Is anyone listening? Adapting to the Changing Landscape of Business in 2024

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Something dawned on me this morning. Actually, I have been thinking about it for quite some time. I wonder if you have noticed it too.

For years, we have used social media to generate work opportunities, often quickly. I do it and you probably do it too.

And it has worked really, really well.

With social media, we can quickly connect with anyone from almost anywhere. I have connections across the globe, the UK, India, Pakistan, Africa, Ireland, Europe, The United States, and even a friend who lives about as far south as you can live in Mexico.

It’s easy to find a founder of a startup from anywhere you are while using a computer and the internet.

But something has changed. Let’s visit what it looks like doing business in 2024.

Social Media is becoming a roadblock. 

Road Closed Signage
Photo by Travis Saylor:

The “organic” reach we used to have on Social Media is almost non-existent. Now, I’m not saying you still can’t make connections and find projects, but simply posting on social media gives very little return on our time investment.

To get more reach, we have to spend some money. After all, we knew that was where it was going, but I think it is here.

If you are like me, you are still dumb scrolling Facebook, thinking somehow you will magically find someone who needs what I sell.

I drop something on social media that I think is pretty valuable (for example, the coming bulk email changes) and not even a blip on the radar.

It is almost as if no one cares. The tree is falling in the Forest, but no one is there to hear it.

These changes have created a major challenge in getting attention. 

Even on Twitter, I’ve noticed less interaction with my tweets, the same tweets I had more interaction with a few years ago. Is anyone listening? Or, have many left social media altogether to get more peace?

Next, there is LinkedIn. LinkedIn seems to get more traction than the others, but that isn’t always the case. While some people do well on LinkedIn (they say so) others dread that platform. Friends tell me as soon as they get on LinkedIn they are getting cold outreaches with immediate calls to actions.

Those who are using social media to get business are often doing so aggressively with the zeal of a door-to-door salesperson. Most of us are trying to get things done and connect with people who might help our business.

Standing out is excruciating.

One Red Chair in Tribune
Photo by Jan van der Wolf:

According to the SBA Office of Advocacy, there were over 33 Million businesses in the United States in 2023. That’s astonishing really. The population in the US is approximately 331 Million. That means there is one business for every 10 people. 

We live in an era where the gig economy is skyrocketing and people are losing jobs from large companies who are cutting costs. One article said that the gig economy would occupy 50% of the workforce by 2027.

The reality is that there is lots and lots of competition for our services. We almost certainly look the same to other businesses.  How do we stand out? That is an article for another time.

There is immense pressure to be different, to do almost anything, to be noticed among the “sea of sameness.” Even so, there is also tremendous pressure to do what others in your industry does failing to stand out.

That’s why existing customers are huge for companies like ours. They help us build connections to others who need our services. It’s like a shortcut in the line at the movies. 

Simply using social media is no longer a shortcut because everyone uses it now. Even companies without websites rely on social media. 

Do you remember when we were living in the age of mass communication? Those who had the budget could use mass communications, such as TV commercials, ads in papers and magazines, and ads on the radio, to stand out. Those who did not have that budget had to find a different way.

Social media has become a new form of mass communications. It’s easy to feel like no one is hearing us.

What to do… 

The wrestler Sting pointing.
Keep fighting. Don’t give up.

So, what is a web care consultant or agency to do? If I knew the answer to that, I would have the most popular training organization for agencies and a lot more money in the bank!

The reality is we are entering a different era, and it is hard to predict what is going to happen. 

I believe some of the things we have done the past 15 years will not work anymore. In time, we will learn what those things are and adjust.

Here are some thoughts for you.

1. Keep going. 

In 2024 I adopted the theme “just keep fighting” and yes, I got that from the World Wrestling Entertainment’s Kevin Owens. I lay it all out in this article

Nothing worth doing happens overnight.

“Nothing worthwhile happens overnight. Every big dream is the culmination of thousands of tiny steps forward.” Julie Zhuo.

I like to quote the late Dusty Rhodes, “Get a dream, hold on to it, and shoot for the sky!”
See the video here.

So keep fighting. Don’t give up.

2. Know your message.

Messaging is an interesting term. In marketing, it talks about your core business message. When we talk about messaging in this context, we are talking about your brand message.  However, pop the word messaging in Google and you get a bunch of results pertaining to SMS messages. Um, nope. 

And messaging is pretty important. According to Unbounce, a study showed it’s more important than design

Messaging affects everything you say about your company. 

“And I’m talking more than just copy. Brand messaging is what guides your copy across all marketing channels and all company departments, including sales, customer service, product – anywhere you’re talking to your existing or prospective customers.” Source: Wynter.

I spent some time talking about messaging back in December 2023, which you can find here.

According to Peep Laja of Wynter,

“The purpose of a business is to make a customer, and you do that through communication.” B2B Messaging Course

And that is messaging, the communication you use to make and maintain a customer. And it filters down into all the copy and content we write for our company.

It is important to realize that messaging is something that evolves in the life of our business.

Make your messaging “clear, concise, and compelling” as my friend Autumn Thompkins would tell me.

Red and White Dart on Darts Board
Photo by Pixabay:

3. Finally, solve a genuine business problem …

Solving a business problem is the best way to ensure you continue to have business. But, I will admit, that’s not always easy to do.

Often, we think we are solving a business problem, but things change regularly. 

Website design used to be something businesses needed, but not as much anymore. With the emergence of templates, AI, as well as closed platforms like Squarespace, people can have a website pretty quickly. 

But, what is the problem businesses need solved? 

In 2023, I gained a new website client because she no longer got support from the agency she was using. Earlier this month, I told her that her domain was going to expire because the domain monitor in my MainWP dashboard had alerted me.

She replied by saying, “Thanks for looking out for me.” The reality is most business owners don’t have time to babysit tech stuff, and they also don’t know how to keep their websites secure either. 

Business owners know they need a website, and usually after some time on a closed platform, they realize they need something with more flexibility. With great flexibility comes greater needs such as security, speed, optimization, and copywriting. 

When they progress in the website world, they need help with problems such as messaging (see above), digital marketing campaigns, email marketing, social media, landing pages, SEO, and more. 

A website is the centerpiece of an entire online marketing model. It creates a foundation and we can help them with that. 

Web Care Consultants are uniquely positioned to help businesses meet these needs. Using tools like MainWP saves you countless hours and creates a home base from which you can operate.

Wrapping it up

There is definitely a change happening in the world of marketing online. What will we see moving forward? I think it remains to be seen how some changes will take place.

Remember, keep going, don’t stop. Be sure to solidify and clarify your business message, and find and solve the genuine business problems.

How do you see 2024 moving forward? Is MainWP a part of your tool stack? 

0 thoughts on “Is anyone listening? Adapting to the Changing Landscape of Business in 2024”

  1. Absolutely excellent work here Todd. Keep going, get your messaging sorted and solve real problems.

    Seems like an industry en-mass built an Ark where we all thought we’d all live, thrive and be safe… but we’ve discovered that the wood we built our social media Ark on wasn’t actually water proof, and now we’re lost in the ocean to make things worse.

    Seems like everyone is in the same boat so to speak so I think your strategy is solid advice.


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