MainWP Blog

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Why your Plugin Stack is Key

The set of plugins that you pick and use on your child sites is key to how well your site will perform. Taking the time to review the plugins that you use for specific features and functions is key to making sure your site does not run into performance issues or cause performance issues. Always pick well-known plugins for key site features be they free or paid plugins. Check the reviews if the plugin is on as well as the type of issues that show in the support threads. One way to find out which of the active plugins

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the WooFunnels plugin to improve your WooCommerce Store

If your site is using WooCommerce for e-commerce it is worth optimizing the checkout experience for customers. One of the best recent plugins for creating funnels, optimize the checkout, include one-click upsells and automations for WooCommerce and that plugin is WooFunnels. After you have installed and activated the WooFunnels plugin it will display an admin notice to use the setup wizard. If you enable the automations step in the setup wizard then it will install the Autonami plugin. We are going to cover how to create a global checkout funnel. WooFunnels includes templates for each of the checkout steps for

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the JetFormBuilder plugin for Creating Site Forms

The block editor has improved since it was first merged into WordPress core back in version 5.0. There are a number of form or block plugins that use the block editor to create a form such as Kadence Blocks. One of the newest form plugins which use the block editor is JetFormFormBuilder. After you have installed and activated the plugin it will add a new menu item. You will now need to create your first form, the form builder will use the block editor. There a huge number of field blocks that can be used in the form that you

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the Ultimate Dashboard Plugin for Cleaner Client Dashboards

Keeping your client sites’ wp-admin clean from extra admin menu items and dashboard widgets can be a pain to have to clean up. There is an easy to use plugin called Ultimate Dashboard. After you have installed and activated the plugin it will add a new menu; Ultimate Dashboard The Ultimate Dashboard plugin includes a massive number of options from admin menu editor, changing which admin dashboard widgets show or are hidden. You can even white-label the admin to make it look custom. The 3rd party admin dashboard widgets control is included in the pro version of the Ultimate Dashboard

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the FluentSMTP Plugin for Reliable Site Emails

Having reliable site emails is something that can be a major pain to deal with. Luckily there is a new plugin from the makers of FluentCRM and FluentForms. The new plugin is called FluentSMTP and using the plugin will fix the issue of having reliable site emails. After installing and activating the FluentSMTP plugin it will add a new sub-menu item; Settings > FluentSMTP FluentSMTP includes integrations with a wide range of transactional email providers such as SendGrid, Sendinblue, SparkPost, Mailgun, Amazon SES, or Pepipost. The FluentSMTP plugin includes a wide range of features such as email routing and email

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the Kadence Theme and Kadence Blocks Plugin on Your Site

Clean theme options are really useful when you dealing with changing a theme on an existing site or using a clean theme for a new site build for a client. One of the more recent clean themes is Kadence. The free version of the Kadence theme includes a huge range of features, whilst the premium version addon for the Kadence theme expands on those features with even more options. Some of the Kadence Pro addon features include header addon, hooked elements, ultimate menu, fixed elements, header/footer scripts as well as WooCommerce addon. Kadence features can all be controlled using the

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the CompressWP Plugin and Service on your child sites

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday coming up very soon one of the easiest ways to improve the front-end load times on your sites is to make sure that all site images have been optimized. There is a pretty recent new service and plugin for WordPress called CompressWP. After you have installed and activated the plugin it will add a new menu called; CompressWP CompressWP will be able to optimize JPG and PNG images which are two of the most popular image formats that exist in your media library. Other image formats will be supported in the future. In order

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using Plausible Analytics on your Child Sites

If you are looking for a privacy-focused, lightweight, and simple web analytics solution for your child sites, then I would recommend looking at using Plausible Analytics. Plausible Analytics script is only 1KB in size which means it will not slow your site down by having to load a number of scripts on load like a number of other analytics solutions like say Google Analytics. You can sign up for a free 30 day trial that does not require a credit card and then if you decide that Plausible Analytics is the right solution for your site then the pricing starts

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Useful Code Snippets for the ShortPixel Image Optimizer

ShortPixel is a well-used plugin for image optimization on sites. The plugin includes a number of filters and constants. You can hide your ShortPixel API key from the plugin’s settings by defining the API key in a constant in the sites wp-config.php file. Replace out the APIKEY with your actual API key for ShortPixel. define(‘SHORTPIXEL_API_KEY’, ‘APIKEY’); define(‘SHORTPIXEL_HIDE_API_KEY’, true); If you are using the ShortPixel plugin and service on sites which are hosted on FlyWheel then you might run into an error saying that flock (file locking) has been disabled for security reasons by using this constant in your sites wp-config.php

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using the AcyMailing plugin for Sending Email Newsletters

Being able to send reliable newsletters from your site is a complex issue to deal with. There are a number of plugins out there for sending out email newsletters from your site. One of the best options for being able to send email newsletters is the AcyMailing plugin. The AcyMailing plugin adds a clean UI into wp-admin after the plugins have been installed and activated. Go through the configuration settings in AcyMailing to setup the mail settings first. You can use your own SMTP server or an external SMTP server such as Gmail or Elastic Mail. Next, you will need

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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