MainWP Blog

Image Optimization Best Practices
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

WordPress Image Optimization: Best Practices for Faster Web Pages

Images play a pivotal role in enhancing the visual appeal and user experience of any WordPress website. However, if not optimized, they can become the primary reason for slow loading speeds. Slow-loading websites can negatively impact user engagement, SEO rankings, and conversion rates. Hence, optimizing images for faster loading speeds becomes crucial. Let’s delve into how you can efficiently achieve this in WordPress. Choose the Right File Format: There are several image formats available, such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, and WebP. The most common ones are JPEG and PNG. JPEGs are generally suitable for photographs or images with gradients, while

ShortPixel - Remove Data Completely
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How to Remove ShortPixel Image Optimizer Plugin Data on Your WordPress Site

If you’re using the ShortPixel Image Optimizer plugin and want to switch to a different plugin, you should first delete all of the data that ShortPixel is currently using. This will help ensure your new plugin works correctly without conflicting with the old data. To quickly delete all of the ShortPixel data, you will need to be in wp-admin of the site with the ShortPixel plugin still active; Settings > ShortPixel > Tools Original images before optimization are stored in the following folder on your website’s server; wp-content/uploads/shortpixelBackups You can delete the original image backups from the plugin’s settings screen

WebP Image Format - WP Optimize
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How to Convert Site Images to the WebP format in the WP-Optimize Plugin

The WebP image format is commonly supported in most major browsers, and in most cases, the images can be smaller than the original JPG format file. WebP images are about 30% smaller than PNG and JPEG images at equivalent visual quality. WordPress 6.1 introduced the WebP image generation feature. But, if you don’t want to use natively, you can easily disable it using a code snippet and the CDN at the edge, such as Cloudflare or the locally generating plugin version. The WP-Optimize plugin supports converting new and bulk-optimizing existing images in the media library into the WebP image format

Fix Smart Optimization Compression Issue - Imagify WordPress Plugin
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How to Fix the Smart Optimization Compression Issue in Imagify on Your Site

If you use the Imagify plugin for image optimization on your WordPress website. You may have noticed a change to compression levels being offered in the recent 2.0 update Version 2.0 of the Imagify plugin has new default settings for image compression and smart compression. This new default is similar to the ultra mode, and then if the AI detects enough image quality loss, it would be optimized at the aggressive level. The change was meant to make the Imagify plugin setup easier, would result in removing compression level options, and can result in pixelated images since the default is

EWWW Image Optimizer - Constants
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Useful Constants for the EWWW Image Optimizer Plugin

The EWWW Image Optimizer plugin is a commonly used plugin and service for optimizing images on your WordPress website. The plugin includes a large number of constants that can be defined in your site’s wp-config.php file. EWWW Image Optimizer Plugin If you want to enable the native lazy loading in the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin, then you can use this constant; define( ‘EIO_ENABLE_NATIVE_LAZY’, true ); To disable the lazy loader auto-scaler, you can use this constant; define( ‘EIO_LL_AUTOSCALE’, false ); To load the lazysizes.js file in the header rather than the footer, then use this constant; define( ‘EIO_LL_FOOTER’, false );

Image Formats for WordPress
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

What Are the Best Image Formats For Your WordPress Website

Since the beginning, JPEG and PNG are the most commonly used image formats in WordPress but with Version 5.8, WebP images are also supported in the media library. As part of the performance focus for WordPress core, WebP image conversion while uploading images might be coming in the later releases. But… There is a plugin “Performance Lab” by the team behind “WordPress Performance Group” which allows you to enable WebP conversion while uploading JPEG files to your media library. Give it a try to test and measure the difference it brings by converting images to WebP image format. You can

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

How to use the WPVivid Image Optimization Plugin

Keeping your site size down and fast is easy to do with the new plugin from WPVivid which is called WPVivid Image Optimization. After you have installed and activated the plugin it will add a new admin menu item called; WPVivid Imgoptin In order to be able to use the plugin, you will need a create a free account on the WPVivid site in order to get your API key. After you have created your free account you can find your API license key in my account. The free account includes up to 1000 credits per month which you can

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the TwicPics Plugin and Service to Speed up your Child Site

Fast responsive images with automatic image conversion for your site will help the site load time and will help your site performance. There is a new service with a plugin for WordPress called TwicPics. The TwicPics service includes a vast number of features such as image resizing, lazy loading, next-gen image conversion, lossless compression, and a global CDN. After you have installed and activated the plugin it will add a new menu item; TwicPics The next step will be to create an account on TwicPics. Check your email for a couple of emails from TwicPics including one where you will

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the CompressWP Plugin and Service on your child sites

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday coming up very soon one of the easiest ways to improve the front-end load times on your sites is to make sure that all site images have been optimized. There is a pretty recent new service and plugin for WordPress called CompressWP. After you have installed and activated the plugin it will add a new menu called; CompressWP CompressWP will be able to optimize JPG and PNG images which are two of the most popular image formats that exist in your media library. Other image formats will be supported in the future. In order

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the ImageKit Service on your Child Sites For Faster Site Images

If you are looking for an alternative option for being able to serve images in the correct optimized image format for customers then ImageKit is worth checking out. ImageKit includes automatic image optimization, will work with a number of external object storage options such as AWS S3, Digital Ocean Spaces, Google Cloud Storage, and Firebase. ImageKit uses AWS Cloudfront as the built-in global fast CDN for serving out site images. Imagekit will also integrate with a number of CDN providers such as Azure, Fastly, and Google CDN. First, you will need to signup for an ImageKit account on their site.

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