MainWP Database Updater Extension

Centralized Database Updates with MainWP.

MainWP Database Updater Extension

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Take Control of Your Database Updates with MainWP

Keeping your WordPress sites up-to-date is crucial for security and performance, but managing updates across multiple sites can be challenging. This is particularly true for WooCommerce and Elementor plugins, which often require database updates in addition to the usual plugin updates.

MainWP’s Database Updater Extension is designed to simplify this process and save you valuable time. Let’s look at how this extension can streamline your workflow and keep your sites running efficiently.

Why Choose MainWP’s Database Updater?

The Database Updater Extension provides a centralized solution for managing database updates for WooCommerce, Elementor, and Elementor Pro plugins across all your Child sites. Forget about logging into each individual site – manage everything from one convenient Dashboard.

Database Update Management

  1. Identify Updates: After enabling the extension, a new “Database Updates” tab appears under the “Updates” menu. Here, you’ll see which plugins on your Child sites need database updates, along with their current and latest versions.
  2. Bulk Updates: Need to update multiple sites? Simply select the plugins you want to update, and the extension automatically identifies the associated Child sites. You can then deselect any sites you want to exclude and click “Update Selected” to start the process. For even greater efficiency, use the “Update All” button to update databases across all Child sites at once.
  3. Individual Site Updates: For targeted updates, click the arrow next to the relevant plugin to view a list of Child sites requiring updates. Find the specific site you want to update and click “Update Now” to complete the process.

Know when you have a Database Update

MainWP’s Database Updater Extension ensures your WooCommerce and Elementor plugins are always running optimally without the hassle of manual updates. It’s the ideal tool for web developers and agencies looking to save time and maintain control over their WordPress sites.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need additional plugins or APIs for the Database Updater Extension?

No, the extension works smoothly with your existing MainWP setup and the supported plugins (WooCommerce and Elementor). No additional plugins or APIs are required.

Can I update databases for individual Child sites?

Certainly! Click the arrow next to the plugin to see a list of Child sites needing updates, locate the desired site, and click “Update Now.”

Will the extension work with future versions of WooCommerce and Elementor?

The MainWP team is committed to maintaining compatibility with future versions of WooCommerce and Elementor. We regularly release updates to ensure compatibility and introduce new features as needed.

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