MainWP Blog

MainWP How To's
Dennis Dornon

Speeding Up MainWP for Fun and Efficiency!

Today we’re going to review how to speed up your MainWP Dashboard sync and update functions. Out of the box your MainWP Dashboard comes with default settings setup to not crash shared hosting or poorly setup servers.  However, through your Advanced Options you can speed up your MainWP Dashboard to match the power of your servers. To get started you need to go to your MainWP Dashboard then visit Settings and click on the Advanced Options tab. Once there you will see three options: Cross IP Settings: This tells your Dashboard how fast to hit your child sites on different IPs IP

MainWP How To's
Dennis Dornon

Installing your MainWP Dashboard on a DigitalOcean Droplet

Preface Over on the MainWP User group there was a few mentions on how well a small DigitalOcean Droplet performed with a large number of child sites.  I’ve never used a DigitalOcean droplet so decided to give it a test myself with the MainWP Dashboard on a Droplet and child sites on different non-DigitalOcean servers. Let me start this tutorial with one rather large caveat, if you are not someone who is familiar with servers you will need to read some tutorials to get things up and running properly. Don’t let that scare you! I’m as far from a server person

Remove W3TC
MainWP How To's
Dennis Dornon

How to quickly remove W3 Total Cache using MainWP

W3 Total Cache is one of the more popular caching plugins with over 1 million active installs and there is a current report of high risk explot that has been disclosed: No update on W3 Total Cache SSRF reported over 4 months ago. Fix is basically adding 1 character #responsibledisclosure #wordpress #plugin — Klikki Oy (@klikkioy) September 23, 2016 I’m not a security expert so I’ll send you over to SecuPress for more information on the vulnerability so you can determine if you would like to remove the plugin. As of now the issue still has not been fixed and

self connect
MainWP How To's
Bogdan Rapaic

Add your MainWP Dashboard as a Child

Can I add MainWP Dashboard site as a Child Site? This is a question that I see in MainWP support almost every day and the answer is Yes! There are multiple reasons why you should do this, however, I will focus on one in this article. First, let me guide you through the process of connecting a dashboard to itself. Go to your Dashboard site Go to the WP > Plugins > Add New page Search for MainWP Child Plugin Install it and Activate it just like any other WordPress plugin Next, go to the MainWP > Sites > Add New site

MainWP How To's
Lucy Barret

UX Design Tips for better Conversion Rate Optimization

If you have a website, you have a purpose for it. Goals and aims you wish to achieve through your online portal. For all businesses that have digital presence, this means conversion. By definition, conversion rate is the percentage of people (out of total site visitors) who take a desired action: make a purchase, register on your website, download content, like or follow on social media, subscribe, etc.; pick one or all of them. Any investment in UX design will show up in conversion rate over time. Conversion rate and user experience are inextricably linked. At its very core, UX

Bulletproof Incremental Off-Site WordPress Backups

MainWP has partnered with BlogVault to bring you bulletproof incremental off-site backups for all your MainWP Child sites at an exclusive discount of 25% off their normal prices. All you need to do is install the free BlogVault Backup Extension and follow the directions to get started quickly and easily! Get the BlogVault Extension! Why is this an Extension? Why can’t you just give us the signup link? This is an Exclusive discount only for MainWP customers, That is why the signup page is in an Extension and you need at least 1 Child site connected to your Dashboard. Does

How to use DesktopServer to run your MainWP Dashboard locally

Note: We heard that the DesktopServer is discontinuing soon. We are preparing a knowledge base article to help you run MainWP locally. We will keep you posted, stay tuned! We’ve had numerous support questions asking how to set up the MainWP Dashboard locally and in all honesty we would basically say, it is not something we would recommend you doing if you don’t already know how to set up a local server. The reason for that is that there are so many variables with a local install and not much we can do to offer support to people using them, so

Change Available Updates View

MainWP Plugin allows you to see available updates in two ways: Per Site Per Plugin (theme) On your main Dashboard page in the Right Now widget you can find the dropdown menu to select preferred view.  

How to Set Free Two-Factor Authentication on Your MainWP Dashboard

I noticed another WordPress Management solution charges almost a $100 a year to use their two-factor authentication add-on however since MainWP is a WordPress Plugin you can add two-factor authentication to your MainWP Dashboard for free. In case you haven’t heard of it before, two-factor authentication is a security process in which the user provides two means of identification from separate categories of credentials. This post will go over two separate plugins that integrate WordPress and their two-factor authentication systems. You can try them both and go with the one that works best for you. 1. WP Clef Update 3/6/17:

Use Tokens in your Boilerplate Pages

MainWP Boilerplate Extension allows you to use tokens in your Boilerplate pages and posts. Simply add your token in the title field and the correct value will be set on your child sites. Combination of tokens and custom text will enable you to have custom page title on each of your child sites.      

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Donata Stroink-Skillrud
Donata Stroink-Skillrud
President of Agency Attorneys

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