MainWP Blog

Handy iThemes Security Constants
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Handy iThemes Security Constants

iThemes Security plugin is an easy to use security plugin for your child sites. One of the lesser known things about iThemes Security is that the plugin includes a number of constants, which can be added to your child site’s wp-config.php file to set certain things on or off. MainWP has an amazing code snippets extension, which allows you to set constants from the MainWP Dashboard site. This means that any of these constants for iThemes Security plugin can easily be saved to any connected child sites. If you had issues with emails being sent from iThemes Security plugin, or

Do Not Use the WooCommerce Admin Plugin
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Do Not Use the WooCommerce Admin Plugin on Your Child Site

WooCommerce Admin is a feature plugin for WooCommerce, which uses React and the Gutenberg block editor to improve certain lacking core features, such as reporting and analytics in WooCommerce. Reporting in WooCommerce can be slow, as well as being MySQL resource heavy if you have high order levels on the site, whilst the WooCommerce Admin is a step in the right direction. Though the WooCommerce Admin has been in development for a number of months, the feature plugin is still a beta plugin, and still not suitable for use on a live site. In the most recent release of WooCommerce,

Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Using SendWP for Sending Site Email

The single biggest child site issue that you can end up dealing with is why is the site email not being sent. You could use an SMTP plugin and then use SMTP creds to connect. But using a transactional email provider makes it easier in knowing that your child site email will be delivered correctly. The delivery of site email can be a pain to deal with on child sites. If a site is using WooCommerce or a form plugin like Gravity Forms, you want to ensure that form notifications and customer order notifications are being sent out to customers.

Plugin Feature Updates Gone Wrong
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Plugin Feature Updates Gone Wrong

Two major, well-known WordPress plugins have recently implemented certain changes which have not gone down well with the WordPress community. Jetpack in version 7.1, made a change with Jetpack active when you go to /wp-admin/ Plugins > Add New If a Jetpack module has similar features to the plugin keyword you are searching for, the first result will be the Jetpack module. The Jetpack PR shows the original proof of concept of the plugin suggestion feature. If you already have Jetpack active, then you would use a module which is already available in Jetpack, instead of installing another plugin. The

Social Warfare Plugin Vulnerability
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Social Warfare Plugin Vulnerability Temp Deactivate Now

If you are using the Social Warfare plugin on any child sites (including the pro version of the plugin), deactivate the plugin on any child sites and wait for an update to be released. Wordfence has more about the issue in the plugin, which states that it is a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.  Sucuri also put out a post about the specific issue. Wordfence has updated the original post to include more information about the attack and what exactly was happening. The plugins downloads have been temporarily closed at The only other information about the issue is that

Easy WP SMTP Plugin Vulnerability Update Immediately
Tips & Tricks
Sebastian Moran

Easy WP SMTP Plugin Vulnerability Update Immediately

If you are using the plugin Easy WP SMTP for sending site emails using SMTP, make sure that you update to version Do not delay updating any of your child sites, as using the unfixed version of the plugin gives your child site a high chance of being hacked. For more information about the critical zero-day vulnerability issue in Easy WP SMTP plugin, you can read this post. WPScan also has more information. The hack will take the form of an admin user being created, due to a vulnerability in the older unpatched version of the plugin. The siteurl

Delete Expired Transients
MainWP Customization
Sebastian Moran

Delete expired transients automatically on all of your MainWP connected child sites

What are transients are and why WordPress uses them WordPress uses transients to store data, that can be retrieved short-term from the options database table. But the problem ends up being when different plugins are using transients, but then not deleting that data when it has expired. It can cause performance issues over-time and cause the options database table to group. So ideally you would want to delete expired transients on any of the MainWP Child Sites you manage to improve performance. Delete Expired Transients Log into your MainWP Dashboard site Go to the MainWP > Plugins > Install page Search for Delete

No Scary Content
Todd Jones

WordPress Roundup: No scary content

In this month’s roundup, we are talking content. Specifically, 9 types of content that will fail. Also, we are looking at a list of “massive online publications” that use WordPress for their content platform. It’s October, a time for cooler weather, Halloween, and things scary. Today, we are going to look at ways to not create scary content featuring an article about content that will always fail. In addition, we will look at some massive online publishers and a new plugin for your “coming soon” pages. In this month’s roundup, we are talking content. Specifically, 9 types of content that

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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