MainWP Blog

Version Management iThemes Security Pro Plugin
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How to Use “Version Management” in iThemes Security Pro

If you are already using the iThemes Security Pro plugin for site security on any of your Child Sites then you can use a built-in module to control automatic updates on your Child Site(s). The module is called “Version Management” which will give you control over automatic updates for WordPress core, plugins, and themes. The version management comes in handy if the site has a limited stack of installed plugins and includes mostly the static content without a lot of common breaking changes. Version Management in iThemes Security Pro You can find the module from the following admin menu item;

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Why you need to update WooCommerce and WooCommerce Blocks Plugins Now on Your Site

WooCommerce recently found a critical security issue that was reported that affects all versions of WooCommerce from branches 3.3 to 5.5. You may have already noticed an email with the subject line Action required: Critical vulnerability in WooCommerce that went out around 7pm EST. The most current version of WooCommerce is 5.5.1 but patched versions for branches 3.3 up to version 5.5 have also been released. has the ability to push out automatic plugin updates for security reasons so if you were running version 5.4.1 it would have automatically updated to version 5.4.2. Depending on which branch of WooCommerce

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Useful Code Snippets for WordPress 5.8

WordPress 5.8 is on track to be released on the 20th of July and it contains a number of new features. You can test WordPress 5.8 using a beta version on a staging site if you want to get used to the newer version of WordPress that will be released. WordPress finally includes support for the WebP image format in version 5.8. The image quality that WordPress will use will be similar to JPG and PNG image formats which is set as 82%. In order to change the WebP image quality to 90% you can use the following code snippet.

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Useful Code Snippets for WordPress 5.6

The newest version of WordPress version 5.6 was released on the 8th of December. Some of the new features and changes added in the 5.6 release relate to block patterns in the block editor, a new default theme, application password, better video captioning, and PHP 8.0 support. To disable the application passwords feature in WordPress you can use this code snippet; add_filter( ‘wp_is_application_passwords_available’, ‘__return_false’ ); The reason you might need to disable the application password feature in WordPress is that can be a security risk. You can disable the application passwords feature for specific users as well using this code

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How to Easily Find When the Last Time a Plugin was Updated

It can be a pain to find out when the last time any of the installed plugins on your child site were last updated, but you may find yourself needing to. You would normally need to go to the plugin’s page on, then check the last updated section to see when the last time the plugin was updated on Another way to search your installed plugins is to click on the developer tab of the plugin page on, to find previous updates and view the changelog. To assist, there is now a lightweight and easy-to-use plugin called

WordPress 5.0
MainWP How To's
Sebastian Moran

How to make sure your child sites are ready for WordPress 5.0

With the WordPress 5.0 release less than two weeks away from being shipped, the release is going to be pushed back to be later than November 27, 2018. You need to make sure that your child sites have been updated to deal with the new version of WordPress. The major changes being the new default Gutenberg block editor. WordPress 5.0 release data has been pushed back due to certain issues, with issues found in the beta, and release candidate being delayed till 22nd November, to warrant more time for beta testing a major WordPress update. The Gutenberg default block editor

Two New Member Area Features: Your Dashboards and Cron Jobs

We have just added 2 new features to your MainWP Members area, Your Dashboards and Cron Jobs. The “Your Dashboards” feature allows you to disable a MainWP Dashboard from your account without needing to contact support. This is especially helpful to users who want to change where there Dashboard is installed. The “Cron Jobs” feature was created to send a web request via the Members area to your MainWP Dashboard. Some of the features such as backups and updates are triggered via the built in WP-Cron function. The issue that arose is that we suggest you setup MainWP on a

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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