MainWP Blog

MainWP Opens it’s Doors to Third Party Developers

Soon after MainWP had been created, we began to realize just how diverse user needs and requirements can be. While MainWP ships with more features and options than any other WordPress management suite available on the market we do understand there will still be requests for new functionality based on creative niches in each market. As part of our never-ending quest for value and customer satisfaction MainWP’s authors are proud to announce the exciting addition of the MainWP Codex. The Codex and supporting documents are available to any user, and users are encouraged to use the core MainWP functionality to further extend

Use MainWP to Clone Your Template Sites

MainWP provides you the only tool needed to easily clone your WP Template sites in order to grow your network. MainWP is much more than a cloning tool but we are certain that it is the fastest, easiest and the most user friendly cloning process on the market today, so simple a child could use it. With the MainWP cloning feature, you will create an exact copy of the site configuration,  themes, themes settings, plugins, plugin settings, posts, pages, images, videos…pretty much everything on your site. The MainWP Cloning process involves three easy steps; (I assume you are already a MainWP user, who’s

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Privacy laws apply to businesses that collect personal information. Since no personal information is collected by the MainWP plugins, no privacy laws apply to the MainWP plugins. This includes GDPR, UK DPA 2018, PIPEDA, Australia Privacy Act 1988, LGPD, PIPL, and other privacy laws.
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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