MainWP Blog

Introducing MainWP 4.3
Important Updates
Dennis Dornon

Introducing MainWP 4.3 💪 Intuitive UI & Client Management

We firmly believe there are three main reasons why 600k+ WordPress websites are being managed using MainWP. Open Source & Self-hosted, ensuring your and your clients’ privacy. Support is Make or Break! Innovate, Innovate, Innovate… Earlier this year, we released MainWP 4.2, which highly focused on privacy updates for us, you, and your clients. 💪 Since then, our team has been working on MainWP 4.3, a relatively big release that includes many UI/UX improvements, added features such as client management, fixes, a new and intuitive way of managing plugins, themes, updates, and a lot more. 📢 Today, I am happy

SEOPress for MainWP
Important Updates
Dennis Dornon

🥳 Introducing “SEOPress for MainWP” Extension

Being in the website management business for years, we understand how difficult and time-consuming it is to individually log in to each client’s website and change SEO configurations. Months ago, we received feedback to add SEOPress to our offerings. We spoke to Benjamin Denis of SEOPress; he was incredibly welcoming and excited to build an extension to help our mutual users. 📢 Today, I’m excited to announce the “SEOPress for MainWP” Extension from which you can control the SEOPress settings of all Child Sites directly from the MainWP Dashboard. I’m sure this partnership will enable you to save time and

Atarim & MainWP Partnership Announcement
Important Updates
Dennis Dornon

Introducing Atarim Inside MainWP & Vice Versa

Being an agency, developer, and freelancer, how do you handle the entire process of design changes suggested by your clients? Do you get feedback from clients via emails, WhatsApp, etc., and create a list of tasks that still may have ambiguity? How about adding a tool to your workflow where you can visually collaborate with your clients on their websites by putting post-it note-like requests on the page, which are neatly organized? That’s where Atarim comes in handy! 📢 Today, I’m happy to announce the perfect combination for managing your clients’ websites on both front-end & back-end using Atarim inside

MainWP Year in Review 2021
Dennis Dornon

MainWP Year in Review 2021 | 500k+ Sites, 2k+ Reviews, 97% Positive Support

In 2020, many businesses struggled to survive, so many of us looked around and questions arose of what the world would be like in upcoming years. However, 2021 was also a tough year for businesses to accept the Digital-first reality. According to W3Techs, WordPress now powers more than 65% of the entire Content Management Market Share opening more opportunities for Developers, Freelancers, and Agencies to dive into website management and start offering Website Care Plans. We, at MainWP, are more than happy to help those by taking the hassle of managing hundreds of WordPress websites providing a FREE, open-source, self-hosted,

MainWP Support
MainWP News
Dennis Dornon

MainWP Support Updates

As we go into the final quarter of 2020, I wanted to touch base with the support projects we’ve been working on and testing throughout the year. We’ve worked as a team tweaking our support system to handle better the larger number of users MainWP has gained this year. Many of the projects have been going on in the background as we ran through multiple A/B tests and workflows. Some have been released in plain sight like the new Knowledge Base and others like the MainWP Community we’ve been promoting throughout the year. Today I just want to review some

Welcome Keith Crain
MainWP News
Dennis Dornon

Keith Crain joins the MainWP support staff!

We take support very seriously, and it’s not too often we allow someone new to interact with MainWP users directly. If fact, we take working with MainWP users so seriously that it’s been over three years since we hired our last direct response person, Sanja Tosanovic. Some of you may have already interacted with Keith as we both ran each other through a trial to be sure it was a good fit. Keith’s stats show him handling over 220 responses with 100% resolution, with less than a 1 hour average response time, in just less than a month. Those are

1500 Five Star Reviews
MainWP News
Dennis Dornon

MainWP reaches 1500 5-star reviews on

It’s been just a few short months since we celebrated our fourth anniversary of being a plugin on and today I am excited to announce that the MainWP Dashboard has reached 1500 5 Star Reviews! This number really comes from the strength of everyone in our growing, yet dedicated community. It’s tough to truly visualize that 1500 number when it comes to reviews so I put together a quick unscientific table to better illustrate the point. Let’s see where the MainWP Dashboard falls in with some of the most installed plugins: 5-star Reviews Rank Plugin 5

WordPress Auto Updates
MainWP How To's
Bogdan Rapaic

Not Ready For WordPress 5 But You Still Need Security Updates For The WordPress 4

A few days after the WordPress 5.0 release, the first security update (5.0.1) has been released which resolves vulnerabilities found in all previous versions of WordPress starting with 3.7. These vulnerabilities allow authors to alter metadata and delete files that they weren’t authorized to. Also, authors could create posts of unauthorized post types with specially crafted input which could be used to take over a site… WordPress team strongly suggests updating your sites immediately if you haven’t done so already… If you previously updated your sites to WordPress 5.0, you can easily update to 5.0.1 and you have nothing to worry about, however, what if

MainWP on Cloudways
MainWP News
Dennis Dornon

MainWP Dashboard Added to Cloudways 1-Click Installs

I’m pleased to announce that the MainWP Dashboard has been added to the Cloudways hosting 1-click installs! This addition means you can quickly and easily install your Dashboard on any of Cloudways providers including AWS, Digital Ocean, Google Cloud, Linode, and Vultr. As long time proponents of Cloudways this is truly an exciting time for us and a great opportunity for MainWP users to work with a host that understands the needs of the MainWP community and has created an environment dedicated to it. Customized Support for MainWP Not only that you can select any of the Cloudways providers for

MainWP & Gutenberg
MainWP News
Bogdan Rapaic

WordPress Gutenberg’s impact on Your MainWP Dashboard

As you probably already know, WordPress 5.0 comes with the major change of the Post Editor. Gutenberg block editor is replacing the old Classic Editor that hasn’t had many changes over the years and for the most part, has stayed pretty much the same. MainWP plugin has been tested with WordPress 5.0 over the last few months and we are proud to say that the plugin is fully compatible with the new version of the most popular CMS. The functionality of the MainWP plugin and all of the MainWP Extensions is absolutely not affected by this major number update of the

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Privacy laws apply to businesses that collect personal information. Since no personal information is collected by the MainWP plugins, no privacy laws apply to the MainWP plugins. This includes GDPR, UK DPA 2018, PIPEDA, Australia Privacy Act 1988, LGPD, PIPL, and other privacy laws.
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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