Your Feature Page: Lighting the Fuse on Powerful Social Proof

Your Feature Page: Lighting the Fuse on Powerful Social Proof
Last updated on June 17, 2024 by Todd Jones under WordPress Business
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The other day, I got a sobering email. The person who emailed told me I had no social proof. At least he thought I didn’t. I was taken aback. He said he couldn’t find much about me. He may have been testing me, I don’t know, but I thought, “Hey, I have this Featured page! Did he not see it?”

I created it several years ago after getting featured in some articles and on a few podcasts.

After the email, I realized it could be better. Over time, I added featured articles on the page and the layout has gotten clunky. Also, I don’t have everything on the page.

I took a breath and thought, “What should I do?” When I ask that, usually an article comes out from the question. So I started an outline.

Now, I am set to redo my page and have offered a simple blueprint to help you do a new Featured Page as well. So today, we are going to look at six steps to get you started creating a Featured Page.

If you follow the steps below, not only will you create a new Featured page, but you will light the fuse to powerful social proof for your brand.

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people validate their actions by copying the behavior of others. This term was coined by Robert Cialdini who also authored the seven principles of persuasion.

CXL Blog


Step 1 – collect all your information

This step is simple, but not easy. You have to find all the places you have been featured in an article, podcast or online presentation.

First, Google your name + company name. What do you find? You might be surprised. You may find places you were featured that you forgot about.

Then, you start document or compile all these places you were featured. I created a spreadsheet to help me. Below, there is a link where you can make a copy of my spreadsheet for you to use.

In one column, I document the name of the publication. The next column, the title of the article or podcast, then the link and the type of featured publication. The last column is a for notes to remind me of the topic.

Screenshot of Featured Database
Screenshot of Featured Database

Step 2- Create a page on your website.

Now is when we start to put all this together. Start by creating a page on your website for these places you have been featured.

This page doesn’t have to be a standard landing page that disables the header and navigation menu. The page is, however, there to provide a maximum amount of social proof. 

You may use various formats to layout your featured publications. 

Your “Featured” page will serve more than one purpose. First, it serves as a place where people can find social proof for you or members of your team. Therefore, you will create the best layout to efficiently layout the places you are featured. Another purpose is interested in featuring you in an article or on a show (more on that below).

Screenshot of my Featured Page
Screenshot of my Featured Page. Needs updated.

Step 3 – Collect Testimonials.

The next step is to collect testimonials. Why? Because you are going to add some to your page. The second tab of the spreadsheet has a place to collect those testimonials. I have been the worst at doing this; I admit.

You will probably have testimonials and reviews through Google and Facebook and by email. This spreadsheet is a place you can document them.

Usually, when I work with a company, their testimonials and reviews are everywhere but we have to hunt them to find them. Add them to the Testimonial Database in the spreadsheet for easier access.

Be sure to differentiate between a testimonial and a review in your database. Reviews are hosted on third party platforms and testimonials are provided directly to the company.

Learn how testimonials and reviews are different

You may have far more reviews than testimonials. Only highlight a few reviews on your website with a link to the others. You can also use a widget to display those reviews.

I would recommend adding a few testimonials to your Featured page, especially as it relates to your product or service. Reviews you have can help fill in gaps you may have.

MainWP's page of love -
What Testimonials Look like.

Step 4 – Add some numbers.

Numbers can be very convincing and this is certainly the case with your social proof.

“Customers served, number of invites remaining, etc. A single number can be worth a thousand words. Combine this type of social proof with another. By doing so, you’re saying, ‘Not only have X people bought our product or service, but here’s how much they are loving it.’” 

CXL Blog

Remember, you are using data to help build trust. Focus on a single number per statistic. If you can provide context, that’s even better.

Step 5- Add your press kit.

As I said before, those who may want to feature you or a member of your team may be looking at this page. Certainly, you can have an official page for your press kit and headshot, but you might also include it on your Featured Page. Also, have your founder’s bio and the bio of other team members being featured.

If you already have it elsewhere, simply create a block linking to that place on your website. Make it easily accessible to those looking to feature members of your team.

MainWP Brand Assets Page
MainWP Brand Assets Page
MainWP’s Press kit & Brand Assets

Step 6- Add your info. 

Once you have all of your information gathered together, now it’s time to add it to your page. Be sure to include the places you have been featured, testimonials, and your press kit/headshot section. 

Don’t forget that bio as well. 

Once you have it looking like you want, press publish.

Download the Featured and Testimonials Google Spreadsheet

Wrapping it up

Social proof is powerful and if you are like me, you may lag behind in making sure it’s on your website. It also takes time to get the necessary proof, but we all have to start somewhere.

Start collecting your testimonials and opportunities to be featured in an article or on a podcast. 

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