MainWP Blog

Site Health Checker Feature in WordPress 5.2
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Site Health Checker Feature in WordPress 5.2

WordPress 5.2 includes a new, exciting feature which will show the health of your site. This helpful feature is on track for release on May 7th. You can access the site health feature on your site if you are an admin user in wp-admin from; Tools > Site Health The first page will end up running a series of tests on your site. Those test results will be displayed back on the page. The percentage, which shows at the top of the page, might be removed before WordPress 5.2 is released and replaced with a more meaningful display of results.

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using SendWP for Sending Site Email

The single biggest child site issue that you can end up dealing with is why is the site email not being sent. You could use an SMTP plugin and then use SMTP creds to connect. But using a transactional email provider makes it easier in knowing that your child site email will be delivered correctly. The delivery of site email can be a pain to deal with on child sites. If a site is using WooCommerce or a form plugin like Gravity Forms, you want to ensure that form notifications and customer order notifications are being sent out to customers.

Is WordPress Multisite a Waste of Time
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Why Multisite is a Waste of Time

If you use MainWP for managing your child sites, you already have a way to update plugins, themes, and push different code changes to those sites without having to deal with multisite performance issues. Multisite allows many subsites to share common plugins and themes. In addition, all sites will end up sharing the same database and server resources. The downside to sharing database and server resources will be explained later. Multisite only database tables wp_site wp_sitemeta wp_blogs wp_blogmeta – New added in WordPress 5.1 wp_blog_versions wp_signups wp_registration_log Global database tables shared over all subsites wp_users wp_usermeta Whilst each subsite will

WordPress Optimization
MainWP Updates
Sebastian Moran

How we made the MainWP site fast!

Why is the hosting so import? The MainWP site is hosted on Cloudways using Vultr for the infrastructure data center server. Without solid hosting, no matter the amount of site optimization is going to improve being hosted on subpar servers. After hosting, where to start? This is what the MainWP site was loading in GTMetrix results before the site was optimized for performance. Here is what the MainWP site is loading in after the site was optimized. You can not improve the load time performance of the site without having a benchmark to work from. GTmetrix and WebPageTest are both solid options

MainWP Customization
Sebastian Moran

How to use SendGrid on your MainWP dashboard site

SendGrid offers a free plan which provides 40,000 emails a month, which should be more than enough for most MainWP dashboard sites. Using a transactional email provider like SendGrid, SparkPost or SendinBlue. Go to After you have signed up for a free plan you will be in the main app. On your MainWP dashboard site look for SendGrid and install it as a new plugin on the site. Go back to the SendGrid app and then click on Settings > API Key then click on the Create API Key button. Create the API, then on the next screen the

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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