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Pressable Hosting Extension for MainWP
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Dennis Dornon

📢 Effortlessly Manage Hosting Tasks with Pressable Extension

As part of our collaboration with Automattic, we previously introduced Jetpack Scan and Jetpack Protect Extensions, and today, I am excited to bring you the “Pressable Extension for MainWP.” This game-changer Extension empowers you to quickly control a wide range of hosting-specific tasks for your Pressable-hosted sites, saving valuable time and effort. While managing multiple websites with MainWP, you no longer need to worry about logging into your Pressable account separately to launch a new website, managing backups, deleting a website, and more. Here’s a quick overview! Read more about the Pressable Extension – Pressable Extension for MainWP This Extension

Pressable Hosting Review
Editorial Team

Pressable: Empowering Businesses with Premium WordPress Hosting

If you manage multiple WordPress websites, you need a hosting service you can rely on. At MainWP, we built our product to make managing multiple WordPress sites as easy as possible. While our product can solve a lot of headaches, one thing we can’t fix is a bad host. Not all managed WordPress hosting plans are the same. If you’ve spent hours trying to troubleshoot why your site is slow or cleaning up after a malware infestation, you know the pain and costs of picking the wrong host. When evaluating different hosting options, one comes out on top. We think

GridPane WordPress Hosting
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using GridPane for Self-Managed WordPress Hosting

GridPane is an easy-to-use and reasonably priced service to self-manage servers. GridPane supports Digital Ocean, Vultr, Linode, Amazon Lightsail, UpCloud, and a custom VPS. GridPane makes it simple to create WordPress sites that are highly performant and optimized for solid WordPress performance. In this example, we use a free core account on GridPane to create and manage a server to host a WordPress site. The free core account will use an NGNIX server stack with server-side caching and Redis object caching. In this example, we used Vultr as a cloud provider and GridPane to manage our server using GridPane. To

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using RunCloud to Host Your Sites using Vultr

Hosting sites can always be hard in knowing which host to use and then how well that host manager or control panel will work. RunCloud is a control panel that you can use on your own servers it works with Vultr, Digital Ocean, UpCloud and Linode to name a few. RunCloud also gives you easy control over your own servers. In this case, we would recommend using RunCloud with Vultr. Unlike say Cloudways where the Vultr server is wrapped into the cost of using Cloudways, RunCloud lets you use your own servers. First, you will need to signup for a

Enable Varnish on a Cloudways Hosted Child Site for WooCommerce
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How to enable Varnish on a Cloudways Hosted Child Site for WooCommerce

Varnish is a fast server-side web application accelerator. A number of Managed WordPress and other hosts already have Varnish installed and make it easy to enable on your child sites. In this example, we are going to show how easy it is using Cloudways for enabling Varnish on your child site (which is using WooCommerce), then for setting the correct rules for Varnish all through an easy-to-use UI. First, login to Cloudways and then select the server which your child site is running on. Apps > Application Settings > General Settings By default, Varnish will not be enabled and you

MainWP & Convesio
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How Well Does Convesio Work for Hosting your MainWP Child Sites

Convesio is one of the newer options for hosting your MainWP Child sites. After you have created your account from an invitation link via email, you should be able to sign into the account. Click on the New Site button, and then select which version of WordPress, PHP version and location. The default for a new site is WordPress 5.1, PHP 7.2 and the location should be the United States. Follow the regular WordPress install screen to create the admin user in the WordPress site. Important Settings The overview will show a wide range of site information. You will be

MainWP on Vultr using Cloudways
MainWP Customization
Sebastian Moran

Why should you run your MainWP dashboard site on Vultr using Cloudways?

Cloudways is a solid option to use for WordPress site hosting. In this example, we are going to use it for hosting a MainWP dashboard site. You want to use a separate server for hosting your MainWP dashboard site, so that the server or servers you are using for your client/customer sites do not have to share resources. Go to login into Cloudways.   From Servers.   The cheapest-priced option is based on only 2GB of RAM.   If you feel like you will need more RAM and server space, then you can go up a plan.   Launch the

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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