MainWP Blog

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How to Hide the Setup Dashboard Widget in WooCommerce

WooCommerce recently added a setup dashboard widget which is loaded in the WooCommerce admin and would display in wp-admin. If you want to remove the extra dashboard widget bloat from displaying for clients then you can easily remove it using a code snippet. Even in the current version of the WooCommerce 5.7.1 the dashboard widget is added extra dashboard widgets in wp-admin. MainWP has a solid and easy-to-use extension for code snippets that you can save and execute code snippets to run on all connected child sites. This would be a good code snippet to have enabled on all child

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Useful Code Snippets for WordPress 5.6

The newest version of WordPress version 5.6 was released on the 8th of December. Some of the new features and changes added in the 5.6 release relate to block patterns in the block editor, a new default theme, application password, better video captioning, and PHP 8.0 support. To disable the application passwords feature in WordPress you can use this code snippet; add_filter( ‘wp_is_application_passwords_available’, ‘__return_false’ ); The reason you might need to disable the application password feature in WordPress is that can be a security risk. You can disable the application passwords feature for specific users as well using this code

Set a Homepage Logout Redirect on Your Sites
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How to Easily Set a Homepage Logout Redirect on Your Child Sites

If you want to create a setup so when a user logs out of a child site, they are redirected to the homepage of the site, one easy-to-use plugin solution is the WP Logout Redirect plugin. After the plugin has been installed and activated on the child site, it has no settings to be changed. An example would be if you used a membership plugin or WooCommerce, then you needed to have a customer or user redirect on logout back to the homepage, and not stay on the existing page. If you need a plugin which has more options for

Useful Code Snippets for WooCommerce
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Useful Code Snippets for WooCommerce

WooCommerce is among the most widely used plugins in WordPress to enable eCommerce on a site. Since WooCommerce has filters, actions, and hooks, that means making site changes using code snippets is easy. Code snippets can easily be added on any connected child site using the MainWP Code Snippets extension. For example, if you do not have Add to Cart redirect enabled, the Continue Shopping link will redirect the customer back to the product that was added when clicked. In most cases, this does not make sense. You can use this code snippet, which will set the Continue Shopping link

remove gutenberg banner
Extension Tutorials
Bogdan Rapaic

How to hide the Gutenberg Banner from your child sites

WordPress 4.9.8 release, scheduled for July 31, 2018, will include a banner inviting website owners to try the new Gutenberg editing experience. This banner shows for all users with the back end access and each user needs to dismiss it individually. Hiding this banner on multiple sites can take you some time, however, MainWP Code Snippets Extension can come handy and save you some time. With the following snippet, you can hide the banner directly from your dashboard and hide it for all users. Code for removing Gutenberg Invite Banner Add the following information to your Code Snippets Extension and then

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
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