MainWP Blog

February Roundup
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

February Roundup: A Landing Page crash course for FREE and more

In today’s roundup, we take a look at five resources to help boost your business in February. How about learning about landing pages from the Queen of Conversions? Check.  Need help promoting your customers to blog? We got it. Hosting a virtual summit soon? Yup, we have a resource for that too. Are you looking for a new way to monitor plugins and themes? Yup. Do you need to spin up a new WordPress instance for a quick test? We have that too. You’ve come to the right place this week. Bridget Willard recently launched a plugin to help business

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the JetFormBuilder plugin for Creating Site Forms

The block editor has improved since it was first merged into WordPress core back in version 5.0. There are a number of form or block plugins that use the block editor to create a form such as Kadence Blocks. One of the newest form plugins which use the block editor is JetFormFormBuilder. After you have installed and activated the plugin it will add a new menu item. You will now need to create your first form, the form builder will use the block editor. There a huge number of field blocks that can be used in the form that you

WordPress Business
Todd Jones

Fun tools for when you need to squander some time

Sometimes we find ourselves overwhelmed. I know I do. Overwhelmed with the pressures of work and what we need to do. It can be beneficial just to do something for fun, not to be productive. We all have our ways of escape. Maybe we play games, go for a walk, climb mountains, bike across Europe, or watch sports. Those all take time, and we need to take that time. But sometimes we need a shorter break. We need to have fun playing with an app that leaves us unproductive. Today I have a few tools that you might take a

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the Ultimate Dashboard Plugin for Cleaner Client Dashboards

Keeping your client sites’ wp-admin clean from extra admin menu items and dashboard widgets can be a pain to have to clean up. There is an easy to use plugin called Ultimate Dashboard. After you have installed and activated the plugin it will add a new menu; Ultimate Dashboard The Ultimate Dashboard plugin includes a massive number of options from admin menu editor, changing which admin dashboard widgets show or are hidden. You can even white-label the admin to make it look custom. The 3rd party admin dashboard widgets control is included in the pro version of the Ultimate Dashboard

customize your mainwp dashboard
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

The easy way to customize your MainWP Dashboard

Earlier this month, someone in the MainWP Users Facebook Group created a post asking to see member’s MainWP dashboard. Several shared how they made changes to the look of their MainWP dashboard, and I wondered if this was something I could do. Turns out, yes, I could do it. So, I pestered … pinged Keith Crain to give me the lowdown real quick. Keith did a good job helping me discern what I needed to use, the MainWP Custom Dashboard Extension. The extension is included with Pro. Note: The Custom Dashboard Extension is different from the MinWP Code Snippets Extension.

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the FluentSMTP Plugin for Reliable Site Emails

Having reliable site emails is something that can be a major pain to deal with. Luckily there is a new plugin from the makers of FluentCRM and FluentForms. The new plugin is called FluentSMTP and using the plugin will fix the issue of having reliable site emails. After installing and activating the FluentSMTP plugin it will add a new sub-menu item; Settings > FluentSMTP FluentSMTP includes integrations with a wide range of transactional email providers such as SendGrid, Sendinblue, SparkPost, Mailgun, Amazon SES, or Pepipost. The FluentSMTP plugin includes a wide range of features such as email routing and email

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the Kadence Theme and Kadence Blocks Plugin on Your Site

Clean theme options are really useful when you dealing with changing a theme on an existing site or using a clean theme for a new site build for a client. One of the more recent clean themes is Kadence. The free version of the Kadence theme includes a huge range of features, whilst the premium version addon for the Kadence theme expands on those features with even more options. Some of the Kadence Pro addon features include header addon, hooked elements, ultimate menu, fixed elements, header/footer scripts as well as WooCommerce addon. Kadence features can all be controlled using the

Featured Image: WordFest 2021 Info
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

Learning more about WordFest and how you can participate

In today’s article, we will learn more about the upcoming WordFest conference and how you can participate. We will get all the information from Cate DeRosia and Michelle Frechette, volunteers with the Big Orange Heart who is hosting the conference. You can learn more about the conference on the event’s website: Life needed a party. Big Orange Heart, as a mental health and well-being charity for remote workers, has seen the struggles not just in the WordPress community, but across the globe. Cate DeRosia How did the idea for WordFest begin?  Michelle: It started as a conversation in October

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Easy Lazy-loading Plugin Options for Your Sites

Lazy-loading site images are one of the easiest ways to improve the perceived site load times as well as improving the customers’ or users’ experience on the site. WordPress added a lazy-loading feature enabled by default in the 5.5 release. There are a number of solid plugin options for WordPress and those plugins include additional features like image optimization and free CDN integration. Optimole is a plugin and service that we have covered before but it does cover lazy-loading. The Lazy Loader plugin includes a number of lazy loading options for image and video assets on your site. After you

world of wordpress
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

World of WordPress: Is Automattic competing with WordPress consultants and designers?

No doubt, the week’s topic in the WordPress community was the new Website Builder launched by Automattic, aka Reactions came swiftly from people all over the internet., or Automattic, is now competing with small WordPress agencies. Or are they? Much was made about the fact they will build a website and do it for $4900. For some people, the $4900 price tag was welcomed because it gives some kind of minimum price point. Others just felt like Automattic will put WordPress consultants out of work. Sarah Gooding has a nice summary of the reactions, “Initial reactions from the

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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