New to MainWP? Here’s where to find help

mainwp help

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New to MainWP? Welcome to the family! We are happy you are here.

Now, I know, I know, sometimes getting started with MainWP is like drinking from a firehose. There is so much to learn.

Maybe you are tempted to put it off for a while because some other platforms are already set up, and you just start clicking buttons.

Some have put it off and eventually came back to MainWP.

Yeah, you will have to spend some time learning a bit and bridging the gap, but it is well worth your time.

But, it’s not like you don’t have resources. You do! You have lots of resources.

One of the goals of this article is to introduce you to the many internal resources created by MainWP and its community.

Whether you are a developer looking to add an extension, want to completely customize how your dashboard works, or just a tool that works without customization, there is a place for your skills.

Bookmark this article! You will probably refer back to it time and again. With that in mind, let’s take a look at where to find help if you are new to MainWP.


Official MainWP support pages

Developers page

Looking to code a MainWP extension? This site here is the MainWP Codex. You are in the right place.

MainWP has several 3rd party extensions, and if you want to create one for your plugin, this is the place to go.

The site has information including Tutorials, Actions & Filters, and Code References. It also includes info for the REST API with an Overview, Endpoints, and Responses.

There is a section for additional resources, including an Extension Example. There is also a link to the MainWP Developer’s Community to get more help.


Official Support

If you are in the MainWP Users Facebook Group, you might be tempted to think that it is an official support group. It is not.

The MainWP team hangs out there and often weighs in, but it is not an official support forum.

Ivica Delic runs the group because he is a big fan of MainWP. There is an official MainWP support channel.

Navigate to the MainWP Support page. From there, you have multiple options.

You have a link to the Knowledge Base, a link to contact, and a link to create a Helpdesk Ticket. Additionally, the page links the MainWP community and links to various popular Knowledge Base articles.

This is the best place to start for various errors you are experiencing.

Certainly, you can ask a question in the Facebook group, and you will likely get an answer. Just remember it is not an official MainWP support answer.


Official MainWP community

The MainWP Community forum might be the most unknown resource by MainWP.

This is an official forum by MainWP. The discussions can go deeper, and the team monitors the forum.

Have a question about bugs or releases, want to know how to do something, or have questions about hosting? You can find them all here.

You can also keep up with Feature requests.

By the way, the footer of the MainWP website has many of these links. There is a ton of great information in the footer.


Knowledge Base

One of the best places, perhaps THE best place to start, is the Knowledge Base page. It is filled with how-to content.

The KB page has several of the most used articles listed by category from a navigation bar. Categories include Before Installing MainWP, Fist Steps with MainWP, MainWP User Interface, and First Steps with Extensions.

You also have a search bar to easily search for what you need help doing.

This page is essential for setting up and customizing your MainWP Dashboard.

MainWP Github

The GitHub account is a helpful resource. From there, you can find all of the snippets that the MainWP team has uploaded to make various changes.

MainWP has a snippet extension that allows you to add snippets to your dashboard.

Several MainWP plugins and extensions are also saved in the MainWP GitHub account. MainWP, of course, is open source, so you can take a look at the code as needed.

MainWP articles and resources to use

Here are some links to other internal MainWP articles and resources. No doubt, the articles address things you regularly use with your MainWP setup. For example, you may use client reports on the regular. Below is an article that talks about getting started with reports.

I tackled customizing your MainWP dashboard with a little help from MainWP team member Keith Crain in January. I have a nice purple dashboard now 🙂

All MainWP Extensions (including 3rd party)

Getting started with learning MainWP

Customize your MainWP Dashboard

Getting started with MainWP client reports

Wrapping it up

Do not be nervous about getting started with MainWP! This article provides you with so many official MainWP resources to help you get started.

Of course, there is the MainWP Users Facebook Group. The members there are happy to provide their experience and expertise.

Each month we will provide more MainWP resources that may help you take advantage of the platform.

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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