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'Twas the night before Christmas - MainWP style
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas – MainWP style

An ode to ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, made specifically for MainWP. The famous poem details a visit from St. Nicholas and published anonymously in 1832 according to Wikipedia. You can find the full, original lyrics here at HuffPost. I remember as a child having the book for the poem with colorful illustrations. I present to you ‘Twas the night before Christmas – MainWP style. ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas ‘Twas the night before Chrismas, when all through the land, Not a website was slowing, not even for a stand, The websites were comfy, updated, and fast, Sure to keep

WordPress wisdom from Gremlins
Sebastian Moran

Life Lessons and WordPress Wisdom from Gremlins

Warning: This post may contain Gremlins. With Christmas around the corner, one of the classic Christmas movies is still Gremlins (1984), a mid-eighties mix of comedy and horror, set with a very Christmas theme. With the film’s mix of Frank Capra and Speilbergisms, the setting is a riff of Bedford Falls from It’s a Wonderful Life, even if it does look like the back-lot of Universal Studios. The film is a classic mix of director Joe Dante’s best work and an amazing soundtrack by the late Jerry Goldsmith. Here are the top five life lessons from Gremlins that apply to

Lessons from Christmas movies
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

Things we can learn from the top Christmas movies of all time

Everyone has their favorite Christmas movie list. So, you know, there are tons of opinions on what the best movies at Christmas are going to be. I’m not going to give you a list, but I am going to give you some lessons we can learn from some of the best Christmas movies (yes Die Hard is a Christmas movie!) It takes all year to get here, but it seems to finish in a flash, there is no time to waste! So, let’s get to it. From a villain to hero One thing we can see in A Christmas Carol

WordPress 12 Days of Christmas
Sebastian Moran

WordPress 12 Days of Christmas

With Christmas only a few days away, now is the time to reflect on the many nuggets of joy that WordPress has sprinkled over our lives. As well as the frustrations and the many, many things that can break on clients site, as well as the things that WordPress core updates can break. On the 1st day of the Christmas, WordPress gave to me – A way to delete the Hello Dolly plugin on client sites, so clients did not activate it by mistake. On the 2nd day of Christmas, WordPress gave to me – Maybe a reason to update WordPress core

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