Getting Started with MainWP

For the proper use of the MainWP WordPress management system, it is required to Install & Activate the MainWP Dashboard plugin on a WordPress site (called Dashboard Site) that is going to be used for controlling all other WordPress websites.

After that, you need to Install & Activate the MainWP Child plugin on all your WordPress sites (called Child Sites) that you want to control directly from your Dashboard Site. This acts as a bridge to communicate with the Dashboard site.

Install MainWP Dashboard

1. Go to the WP > Plugins page on your WordPress site that is dedicated to running your MainWP Dashboard

2. Click Add New, and search for “MainWP Dashboard”, install and activate the plugin

3. Or, download MainWP Dashboard and click the Upload Plugin button to upload the downloaded file

4. Click Choose File button, select the file and click the Install Now button

5. Once the plugin is uploaded, click the Activate button to  activate it

After the first activation, MainWP Quick Setup Wizard will be initiated, guiding you through the initial setup process.

Quick Setup Wizard

Step 1: Introduction

Enable Demo Mode with Guided Tours to get Sample Data and get a sneak peek at how MainWP works, or start MainWP Quick Setup Wizard.

Step 2: System

Make sure all system requirements are passed. If any of the system requirements fail to pass, please see this help document before you proceed to the next step.

Click the Continue button

Step 3: Connect First Site

To connect your first Child Site to your MainWP Dashboard, make sure the MainWP Child plugin is installed on the Child Site and then fill in the required fields.

Click the Connect Site button

Step 4: Add Client

Here, you can add your client information, or simply click Continue to skip this step.

Step 5: Monitoring

If you want to use the Basic Uptime and Health monitoring features to check your sites, here you can enable it and set how often to check.

Step 6: Finish

Congratulations! Your MainWP Dashboard is Ready!

Now you can start managing your WordPress sites with ease.

Visit the Site Overview

Go to the Sites > Manage Sites page to start adding more Child Sites to quickly manage them from the MainWP Dashboard.

Free vs. Pro

The Free version is perfect for essential website management, while MainWP Pro, with 33+ Premium Extensions, boosts productivity with advanced features

Looking for something?

Privacy laws apply to businesses that collect personal information. Since no personal information is collected by the MainWP plugins, no privacy laws apply to the MainWP plugins. This includes GDPR, UK DPA 2018, PIPEDA, Australia Privacy Act 1988, LGPD, PIPL, and other privacy laws.
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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