MainWP Blog

5 reasons to use MainWP
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

5 reasons to use MainWP to help run your WordPress Web Care Business

Well, hello there. You may be looking at MainWP to manage your websites. Thanks for stopping by! As you look at reasons you might want to get started or even invest in this tool for your business, you may notice that there are tons of features. MainWP has worked hard over the past several years to build collaboration with some of the top tools in the WordPress industry. So, today, I thought I would talk about five reasons to use MainWP in your WordPress Web Care workflow The best tools can be used with MainWP. MainWP calls them extensions. They

Value of a Blog post
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

How long does it take to write a blog post? One that “moves the needle.”

When it comes to writing blog posts, most people want to know three things: 1) How long should it be (how many words)? 2) How often should I post? and 3) How much should I pay? However, the better question you should ask, the one that helps you answer these questions is: How long does it take to write a blog post? Ultimately, business owners want to know how much they have to invest in content marketing. Content marketing is an investment, not an expense. To understand the value of something, there are multiple things to consider. For one, how

WordPress Business
Todd Jones

September Toolbox: Have fun drawing, writing, and singing with these fun tools

It is that time again when we talk about cool tools to add to your toolbox. For the month of September, I wanted to talk about tools that would allow us to do something more fun! Some of these tools will be great for wasting time (cough, cough, me). Ready? Can you Quick Draw? Quick Draw might be my new favorite obsession. Well, it could be too early to say, but I enjoyed it.  You have time to draw an object and the computer guesses what it is. It’s like playing Pictionary like they did in that episode of the

WordPress Business
Todd Jones

2nd Annual WordPress Web Care Consultant Survey coming soon

The second annual WordPress Web Care Consultant Survey will launch soon. The year was 2021, and I felt the need to do something a bit different. But what should I do? Then I got this idea. Or, let me say, an idea I had before returned to me. I had always wanted to do a Web Care Consultant Survey. I was curious about what consultants charged for web care, what types of other services they offered, tech stacks, and much more. I had looked before and, to my knowledge, no one else had done this. After all, at MainWP, we

WordPress roundup
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

WordPress Roundup: Apply to speak, what should we call Gutenberg, and another acquisition

More than once in the past week, I have seen friends refer to this time of year as the “ber” months. We have crossed into September with October, November, and December on its heels and undoubtedly things get a little more hectic. In the United States, that means we will have Fall weather. What season is it in your country? I love the Fall. I love the cooler weather and some of the other holidays we have coming up. So, as we enter September, we look at our September roundup, including a major acquisition (surprise!), a new way to talk

WordPress Business
Todd Jones

August Toolbox: stuff and more

Today, we take a look at a few cool tools that might be useful to your business. In this month’s toolbox, we look at OrganizeWP, SEO Key, WP Wallet and a couple of nice little tools shared by The ProToolbox. Let’s get started, shall we? OrganizeWP your WordPress junk drawer Does WordPress have a “junk drawer” problem? One can conclude that. One problem with the WordPress dashboard is the number of content types in the sidebar, but often, it’s hard to keep track. I am a big picture person. I like to see things at 30K feet and things just

Q&A with Jos Klever
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

Q&A with MainWP user and website care consultant Jos Klever

What is it like to become a MainWP user? We visit with Dutch developer Jos Klever to learn more about him, his business and how he became a MainWP customer. Klever has a background in IT support for about 16 years before he started his own business providing support for his customers starting in 2015. After a short history with ManageWP, Klever jumped over to MainWP and has been using our product for about 7 years. Today we learn more about Jos Klever. How did you get started using WordPress? I’ve been working with websites as long as the internet

August Roundup 2022
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

August Roundup 2022: conferences, messaging, manually installing WordPress and more

In this month’s roundup, we take a look at a some upcoming events, a new platform where you can find more WordPress events, a vulnerability, the importance of messaging in your forms and a couple of new designs. There is a lot to explore, so let’s get started. Shall we? Upcoming conferences Let’s take a look at few of the upcoming conferences and events. Email List Building School Jan Koch of Virtual Mastery Summit is launching an email list building summit in just a few days. The event is free to attend from August 8-12. The event will explore ways

2022 MainWP features
WordPress Business
Todd Jones

2022 MainWP features: Good enough for a crime fighter

The opening story is completely fictional. Do not take this as an accurate account. It is for fun. 🙂 A few months ago, MainWP’s resident support tech, Keith Crain, was monitoring the support tickets when he found a request. The request came from someone who had an email that consisted of Dark Knight and Gotham. Crain thought to himself, “Could it be?” Turns out that the dark caped crusader uses MainWP to manage several sites for his colleagues, a group he called JL.  👀 The Dark hooded knight had a request: Could MainWP launch a dark mode? Crain immediately got

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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