3 = 2.0.15 - 5-14-15 = * Added: Support for the upcoming extension * Fixed: Post categories not showing on Dashboard * Fixed: Potential malware false alert issue * Fixed: Spelling error * Updated: Required values on the Server Information page * Updated: Layout of the Server Information page * Removed: Unnecessary checks from the Server Information page * Enhancement: Reduced page load time by autoloading common options = 2.0.14 - 4-28-15 = * Fixed: Handling of updates when plugins change folder structure or name = 2.0.13 - 4-22-15 = * Fixed: Security Issue with add_query_arg and remove_query_arg = 2.0.12 - 4-16-15 = * Fixed: Bug for the MainWP iThemes Security Extension * Fixed: Bug for the MainWP WordFence Extension * Fixed: Bug where the MainWP Child plugin was breaking Cron jobs on child sites = 2.0.11 - 4-12-15 = * Fixed: Upcoming extension bug = 2.0.10 - 4-06-15 = * Added: Support for the display Favicon for child sites feature * Added: Support for upcoming extension * Fixed: Plugin conflicts with WordPress SEO by Yoast and Backupbuddy = - 3-06-15 = * Fixed: Bug where SEO values are not being set for Boilerplate Pages and Posts * Added: Function for removing keywords and Links Manager extension settings * Fixed: Security issue allowing some users to log on to the child site = - 3-05-15 = * Added: Allow Extension to work with IThemes Security Pro = 2.0.9 - 3-01-15 = * Added: Support for the Polish language * Added: Support for the Greek language * Added: Support for the upcoming extension * Fixed: Bug that was causing plugin bulk installation to fail caused by disabled functions (e.g., curl_multi_exec) * Tweaked: Fewer PHP notices = 2.0.8 - 2-11-15 = * Fixed: Not all site references updated after clone * Fixed: Fixed some PHP warnings = - 2-05-15 = * Fixed: Hostgator detection caused issues on some hosts * Fixed: Russian/Arabic not shown properly * Tweak: Heatmap tracker now consumes less memory when uploading the tracked clicks = 2.0.7 - 2-01-15 = * Fixed: Backup issues on Windows-hosts * Fixed: PHP Warning message when cloning * Added: Detect Hostgator-host to enhance settings while backing up = 2.0.6 - 1-14-15 = * Fixed: Uploading tar.bz2 to clone from is no longer blocked * Fixed: Saving heatmap options process * Fixed: Branding extension options - hiding child plugin pages * Added: A new Branding extension option - hiding the child plugin server information page = 2.0.5 - 1-07-15 = * Fixed: Links Manager Extension: Now using the WordPress home option instead of The Site URL for the links = 2.0.4 - 12-26-14 = * Fixed: Backups for hosts having issues with "compress.zlib://" stream wrappers from PHP causing corrupt backup archives * Fixed: "Another backup is running" message displaying incorrectly = 2.0.3 - 12-15-14 = * Fixed: Possible security issue = 2.0.2 - 12-11-14 = * Added: Support hosts with PHP Heap classes * Fixed: JavaScript issue disabling the popup menu on the admin menu = 2.0.1 - 12-10-14 = * Fixed: Restore/Clone from Tar via server upload = 2.0 - 12-09-14 = * Added: Tar GZip as a backup file format * Added: Tar Bzip2 as a backup file format * Added: Tar as a backup file format * Added: Feature to resume unfinished or stalled backups * Added: Feature to detect if backup is already running * Added: New feature for the new Branding extension - Preserve branding option if child site gets disconnected * Fixed: Bug where the Stream plugin update was showing if the plugin was hidden * Fixed: MainWP Child Server Information page layout fixed * Fixed: Restore issue in case the child plugin is hidden with the Branding Extension * Tweak: New feature for the File Uploader extension - wp-content folder auto-detected if renamed * Tweak: Heatmap tracker script disabled by default * Tweak: Updated the Warning message in case the child site is disconnected * Tweak: Updated the Warning message in case the child site is disconnected * Redesign: CSS updated to match the Dashboard style * Redesign: MainWP Child Settings page layout updated * Redesign: MainWP Child Clone/Restore layout updated * Refactor: Added MainWP Child menu added in the WP Admin Menu * Refactor: MainWP Child Settings, MainWP Clone/Restore, and MainWP Child Server Information pages removed from the WP Settings menu and added to MainWP Child = 1.3.3 - 9-21-14 = * Added new hooks for Wordfence Extension * Fixed issue with WooCommerce Extension = 1.3.2 - 9-16-14 = * Fixed Permission denied issue when restoring from a backup on the Dashboard = 1.3.1 = * Fixed Issue with a new post that sometimes returned no child * Fixed Removed duplicate restore link in the Tools section = 1.3 = * Added: Better error reporting on backup fail * Added: Future support for the auto-detection of file descriptors * Added: Support for new Client Report Extension features * Added: Support for new Branding Extension features * Added: Additional Hooks for new Extensions * Fixed: Issue with some hosts not supporting garbage collection functions = 1.2 = * Added Additional tweaks for fewer Backup timeouts * Added A new option to enable more IO instead of memory approach for Backups * Fixed Dropbox error when directory ends with space * Fixed deprecated theme calls * Fixed issues with self-signed SSL certificates * Fixed some user interface issues * Removed incorrect "This site may to connect to your dashboard or may have other issues" when there are SSL warnings = 