WordPress Plugins with High Memory Usage & How to Increase PHP Memory Limit

Increase PHP Memory Limit - WordPress

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Some WordPress plugins may need more PHP memory. Here are some examples of WordPress plugins that typically require a higher amount of PHP memory than others:

Page builder plugins like Elementor or Beaver Builder can require a lot of PHP memory to render the page content on the front end.

E-commerce plugins like WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads can require a lot of PHP memory to handle the product catalog, cart, and checkout pages.

Backup plugins like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy can require a lot of PHP memory to create backups of your site’s files and database.

Security plugins like Wordfence or iThemes Security can require a lot of PHP memory to scan your site for malware or perform other security-related tasks.

Performance optimization plugins like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache can require a lot of PHP memory to optimize your site’s performance by caching pages and scripts.

Image optimization plugins help optimize your images for the web, improving your site’s speed and performance. This can require a lot of memory, especially if you have a lot of images or if your images are large.

Depending on how the image optimization plugin works, if it offloads to a service to optimize, it can increase the CPU usage on the site’s server.

To increase the PHP memory limit for your WordPress site, follow these steps:

Access your WordPress site’s wp-config.php file by navigating to the root directory of your website using either a file manager application or the file manager provided by your hosting control panel.

You can check if a constant has already been set in the site wp-config.php file. If not, you will need to add the constant for setting the required PHP memory limit.

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');

Change the value of the memory limit to a higher value. For example, if you want to increase the PHP memory limit to 256MB, you can change the line to:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

Save the changes to the wp-config.php file.

Alternatively, you can increase the PHP memory limit through your hosting provider’s control panel or by editing the php.ini file on your server. However, contacting your hosting provider for assistance is recommended if you’re unfamiliar with server administration.

It’s important to note that while these plugins require more PHP memory, the amount of memory needed can vary depending on your site’s specific configuration and usage.

If you’re experiencing memory-related issues with your WordPress site, it’s recommended to check your server’s PHP memory limit and increase it if necessary.

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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