Bulletproof Incremental Off-Site WordPress Backups

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MainWP has partnered with BlogVault to bring you bulletproof incremental off-site backups for all your MainWP Child sites at an exclusive discount of 25% off their normal prices.

All you need to do is install the free BlogVault Backup Extension and follow the directions to get started quickly and easily!

Get the BlogVault Extension!

Why is this an Extension? Why can’t you just give us the signup link?

This is an Exclusive discount only for MainWP customers, That is why the signup page is in an Extension and you need at least 1 Child site connected to your Dashboard.

Does this cost anything?

The Extension is free but the BlogVault service does have a monthly cost however with the MainWP BlogVault Extension you get 25% off any of their plans, even the unlimited sites plan!


BlogVault Features:

Backups – BlogVault adopts an incremental approach to backup, restore and migration process. Irrespective of whether we are migrating, backing up, or restoring a site, we only work with what’s changed since the last sync. This saves time and bandwidth. Find out more about how BlogVault’s incremental backup system works.
Auto Restore – The Auto-Restore feature automatically restores the backup to the server in your hour of need, without a need for manual intervention.
Test Restore – Just load the chosen backup version to any of our test servers and you can see it working like a real website.
Migration – Migrating a site is sometimes a necessary task, but one that fills site owners with a certain amount of anxiety. Whether it be moving to a new host or changing your domain, there are always challenges, the most important being downtime.
History – BlogVault maintains a 30 day history of your backups so that you can go back to any of them at any point in time.
Security – BlogVault guarantees 100% safety by storing multiple copies of your backup in a location that is independent of your website. Your backup, which is encrypted, is stored in secure data centers and also on Amazon S3 servers.

Where is the “gotcha”?

First let me assure you there is no “gotcha”, no conspiracy, nothing happening behind closed doors, no money changing hands (we are NOT affiliates) just two businesses working to create a mutually beneficial deal for the client.

Get the BlogVault Extension!

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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