MainWP Dashboard 4.1.10 and Child 4.1.8 Update

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The 4.1.10 update of the MainWP Dashboard continues where the 4.1.9 update left off, with this update also focusing on usability and cosmetic changes. The cosmetic changes are as follows, for a full rundown, check the changelog.

The MainWP Child update to 4.1.8 consists of mostly bug fixes and a redesign of a notice for a rundown of those changes, check the changelog.

Dashboard Visual Changes

Manage Sites

We removed the Screenshot view and made it into an Experimental Grid view for the Manage Sites page. This gives you two screen views from your Screen Options button, Table and Grid, and the default is your traditional table view.

Grid Options


Sites View Mode is an experimental feature.
In the Grid mode, sites options are limited in comparison to the Table mode.
Grid mode queries servers to capture a screenshot of your Site the same way comments show you a preview of URLs.

Grid View

Groups Page

We redesigned the Groups page from bare metal, and it is now more user-friendly and more efficient since the Dashboard no longer needs to render the sites list for each group.

MainWP Groups


We removed the option to switch sides of the Sidebar from directly in the Sidebar modal and into the Screen Options where it belongs for design consistency.

Old Sidebar

New Sidebar

Single Site Overview Header:

* Added: Remove Site button to the header element on the single Site

Single Site Remove

* Added: A verification before a site is removed

remove confirmation

Single Site Edit

* Added: The Test Connection button to the Site Edit page

Site Edit Test Connection

Extensions Page

* Updated: Moved the Search Extensions field to the Sidebar on the Extensions pages
* Added: Accordion elements to the Sidebar on the Extensions page

Extension Page Changes

Monitoring Screen

* Added: Option to hide unwanted columns to the Monitoring page Screen Options

Monitoring Screen Options


We cleaned up the Settings area to better categorize what option goes on which page. We also added a confirmation modal for the Tool to disconnect all your Child sites at once.

* Updated: Moved ‘Use WP Cron’ and ‘Optimize for shared hosting or big networks’ options to Advanced Settings

advanced-settings* Updated: Moved global column settings to General Settings from Advanced Settings

General Settings



* Added: Restore Info Messages button to the MainWP Tools page to restore dismissed info messages

Restore Info

* Updated: Confirmation modal for the Disconnect Sites button in the MainWP Tools

Tools Confirm Disconnect


As always, I want to thank you for your continued support of MainWP.

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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