1.0 = * Added: Communication to Dashboard during backups to locate common backup locations * Added: Communication to Dashboard during backups to locate common cache locations * Added: Communication to Dashboard during backups to locate non-WordPress folders * Added: Communication to Dashboard during backups to locate Zip Archives * Added: Several new subtasks to increase performance and reduce timeouts on Backups * Added: New Hooks for Extensions * Fixed: Restore on Child site not timing out * Additional CSS and Cosmetic Tweaks = 0.29.13 = * Enhancement: Faster backups by using fewer file descriptors = 0.29.12 = * Added: Attempt to overwrite site time limit settings to help prevent timeouts * Added: Attempt to reset site time-out timer at intervals to help prevent timeouts = 0.29.11 = * Changes for an update to Client Reports Extension * Changes for an update to Heat Map Extension * Changes for an update to Maintenance Extension * Fixed verbiage for restore popup = 0.29.10 = * Fixed: Admin not accessible with invalid upload directory * Added new hooks for upcoming extensions = 0.29.9 = * Added new hooks for upcoming extensions = 0.29.8 = * Fix for uploads path outside the conventional path for backups * Added new hooks for upcoming extensions = 0.29.7 = * Server Information page added for troubleshooting * Added server warning messages when minimum requirements not met * Added warning messages when child plugin detects possible conflict plugins * Added new hooks for upcoming extensions = 0.29.6 = * Fixed plugin conflict with Maintenance plugin * Added zip support to database backups = 0.29.5 = * Update for File Uploader Extension * Added new hooks for upcoming extensions = 0.29.4 = * Fixed performance issue with autoloaded options * File Uploader Extension Bug Fix * Added new hooks for upcoming extensions = 0.29.3 = * Added new hooks for upcoming extensions = 0.29.2 = * Fix for ini_set warning when this has been disabled on the host = 0.29.1 = * Backups now use structure tags on child sites too * Small fixes for the maintenance extension = 0.29 = * Added ability to view Child site error logs on MainWP Dashboard * Added ability to view Child site wp-config.php on MainWP Dashboard * Added new Hooks for Branding Extension * Added tweak for Code Snippet Extension = 0.28.4 = * More Extension Hooks to extend Code Snippet functionality = 0.28.3 = * Fixed some issues with the Code Snippets extension = 0.28.2 = * Fixed update conflict with child plugin installed on Dashboard * Fixed some warnings with debugging enabled = 0.28.1 = * Fixed a bug on line 3269 when debug is on = 0.28 = * Hooks added for Code Snippets Extensions = 0.27.2 = * Additional hooks added = 0.27.1 = * Incorrect text fixed * New Text re-coded for translation * Tweaked writable directory checks * Added more hooks for upcoming Extensions = 0.27 = * Code Changes for WP 3.9 Compatibility * Added Select from Server option for larger Backups * Added additional hooks for upcoming Extensions = 0.26 = * Minor fix for heatmap extension = 0.25 = * Fix for premium plugins = 0.24 = * Added support for premium plugins * Fixed the restore functionality disappearing without Clone Extension * Fixed some deprecated calls = 0.23 = * Fixed some deprecated warnings * Fixed issues with the Keyword Links extension = 0.22 = * Added extra functionality for keyword link extension = 0.21 = * Fixed clone issue for some hosts with FTP settings * German translations added * Support for 1.0.0 major version of the main Dashboard = 0.20 = * Fixed the BPS-conflict where plugins were not upgrading = 0.19 = * Fixed issue for upgrading core/themes/plugins without FTP credentials = 0.18 = * Fixed issue for sending correct roles to the main Dashboard * Added teh htaccess file backup (backed up as mainwp-htaccess to prevent restore conflicts) = 0.17 = * Tuned for faster backup * Added extension support for Maintenance extension = 0.16 = * Fixed some plugin conflicts preventing updates to themes/plugins/core = 0.15 = * Fixed issue with mismatching locale on core update = 0.14 = * Fixed redirection issue with wrongly encoded HTTP request = 0.13 = * Added restore function = 0.12 = * Fixed conflict with the main Dashboard on the same site = 0.11 = * Plugin localization * Extra check for readme.html file * Added child server information * Fixed restore issue: not all previous plugins/themes were removed * Fixed backup issue: not all files are being backed up = 0.10 = * Fixed plugin conflict * Fixed backup issue with database names with dashes * Fixed date formatting * Tags are now being saved to new posts * Fixed issue when posting an image with a link = 0.9 = * Fixed delete permanently bug * Fixed plugin conflict = 0.8 = * Fixed issue with Content Extension * Added feature to add sticky posts = 0.7 = * Fixed the message "This site already contains a link" even after reactivating the plugin = 0.6 = * Fixed plugin conflict with WooCommerce plugin for cloning * Fixed backups having double the size = 0.5 = * Fixed issue with importing database with custom foreign key references * Fixed issue with disabled functions from the "Suhosin" extension * Fixed issue with click-heatmap = 0.4 = Fixed cloning issue with a custom prefix = 0.3 = * Fixed issues with cloning (not cloning the correct source if the source was cloned) = 0.2 = * Added unfix option for security issues = 0.1 = * Initial version